优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              配对阅读 仔细阅读左栏中五个人物的信息,从右栏中选出适合他们的问题的解决方法,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
              (1) Sam is always asking his parents to take him to the fast food restaurants such as McDonald's and KFC. He also likes to have lots of meat and seafood. As a result, he is getting fatter and fatter.
              (2) Michael thinks doing sports is hard work and will make him feel tired. He prefers to stay at home rather than play sports. He isn't in a good condition these days.
              (3) Mrs. Grant works in an office. She is busy all the time and doesn't have time to go to see a doctor even if she feels a little terrible. These days she doesn't sleep well and she feels dizzy(头昏眼花的) and weak.
              (4) Peter likes to go out for camping. He often goes out by bike without wearing a helmet(头盔). Last Sunday he was hit by a car and he was a little hurt.
              (5) Roy finds a job in a big city after graduating from a university. He works online and doesn't like taking part in any activities with his workmates and neighbors. He finds he can't find any friends to ask for help when he meets problems. A. Be physically active. Try to have 30minutes' activities every day. You can start walking in the park in the morning, or riding a bike in the afternoon. Make sure you choose activities that you enjoy. As a result, you'll be more likely to make them become habits.
              B. Try to communicate with your family often. While you are traveling alone, it is best to make a phone call with your parents at least once a day. You can tell them where you are, what you saw and where you are going. Your parents will feel much better if you do so.
              C. Eat a balanced diet. You might be facing health problems if you don't have a good eating habit. You'd better stay away from junk food, which is bad for your health. Eat more fruit and vegetables full of a variety of vitamins, which is good for your health.
              D. Stay in touch with family and friends. Get to know your neighbors. Take time to take part in the activities around you. You should make more friends to share your happiness and sorrow(伤心事) when you are free.
              E. See your doctor regularly. Remember your doctor is your partner in health care. By having regular cheek-ups, you may be able to prevent diseases before they become serious.
              F. Keep a proper diet. Before you leave home for a feast (宴会), have a small, low-fat snack. This may help to keep you from feeling hungry before eating delicious food. Use a small plate because a large plate will encourage you to have more.
              G. Remember to be safe. You should have safety awareness(意识). Don't put yourself in the situations that are dangerous. Always wear your bike helmet and seat belt. Don't run or walk at night alone.
            • 2.
              A.Focus on the future
              B.To give up is to live a meaningless life
              C.Life isn't crystal stair
              D. There is a rainbow after every storm
              E. What if you win
              F. Life won't be the same without you
              The life has been full of challenges and difficulties. Life is not about the smartest person or the strongest person, or even the richest person. However, life is about having the mind in your heart "Never Give Up", even when you feel that giving up is the only choice. The world is waiting on your gifts.
              (16) ______
              You are important to this world and believe it or not, someone is waiting for you to enrich their lives. You are too important to the world to just give up.
              (17) ______
              You many feel that life is challenging you from time to time and you can't take it anymore. You may want to give up right now. But here is a thought, what will happen if you overcome the difficulties?
              (18) ______
              When an Olympic runner is in a race, he or she is focusing on one thing -- the finishing line. You have to focus on the big picture - not just where you are right now. Focus in where you want to be. Make an agreement with your mind and your mouth.
              (19) ______
              One of my favorite poems is called "Crystal Stair" written by Langston Hughes. In that poem, a mother tells her son that life is difficult, you will meet rocks and hard places, but the end is victory to chose who stand their ground and ride the course.
              (20) ______
              Whatever you are facing, you can make it through. There is a rainbow on the other side of your situation. Stay strong, stay focused and never give up.
            • 3.
              1. ______
              No one wins all the time.Learn from the times that you lose.All great champions were once losers at some point.But,they learned.And they kept a positive attitude until they got better.
              2. ______
              Your happiness is up to you.Many people forge!this.Truly successful people choose happiness no matter what their present situations are.
              3. ______
              Chances lie in what you do every day.You do the same work.You eat the same foods.You wear the same clothes.Try a new way.Take a new path.Even talk to someone new.
              4. ______
              Opportunity is everywhere.Even the worst situations have opportunities.Catch the opportunity,and catch the time.That's the secret of success.
              A.Choose to Be Happy            B.Do Something New
              C.Look for the Opportunity         D.Learn from Losing.
            • 4.
              A.Remember the environment
              B.Keep a good memory for your holiday
              C.Travel with your friends
              D.Do some research
              E.Get organized
              F.Help the local population

