优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 看到小汽车越来越普遍,你很想知道小汽车是什么时候发明的,你会这样问他人:
            • 2.


              Would ___________________________________________________________

            • 3.

              ①Her phone number is 605-4279.(对数字部分提问)

                  (1)    her   (2)      (3)  ?

              ②cup, what, is , the , color(连词成句)

                 (4)      (5)      (6)      (7)      (8)  ?

              ③That is my sister. (改成复数形式)

                  (9)     (10)   my   (11)  .


                  (12)   this   (13)      (14)  ?


                I’m   (15)    (16)  .

            • 4.


              (1) _________________________________________________________________!


              (2) I wonder____________________________________________________________.


              (3) _____________________________________________________________, Mary?


              (4) __________________________________________________________________.


              (5) ______________________________________________________________, Sarah?
            • 5. Opinions on the Animal Sign---the Year of sheep
              Opinions from superstitions(迷信) Opinions from experts
              "Sheep''stands for weakness and illness. "Sheep"are kind and gentle
              People born in this year live a hard life. People born in this year have a happy and lucky life.
              Young people don't get married or have a baby in the year Many famous people,such as Bill Gates,Li Keqiang,were born in the year.
              Conclusions:Animal signs are not important at all.
              Hard work and some useful skills will lead to a bright future.
              Developing a good personality is necessary.
              As we celebrate the Year of the Sheep,some of you may have heard some superstitions(迷信) about this animal sign.
              It is said that people born in the Year of the Sheep have a difficult life.That's probably because sheep stands for weakness and illness.Therefore,many Chinese people would try to(61) ______ getting married or giving birth during the Year of the Sheep.But is this all really true?
              Of course,it doesn't make sense,according to folklore expert Wang Juan.In ancient China,yang was connected to good(62) ______ and happiness.Today many famous people who were born in the Year of the Sheep live very good life,(63) ______ US Microsoft founder Bill Gates,Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang and singer Gem Tang from Hong Kong.
              What kind of life you will have(64) ______ on many things,such as how hard you study now and the career you want when you grow up.In reality,animal signs are of little(65) ______ .The really important thing for you is to develop a good personality along with your own skills.
            • 6. Every year movies festivals around the world present awards for best director.Some of this festival began ten years ago,and their list of winners for best director are quite long.However,among all the names of winners,it's not easy to find the names of female directors.
              The Cannes Film festival is the first major movie festival to name female director as best director of the year in 1961,A Russian director called Yuliya Solnsteva won at Cannes.Since then,some movies directed by female directors have one Best Picture.But no female directors have one Best Director at Cannes.
              The Best Director award at the Berlin International Film Festival is called the Silver Bear award.Only one woman has succeeded in winning it so far.She was Astrid Henning-Jensen from Denmark.Over her career,she directed more than 20movies and in 1979,she won the Silver Bear for her movie Winterborn.
              It is the most difficult for female directors to win Best Director in the Oscars in the USA.In fact,since the Oscars began in 1929,only four women have ever been nominated for Best Director.The first woman to actually win this award was Kathryn Bigelow for directing The Hurt Locker.She received the award in 2010.
              Over the years,women have directed many wonderful movies.People like them even though they don't win awards.And they make nice films.For example,Nora Ephron directed the great romantic-comedy Sleepless in Seattle and Vicky Jenson directed a wonderful animated movie Shrek.
              Female directors and Best Director(56) ______
              Only a few female directors have won Best Director in movie festivals.

              The Cannes Film Festival
              A director from(57) ______ won Best Director of the year in 1961.But since then,no female director has won the award,although some films directed by female directors have won Best Picture.

              The Berlin International Film Festival
              Astrid Henning-Jensen is the(58) ______ female director who has won the Silver Bear.She directed over 20films throughout her career.

