优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. I think the dictionary must ________. It has his name on it.
              A.belong to Nick’s
              B.be Nick
              C.belong to Nick
              D.belong Nick
            • 2.

              --Will you take part in the English writing competition next Monday?

                    --Certainly. Let’s _____it _____ a chance to prove _____.

              A.consider, as, themselves
              B.treat, as, yourselves
              C.regard, as, ourselves
            • 3.

              -Why not get your ears _________? They will be nice.

                -As a student, I'm not _________.

              A.pierce; allowed
              B.pierced; allowing
              C.pierce; allowing
              D.pierced; allowed
            • 4.

              When I was a little child       all the time, my mother     my side.

              A.to cry; stayed by
              B.to cay; stay up
              C.cry; stay up
              D.crying; stayed by
            • 5.

              I’m sorry I didn’t hear you. I was  something else.

              A.thinking of
              B.hearing from
              C.thinking about
              D.hearing of
            • 6.

              Don’t shout at him. He _______.

              A.will do his best
              B.did well in
              C.is good at
              D.did his best
            • 7. ---When will they ______ Beijing Station?  

                    ---About 9 a.m. I’ll ______ there to meet them. 


              A.arrive; get to
              B.arrive in; get to
              C.arrive at; get
              D.arrive at; get to
            • 8. Where_____ your Chinese teacher______ ?
              A.does; come from
              B.is; come from
              C.does; be from
              D.is; comes from
            • 9. Can I _________ the basketball?


              A.have a look
              B.have a look at
              C.looking at
            • 10. The music is great. Do you want to________ it?


              B.listen to
              C.look at