              Travel Tips for Holidays Abroad
              Everyone loves holiday abroad.They give us the chance to see some sights,have some fun and relax.However,holidays aren't always a great experience.Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday.
              (31) ______
              Have you packed your passport?Your tickets?Every year,thousands of people miss flights because they've forgotten their passport,they arrive at the airport too late,or even go to the wrong airport.
              (32) ______
              How much do you know about the place you are going to visit?Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people.Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends.
              (33) ______
              Try to reduce the pollution you cause.Travel by train if you can.Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train.Of course,it might be impossible to avoid flying,but when you arrive,use buses or trains instead of taxis.
              (34) ______
              You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants.This means that your money will go to local people,rather than to a large international company.
              (35) ______
              You don't want to forget your holiday.Make a scrapbook-a book of memories-about your holiday.You can show it to friends,or just use it to remember all the good times you had!And don't forget the new friends you made on holiday.Did you promise to send them pictures or presents?Don't forget to do it!Then next time you go on holiday,you can visit them again.
            • 5. 56.Happiness is not the same as money.It's a feeling of your heart.When you are poor,you can also say you are very happy.Because you have something else that can't be bought with money. ______
              57.We all like to volunteer our time to help others.Though the volunteer work takes us several hours a week,we feel good about it and we can spend time doing what we love to do. ______
              58.Teenagers have different kinds of dreams,such as being a volunteer or a sportsman or a teacher or a scientist and so on.Some dreams are more realistic,others are not.But many of them are willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. ______
              59.I'm happy and lucky to have such a good helper.My life is full of pleasure.He understands different instructions and many English words.He can help me answer the phone,open or shut doors or carrying things. ______
              60.It was bought by my father as my birthday present last year.Since then,it has always been with me.When I wake up,I turn it on to listen to English.On the bus I can listen to English or songs,I like it very much. ______
              A.A present----Mp3       
              B.An amazing and clever dog
              C.Happiness is a feeling    
              D.Dreams of teenagers
              E.A mobile phone         
              F.Being a volunteer is great
            • 6.
              A.Ozone hole in Antarctic
              B.The disadvantages of watching TV
              C.Recycling,a new solution
              D.Seeing the doctor by email
              (1) In some western countries,doctors can answer more questions from more patients in a short time by using emails.They can fill their patients'illness into the Internet.There are more than 10,000health websites around the world now. ______
              (2) Recycling is a new way to deal with the rubbish.People take out the usable materials and make them into something else.In some cities a new kind of machine is used to help divide the rubbish. ______
              (3) According to the scientists,there is the largest ozone (臭氧) hole over Antarctic.It becomes much bigger than it was in 1998.It's caused by the air pollution on the earth.The scientists say that we have to reduce the number of smoke. ______
              (4) Watching TV for too long is bad.You will sit for a long time without any sports,and you may eat more food.As a result,you will become fatter and fatter.Experts say that advertisements on TV will lead people to buy things that they don't really need. ______
              (5) Where can we probably read the four passages? ______
              A.In a storybook.
              B.In a guidebook.
              C.In an ad.
              D.In a science book.
            • 7.
              (1) What'sthe young man's trouble in the novel?
              (2) Which is even better,the novel or the movie?
              (3) Who starred in the movie?
              (4) What will the two speakers do tonight?
              (5) Who has seen the movie?

              A.The man.
              B.The novel.
              C.The movie.
              D.Prepare for the coming exam.
              E.See a movie.
              F.Tom Cruise.
              G.He joined a bad company and can't leave.
            • 8.
              (1) I'm afraid I can't return the dictionary to you before Thursday.
              (2) Are they coming to help us?
              (3) My clothes are out of style
              (4) Would you please turn on the radio?
              (5) Give my best wishes to your parents,please.

              A.You should buy some new ones.
              B.Good idea.
              C.OK.No problem.
              D.I hope so
              E.Thanks,I will.
              F.Take your time.
            • 9.
              56.Happiness is not the same as money.It's a feeling of your heart.When you are poor,you can also say you are very happy.Because you have something else that can't be bought with money. ______
              57.We all like to volunteer our time to help others.Though the volunteer work takes us several hours a week,we feel good about it and we can spend time doing what we love to do. ______
              58.Teenagers have different kinds of dreams,such as being a volunteer or a sportsman or a teacher or a scientist and so on.Some dreams are more realistic,others are not.But many of them are willing to work hard to achieve their dreams. ______
              59.I'm happy and lucky to have such a good helper.My life is full of pleasure.He understands different instructions and many English words.He can help me answer the phone,open or shut doors or carrying things. ______
              60.It was bought by my father as my birthday present last year.Since then,it has always been with me.When I wake up,I turn it on to listen to English.On the bus I can listen to English or songs,I like it very much. ______
              A.A present----Mp3       
              B.An amazing and clever dog
              C.Happiness is a feeling    
              D.Dreams of teenagers
              E.A mobile phone         
              F.Being a volunteer is great
            • 10.
              配对阅读 左栏是五个人的需求信息,右栏是七本书的介绍.请将这五个人与相应的书配对.
              ______ 66Tom is seventeen years old now.He has dreamed of becoming a successful businessman for quite a long time.He hopes his dream will come true in the future.
              ______ 67John is interested in computer technology.He spends much of his free time on computers.Bill Gates is his hero.He would like to learn from Bill Gates.
              ______ 68Mary often asks herself what she will be in the future.She wants to understand herself and the world around her better.She needs something to help her make a right plan to be successful.
              ______ 69Betty is working on the history of America these days.She tries to find the answer to how the US became what it is today.
              ______ 70Mrs.Green has a teenage daughter.They can't get on well with each other.Mrs.Green is worried but doesn't know what to do.
              A.Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers
              This book is full of advice for parents.This questionandanswer book helps parents understand their children.This book tells you how to communicate with your children.
              B.The Road Ahead
              This book is about technology and technological change,but most of the book is about Bill Gates'teen years.You will learn that he was a normal teenager in high school and not different from you.
              C.Taste of Home
              This is a book about cooking,which offers many homestyle recipes.Plus color photos of every recipe,costsaving menus and healthychoice dishes.
              D.Dave's Way
              This is a fantastic book for teenagers.It contains (包含) countless simple tips on how to be successful in today's business environment.It shows you how to make your dream come true.
              E.The Teenager's Guide to the Real World
              This book tells teenagers how to design their own lives.This book helps teenagers understand what the real world is.It helps them make good decisions about the future.
              F.Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
              This book offers a great introduction about how your brain works based on the most recent scientific research into leftbrain/rightbrain differences.It is a fascinating lesson on how to use different parts of your mind.
              G.The Americans:The Democratic (民主的) Experience
              This book tells many stories about the people who helped build the country.In this book,the writer describes the American history during the past years.