              The Oscars
              Four female directors have won nominations.Kathryn Bigelow is the first to win Best Director.The award was(59) ______ to her in 2010.
              It seems that female directors can hardly win Best Director awards,but they are always liked by people for their nice films.Nora Ephron and Vicky Jenson are two(60) ______
            • 7. Dear John,
              You're only three years old,and at this point in your life you can't read,much less understanding what I'll tell you in this letter.But I've thought a lot about the life that you have ahead of you,and about my role as a dad in trying to prepare you for the difficulties that you'll face.
              I hope to help you along your path by sharing some of the best of what I've learned.As with any advice,take it with a grain of salt.What works for me might not work for you.
              Life can be unkind
              There will be people in your life who won't be very nice.They'll laugh at you or try to hurt you because you're different.There's not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them,and learn to choose friends who are kind to you and who make you feel good about yourself.When you find friends like this,treasure them,spend time with them and love them.
              Be open to life anyway
              Yes,you'll face something that you don't know in your life,but don't move back from life,don't hide or wall yourself off.Be open to new things,new experiences,new people.
              Life isn't a competition
              You will meet many people who won't fall behind you,in school,in college,at work.To them,life is a competition.But here's the secret:life isn't a competition.It's a journey.Learn to enjoy the journey and make it a journey of happiness and success.
              Love should be your rule
              If there's a word you should live your life by,it should be this:love.It might sound out of date,I know,but trust me,there's no better rule in life.Love your loved ones,and your classmates,your co-workers,strangers,even those bad men.The person who is hardest on you,unkind to you…,love him.He is most in need of your love.And most of all,love yourself and learn to love yourself for who you are.
              Finally,know that I love you and always will.You are starting out on an unknown,tiring,scary,but really wonderful journey,and always remember I will be there for you when I can.
              Your Dad
              A father's (56) ______ to his child
              Meanings of life Reasons (57) ______
              Life can be unkind You may meet some (58) ______ people in your life •Learn to deal with them.
              •Choose the right people as your (59) ______
              Be open to life anyway There will be something (60) ______ in your life. •Don't move back from life.
              •Don't hide or wall yourself off.
              •Don't (61) ______ new things,new experiences,new people.
              Life isn't a competition You will meet many people who will try to do (62) ______ than you. •Learn to enjoy the journey
              •Make the journey a happy and(63) ______ one.
              Love should be your rule It's the (64) ______ rule in life. •Love (65) ______ around you.
              •Love yourself
            • 8. Televisions have been necessary in most houses for a long time.Children are very fond of watching TV.Some parents are happy about that because it keeps their children from playing with and breaking things.
              Watching TV can help your children learn about lots of things,such as music,other countries,and many other things.They will learn about what is good and what is bad.TV also provides children with up-to-date information about the outside world.
              However,it's not right to say that watching TV doesn't have any bad effect on children.You can't let them watch TV as much as they want.Watching TV takes a lot of time.Children need to discover the world by themselves,not just from TV.Besides,children are growing and they need to move around and get lots of exercise.Sitting still and watching TV too much will make children become weaker physically.
              Most children like to eat snacks while watching TV.That will make them put on weight.To make it worse,there may be too many ads and violent(暴力的)scenes on TV.These things,of course,are bad for children.
              As parents,you should control the amount of TV that your children watch.You have to choose the right channels for them,and shouldn't let the TV be on all day.Turn it off right after their programmes end.Encourage them to take part in outdoor activities and do more things.Never put a TV in the bedroom,especially in your children's room!
              Children and TV

              Children play with or(51) ______ things less often because of TV.
              TV makes it possible for children to learn about the world and it(52) ______ the latest information for children.

              Children often (53) ______ a lot of time watching TV.
              It's not good for children to discover the world from TV(54) ______ of by themselves.
              Watching TV too much does (55) ______ to children's health.
              Some programmes are(56) ______ for children's mind.

              (57) ______ for paren
              (58) ______ the amount of TV that the children watch and choose the right channels.
              Turn the TV off after their programmers are(59) ______
              Encourage children to take part in more outdoor(60) ______
            • 9. A.How is a day at work?
              B.What is hard about your job?
              C.Why do you love your job?
              D.How much are you usually paid?
              E.What skills do you need to be a trapeze (高空秋千)artist?

              Reporter:(71) ______
              Michael:I perform in the evenings,but luckily I don’t have to get up early.So in the mornings I sleep in,then practise on stage for 45 minutes.I have to do a lot of exercise before each show.
              Reporter:(72) ______
              Michael:Because it’s like a dream of flying.When you do a great performance on the trapeze,it’s an unbelievable feeling.
              Reporter:(73) ______
              Michael:Working at such a high level every day.Sometimes you wake up with a stomachache,but you have to perform.
              Reporter:(74) ______
              Michael:You need to be strong to deal with physical training.You mustn’t be heavy,or your partner can’t catch you easily.You can’t be at all nervous when there are 5000 people watching you.
              Reporter:(75) ______
              Michael:We get paid per show and the amount depends on your contract (合同).Of course,we can get extra money for extra performances.
            • 10.
              themselves surprising lost their lives been used to at a very young age
              Tony:Have you heard of the earthquake in Japan recently?
              Kate:Yes,it was very terrible and lots of buildings came down,but few people
              (51) ______
              Tony:Oh,how (52) ______ !
              Kate:Well,that's because most Japanese know the skills about how to save (53) ______
              in an earthquake.They started to learn those skills (54) ______
              Tony:No wonder.
              Kate:In fact,an earthquake often happens in Japan and they have (55) ______ it.
              Moreover,schools in Japan often hold earthquake drills(演练).
              Tony:I see.It's really necessary for them to do that.
