优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              The bicycle is one of the ___  (1)  ____ yet most useful inventions in the world. The surprising thing is that it was not ____(  (2)  ____ earlier, although the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci(利奥纳多·达·芬奇)had drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things were not produced ___  (3)  ____ long after he died.

                 A person riding a bicycle uses very little energy(能源)to make the bicycle move, and there is no pollution at all when you are riding ,Even so, in developed ____  (4)  ____, most people don't travel to work by bicycle. It is not because the bicycles are expensive or people feel ____  (5)  _____ if they ride to work. It's because ___  (6)  ____ cars on the roads becomes larger. It certainly becomes ___  (7)  ____ to ride a bicycle. As a result, more people put their bicycles away and go to work in their cars and, in this way, the situation(情形) is made worse.  ____  (8)  ____ the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to build road only for bicycles, and to make ____  (9)  ____ so difficult and expensive ____  (10)  ____ drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to using their bicycles.

            • 2.

              Life in the year 3044 is very different__(1)__ life in the 21st century. We still do many of the things you did,but we do them __(2)__.For example,we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just __(3)__ a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost __(4)__ we human beings do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have __(5)__ fun together. She helps me __(6)__ my homework and we often go swimming. She is programmed to take care of me if anything __(7)__,so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me messages,just like old-fashioned e-mail,and I can download information from her memory. It's great __(8)__ an e-friend. I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk __(9)__

              I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044,but I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room.Maybe__(10)__ I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.

            • 3.

              One day, a woman sat next to a man in a park.  (1)  pointed to the boy who was swinging(荡秋千) and said,“What a nice boy!”

              “Yes, he’s a   (2)  boy. He’s my son”. The man said. Then, he  (3)  his watch and called to his son,“Shall we go, Todd?”

              Todd answered,“Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.” The man   (4)  and Todd continued to swing.

              Five   (5)  passed and the father stood and called again to his son.“Time to go now.” Again Todd said,“Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes, please.”

              The man smiled and said,“OK.”

              “You are  (6)  a patient father,” the woman said.

              The man smiled and then said,“My elder son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year  (7)  he was riding bike near here. I never spent   (8)  time with Tommy. I’ve promised that the same mistake can’t happen  (9)  Todd. He wants to have five more minutes to swing. The  (10)  is that I also have five more minutes to watch him.”

            • 4.

              A school boy wanted to ask for two days off(请假), but he only learnt the phrase(短语)" have a day off". He thought and   (1)  , then he had an   (2)  .

              He came to the teacher's office and said," Mother is ill. May I have a day off, sir?" "Of course, you can," replied(回答)the teacher at once.

              The boy walked away. And then he   (3)  turned back and knocked(敲)  (4)  the teacher's door   (5)  , "May I have a day off again?" he said.

              The teacher was very   (6)  . "Didn't you say it   (7)  ?"

              "Yes, sir. But I can't be here the day after tomorrow, either(也)."

              The teacher understood him and could not help laughing(禁不住大笑起来). He said   (8)     (9)  smile, " Why   (10)  you say, 'May I have two days off?' "

            • 5.

              There were no classes last Saturday afternoon. Mary went to a clothing shop near her home. The shop   (1)  many skirts. She looked through them and   (2)  last chose a very nice one. She   (3)   it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it into a bag. At that time her friend Rose came into the shop. They   (4)   so happy to see each other that they   (5)  everything   (6)  . Soon they were busy   (7)    on and on happily.

              It was nearly seven, so they decided to go and   (8)   dinner. Mary took the bag, and walked towards the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Mary to pay for the skirt. Mary looked at him in   (9)  at first, but soon she remembered that she didn’t pay for it. She said sorry, gave him the money and then left the shop   (10)  her friend.

            • 6. The angry woman sat in the station office.“The railway should pay me $12,”she said to Harry,the man who sold the ticket.“My ticket was   (1)   May 22nd,and there was   (2)   train from Jersey that night.My daughter and I had to stay in hotel.It cost me $12.”
              Harry was worried.He remembered   (3)  the woman a return ticket.After he checked the Jersey timetable for May 22nd,he knew she was right.How had he made   (4)   mistake?       (5)   what to do,he smiled at the child.“Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”“Yes.The seashore was   (6)  . And I can swim,   (7)  !
              “That’s fine.”said Harry,“My little girl can’t swim a bit yet,of course,she’s only three.But you swam very well,   (8)  you?
              “I’m four,”the child said proudly.“I’ll soon be four and a half.”
              “We11,”the woman looked at the child,“I mean she hasn’t started school yet.She is only four.”

              “A four-year-old child   (9)   have a ticket,madam.A-child’s return ticket to Jersey costs $13.50.So if the railway pays your hotel bill,you will owe   (10)  $1. 50.The law is the law,but since the mistake was...”Saying nothing,the woman stood up,took the child’s hand and left the office.
            • 7.

              When learning new vocabulary(词汇), don’t just memorize(记忆) a list of words(单词表).  (1)  , try to make five sentences using each new word. Then use the new word as often as you can the first day you learn it. This way you will remember new words   (2)  longer.

              Practicing sounds(语音), you know, is difficult---the“th”sound, for example. Choose words that   (3)  “th”and repeat (重复) them over and over until you are comfortable with them. Let’s try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin….

              Read, read, read in English, of course! Reading is one of   (4)   ways to increase your vocabulary and   (5)  your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be sure to choose topics or books you are interested in.

              When someone   (6)  in English, listen to the main point(要点). If you  (7)  a word you don’t understand, ignore (忽略)  (8)   and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will miss   (9)   the person is saying.

              Always remember practice   (10)   perfect.

            • 8.

              One day, a woman sat next to a man in a park.   (1)   pointed to the boy who was swinging(荡秋千) and said, “What a nice boy!”

              “Yes, he’s a   (2)   boy. He’s my son.” The man said. Then, he   (3)   his watch and called to his son, “Shall we go, Todd?”

              Todd answered, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.” The man   (4)   and Todd continue to swing.

              Five   (5)  passed and the father stood and called again to his son. “Time to go now.” Again Todd said, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes, please.”

              The man smiled and said, “OK.”

              “You are   (6)   a patient father,” the woman said.

              The man smiled and then said, “My elder son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year   (7)    he was riding his bike near here. I never spent   (8)   time with Tommy. I’ve promised that the same mistake can’t happen   (9)   Todd. He wants to have five more minutes to swing. The   (10)   is that I also have five more minutes to watch them.”

            • 9.

              Li Ming was a good school boy before. He   (1)  to do well in all his lessons. All his classmates took   (2)   in him. But these days he turned out to be another Li Ming. He   (3)  asleep in class. He has been late for school three times since last Friday. Yesterday they took an. English test. He failed. But he always got over 130 before. His headteacher, Rose, didn't know   (4)  . So she decided to go to his home and found out the reason. On her   (5)  to his home, she passed by a net bar. To her  (6)  , she saw Li Ming playing computer games excitedly inside. Then she   (7)   what had happened. She went into the net bar and pulled him out. Li Ming was very frightened because she was very   (8)  with him. He didn't know how she would deal with him. She   (9)  beat him nor punished (惩罚) him.   (10)  , she told him playing computer games was bad for his health and study. She also asked him not to lose himself in it. Li Ming promised (答应) to give up computer games and study hard to achieve his dreams.

            • 10. This photo reminded the old man ___ the days when he was young.(  )
