优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              be happy to               cut down                 decorate… with

              agree with                the Zhangs                make…greener

            • 2.

              try on              convenient          something 

              be happy to         in the future         give sb. a discount

            • 3.

              square metre;        have a good view;           plan;

              an important festival;         give sb.a discount

            • 4.

              help oneself , wonder, so that , be good for , try on

              twenty , interest , happy, nearly , invent

              (1) __________to some fruit ,Bruce.

              (2) It’s my cousin’s _________ birthday next week.

              (3) We had many great ________ in ancient China .

              (4) Doing eye exercises ____________your eyes.

              (5) Excellent teachers are usually ________ in teaching methods.

              (6) Have you _________ the new dress? It looks nice.

              (7) Gina won the first prize in the singing competition, so she went home ______.

              (8) The Great Wall of China is one of the ________of the world .

              (9) There are ______100 students in the music club.

              (10) The teacher speaks loudly ___________ every student can hear him clearly.

            • 5.


               Help;   be satisfied with; possible;  include; hero;

               for example;  laugh;  lead to;  take part in; look pretty;                                                                                   

              (1) It’s important to keep a balance between work and rest. Too little rest often _______illness.
              (2) I believe that you _______ if you donˈt wear glasses.
              (3) Superman, Spiderman and Iron Man are all _______ in childrenˈs hearts.
              (4) My uncle has a shop. He is always kind,so the customers_______ his good service.
              (5) Our teachers often tell us that nothing is_______ if we work hard.
              (6) Ten people _______ two babies, were hurt in the crash. What terrible news!
              (7) They _______build many schools in the poor areas so far.
              (8) Many kinds of sports, _______  ,football and basketball,are very popular in the world.
              (9) Last year, three hundred English teachers _______the English Training.
              (10)  Tom and Jerryand Havoc in Heaven are both humorous.I can’t help_______ as I watch them.
            • 6.

               help;   be satisfied with;   possible;    include;   hero;

               for example;  laugh;  lead to;  take part in; look pretty;

              (1) It’s important to keep a balance between work and rest. Too little rest often ________illness.
              (2) I believe that you________ if you donˈt wear glasses.
              (3) Superman, Spiderman and Iron Man are all ________ in childrenˈs hearts.
              (4) My uncle has a shop.He is always kind,so the customers ________  his good service. 
              (5) Our teachers often tell us that nothing is________ if we work hard.
              (6) Ten people ________ two babies, were hurt in the crash. What terrible news!
              (7) They ________  build many schools in the poor areas so far.
              (8) Many kinds of sports, ________,football and basketball,are very popular in the world.
              (9) Last year, three hundred English teachers________the English Training.
              (10)  Tom and Jerryand Havoc in Heaven are both humorous.I can’t help________ as I watch them.
            • 7.

              (is, am, do, get, apples, books, bus, bike, library, bookstore, read, from, what, where)

            • 8.

              how and take most might common primary activities interested together

                 Do you know how to do goose step (正步走)? You   (1)   learn this from military training(军训).

                 Now, in   (2)   places in China, the new school year begins with military training. Schools in other countries also plan interesting military training for students. What do they usually do? Let's   (3)  a look.

                 In South Korea, it is very   (4)   for men between the age of 20 and 30 to be in the army for around two years. Children also take military training in   (5)   school when they are about 7 or 8 years old. They have different kinds of   (6)  . Hiking at night is the most popular one.

                 In the US, it is not necessary for students to take military training. But if children are   (7)  , they can join military camps. In the camp, children do everything by themselves and learn   (8)   to work in a team, that is to say, everyone must help each other and finish things   (9)  

                 In Russia, boys between 15 and 16 need to take a 5-day army training. They walk through mountains   (10)   learn military history. This year, Russia will ask all school children from 14 to 18 to take military training.

            • 9.


            • 10.


              used to,     at high speed,      all year round,    has been dead,    

              search for information,  all his life,   in the centre of,    as fast as I could

