优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              配对阅读 仔细阅读左栏中五个人物的信息,从右栏中选出适合他们的问题的解决方法,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
              (1) Sam is always asking his parents to take him to the fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and KFC. He also likes to have lots of meat and seafood. As a result, he is getting fatter and fatter.
              (2) Michael thinks doing sports is hard work and will make him feel tired. He prefers to stay at home rather than play sports. He isn't in a good condition these days.
              (3) Mrs. Grant works in an office. She is busy all the time and doesn't have time to go to see a doctor even if she feels a little terrible. These days she doesn't sleep well and she feels dizzy(头昏眼花的) and weak.
              (4) Peter likes to go out for camping. He often goes out by bike without wearing a helmet(头盔). Last Sunday he was hit by a car and he was a little hurt.
              (5) Roy finds a job in a big city after graduating from a university. He works online and doesn't like taking part in any activities with his workmates and neighbors. He finds he can't find any friends to ask for help when he meets problems. A. Be physically active. Try to have 30minutes' activities every day. You can start walking in the park in the morning, or riding a bike in the afternoon. Make sure you choose activities that you enjoy. As a result, you'll be more likely to make them become habits.
              B. Try to communicate with your family often. While you are traveling alone, it is best to make a phone call with your parents at least once a day. You can tell them where you are, what you saw and where you are going. Your parents will feel much better if you do so.
              C. Eat a balanced diet. You might be facing health problems if you don't have a good eating habit. You'd better stay away from junk food, which is bad for your health. Eat more fruit and vegetables full of a variety of vitamins, which is good for your health.
              D. Stay in touch with family and friends. Get to know your neighbors. Take time to take part in the activities around you. You should make more friends to share your happiness and sorrow(伤心事) when you are free.
              E. See your doctor regularly. Remember your doctor is your partner in health care. By having regular cheek-ups, you may be able to prevent diseases before they become serious.
              F. Keep a proper diet. Before you leave home for a feast (宴会), have a small, low-fat snack. This may help to keep you from feeling hungry before eating delicious food. Use a small plate because a large plate will encourage you to have more.
              G. Remember to be safe. You should have safety awareness(意识). Don't put yourself in the situations that are dangerous. Always wear your bike helmet and seat belt. Don't run or walk at night alone.
            • 2.
              31. ______ Overwork is the main reason why so many students feel tired and stressed. Cut down some of the jobs you need to do each day. Leave time for activities that are relaxing and fun.
              32. ______ Getting enough sleep will help you keep your body and mind in the best state. If you stay up late and need to get up early for school the next day. You may not be able to concentrate on the things you need to do.
              33. ______ Don't rush through your meals. Eat less junk food or fast food. Eat healthy food instead.
              34. ______ Some people are optimistic(乐观的),while others not. Choose optimistic people as your friends and spend more time with them and you'll be as happy as them.
              35. ______ Find out the best sides from those that are in your mind. Knowing that you are able to solve problems is a good way to build up your self-confidence.
              A.Eat well.
              B. Learn to relax.
              C. Be calm when facing problems.
              D. Get to know active people.
              E. Get a good night's sleep.
            • 3.
              Judy, Richard, Mark, Victor和Donna都是即将毕业的大学生,现在他们都在找工作,请根据下文所提供的个人情况介绍,从A-E中选出相应的选项完成信息.
              •Judy studies English and she would like to get a job at a middle school and work from Monday to Friday. She wants to become (1) ______ .
              •Richard is good at speaking English. He likes travelling and sports. He would like to work in different places. So he thinks he can work as (2) ______ .
              •Mark is studying medicine(药物). He likes reading books in the library. He would like to work in (3) ______ .
              •Victor does well in computer. He is good at (4) ______ . He is healthy and hardworking. He would like to work in an IT company.
              •Donna is a beautiful young girl. She learns Chinese and English at college(大学). She is good at writing. She wants to work in a foreign company as (5) ______ .

              A. a hospital
              B. the Internet
              C. a guide
              D. a secretary(秘书)
              E. an English teacher
            • 4.
              (1) Why do you join the English Club? A. Sorry, I can't. ______
              (2) What can you do for us? B. It's Helen's. ______
              (3) Can you help us with the work? C. Because I'm good at English. ______
              (4) What songs can Jane sing? D. Some English songs. ______
              (5) Whose house is this? E. We can sing and dance.
            • 5.
              (1) What are you doing? A. She stays at home. ______
              (2) What does Nancy often do on Sunday? B. Yes, I did. ______
              (3) When will they leave for Paris? C. We are watching a match. ______
              (4) Did you enjoy the movie? D. No, I was born in 2003. ______
              (5) Were you born in 2001? E. Next week.
            • 6.
              (1) What did you buy? A. I'd like to buy a Tshirt. ______
              (2) How much is it? B. Andrew. ______
              (3) What can I do for you? C. Two kilos of meat. ______
              (4) Whose camera is this? D. Twenty yuan a kilo. ______
              (5) Who do you want to go with? E. Maybe it's Tom's.
            • 7.
              (1) Are they Russian? A. No, never. ______
              (2) What do they do? B. Because she passed(通过) the exam. ______
              (3) Do they often watch TV at home? C. Yes, they're from Russia. ______
              (4) Why is Emily so happy? D. They're from Japan. ______
              (5) Where are they from? E. They touch noses.
            • 8.
              (1) Are these gloves yours?
              (2) Whose camera is this?
              (3) What day is it today?
              (4) Welcome to our city.
              (5) Are there any pens in the box?

              A. It's Tuesday.
              B. Thank you.
              C. Yes, they are.
              D. No, there aren't.
              E. I think it's Helen's.
            • 9.
              (1) Who was with you to Paris? A. He made a model ship. ______
              (2) When did they arrive here? B. Because they walked a lot. ______
              (3) What did Tom do just now? C. We stayed in Los Angeles. ______
              (4) Why were they so tired? D. Mary. ______
              (5) Where did you stay? E. Last year.
            • 10.
              (1) What did she pick in the forest? A. She lived in the forest. ______
              (2) Where was the food? B. She picked some flowers. ______
              (3) Which bowl did she like? C. The girl was very friendly. ______
              (4) When did you visit China last time? D. The story was about a girl and three bears. ______
              (5) Where was she born? E. She liked the little bowl. ______
              (6) Was her mother at work last weekend? F. Two years ago. ______
              (7) Why did she pick up the bowls? G. Because she was hungry. ______
              (8) What did the story tell? H. Yes, she was. ______
              (9) Where did Goldilocks live? I. She was born in a city. ______
              (10) What was the girl like? J. The food was in the bowl.
