优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Please help me write down all the ________(慈善组织) names

            • 2.

              Her son is very tired after 12 ______(hour) work.

            • 3.

              John lives in a big family. But he doesn't know all his   ________  /'relətivz/ names.

            • 4.

              Complete the sentences with proper forms of the words given or according to the Chinese meanings.

              (1) ________(Kate) grandparents often takes a walk around the lake in the morning.

              (2) What about____________(practise) swimming this summer vacation?

              (3) It was a great _____________(achieve) for such a young player.

              (4) It often rains ___________(heavy) in this season every year.

              (5) Have you ever read the books __________(write) by Yang Jiang?

            • 5.
              These uniforms were those _________(postman).
            • 6.
              — I really like your bike. Is it expensive?

              — I donˈt know how much it is. Itˈs my ________(uncle).

            • 7.
              Are the bicycles those          ?
            • 8.
              What are you going to buy for your mother on _______ (mother) Day?
            • 9.
              September 10th  is _________(教师) Day.  
            • 10.
              --Do you know your_____________ (neighbour) names?  --Yes, I do.
