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            • 1.

              (1) What bad weather! I’m afraid the outdoor activity will be __________(取消).

              (2). Peter, can you pass me those new _______ (日历 ),I need to check my schedule.

              (3). —LOTTE MARK in China has been closed by force.

              —Yes, we Chinese are strongly__________ (disagreeing with) THAAD (萨德) to be set in Korea.

              (4). Nobody in my class ________ (to feel that something is not sure) that he can do the job well.

              (5). At last, the bird was set free. It __________ its wings slowly and flew away happily.

            • 2.

                  阅读短文,判断标有题号的每一行划线部分和漏字符号( )处是否看错误。如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个“√”;如有错误(每行只有一个),则按下列情况改正:



              有漏字符号( )处缺一个词:在该行右边横线上写出所缺的词。

                  Mrs. Brown lived in the countryside. She went to London     76________

              visit her daughter. One morning, she had to see a doctor but    77________

              she had a terrible cold. However, she was afraid with the    78________

              long line in the doctor's waiting-room. She thought,

              "If I get there early, and I can see the doctor quickly." So    79________

              she was the first in the long line there. Half an hour after, an    80________

              American came into the waiting-room. He walked quick to   81________

              the doctor's door. Mrs. Brown stood up and took her arm    82________

              at once. She said slowly, "We were both here for a long time    83________

              before you. Why not wait your turn in the line?"    84________

              The American answered, "Oh, madam. I'm no a queue    85________

              jumper(插队者), but the doctor!"

            • 3.


              Maria loved to look at the star. And when


              the night was clearly, she would do that.


              Maria’s father wasn’t pleased with her interest.


              He even gives her a telescope(望远镜)so that she


              could see the stars better. Maria interest in the


              stars grew. She watched the stars more or more


              She spent many time looking at the sky. At half


              past ten in the night of October, 1847, she


              found a new comet(慧星). Soon she was ask


              to wrote books about stars.

