优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. ---How often do you practice reading English with the help of GoldWave?
              --- ______ a week. I think we must do more practice.
            • 2. It is ______ to finish the work in ten minutes. I think half an hour is OK.
            • 3. Everyone is born with the ability to learn.But whether or not you can do this well ______ your learning habits.
            • 4. His family is ______ and he isn't able to go to senior high school.
            • 5. They built a bridge over the river which went ______ the city.
            • 6. Our math teacher ______ us in everything.
            • 7. Wildfire ______
              There is an animal show for children in London. These animals are special, for they are robotic. Children can learn how bats(蝙蝠)see at night and how the fly(苍蝇)eats and stays on the wall. All of the models are interesting. The show is meaningful and fun.
              An unusual amount of rain hit Peru(秘鲁). It has made about 200,000 people at risk, and killed at least 60 people this year. The Government and aid groups are helping the families who have lost their homes.
              Etna is an active volcano in Italy. Tourists and scientists were watching it when there was an explosion. The explosion happened when the lava(岩浆)met snow. The explosion injured ten people. Six people went to hospital with head injuries.
              In London, a leopard(豹)is staying on the street. It is not real but a machine. It looks like a real animal. When people go near it, it makes noises and moves its face. Leopards are in danger because people destroy their place of living. This project wants to tell people about the problems of the big cats(猫科动物)and ask people to protect them.

              Recently, a big forest fire burned nearly 5 million square meters in Chile. This is the worst fire in the country's history. About 10 people died in the fires, and around 7,000 people lost their homes. Nobody knows what started the fire.
            • 8. Would you like ______ cup of tea?
            • 9. I want to call my aunt I'll ______ her phone number in my address book.
