优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Hello! I’m name is Lingling. I’m fromChina and I am Chinese. I’m twelve year old. My favourite colours is black and blue. This is my friend ,Betty. She is a American girl.She is at Class 5. She is thirteen years old.She is a nice girl.She can play the basketball.Lingling and I are good friend.This is grandparents. I love them.They like going shoping.Oh,that’s all. Thanks you very much.    

              (1) ________

              (2) ________

              (3) ________

              (4) ________

              (5) ________

              (6) ________

              (7) ________

              (8) ________

              (9) ________

              (10) ________

            • 2.


              (1)There are more than 3000 language in the world today,but only about 6 of them are major languages.___________

              (2)More than 300 million people spoke English as their          ___________

              (3)first or native language. No one know how                  __________

              (4)many people speak them as a foreign language.              _________

              (5)Chinese is a only language with more speakers than English.    __________

              (6)This is because the huge population of Chinese.                __________

              (7)English is the world’s most important language but             __________

              (8)it is the most wide used language. It is the language of international ___________

              (9)business, research and science. More than three fourth of the    __________

              (10)World’s mails are writing in English.                        __________

            • 3.








              When the accident was happened, I was standing near a bus stop. There I saw an old lady waiting a bus with her umbrella. The bus soon arrived. There were too many passengers hurrying to get on it that the old lady couldn’t get on. A driver closed the door without looking careful and drove away. Unluckily, the old lady’s umbrella was caught by the door. He shouted to the driver and he didn’t hear. The bus pulled her along the road. Finally, she fall onto the ground. Several minutes late, the ambulance came and took her to hospital. I thought it was the driver which should be responsible (对…负责)for the accident.

            • 4.

              Twenty years ago, an old man who  is              81__________

              Over 50 years older  went to see his daughter.       82___________

              The daughter was happy to see her mother           83________

              And picked up the phone and said,“Hello,

              Bring me any good food.”A moment later,          84_________

              an beautiful girl brought the food here.              85_________

              What magic the phone is!”the old man           86_________

              said to himself. After a little days, he went           87_________

              back to his home town with the phone.

              He picked the phone as soon as he gets home         88_________

              and said,“Hello, some delicious food, please.”

              Then he waited there. He waited or waited.           89_________

              But nobody brought him something.                90_________

            • 5.


                     I live in the country and my father was a farmer.  He is now forty-five year old. Because of years of hard work, he looks old than his age. When I was young, he use to tell me the importance of study. Father knows little about English and other subject.  But he usually gives me some good advices on how  to learn my lessons good. He is not only kind to me but also very strict to me. With his help, I’ve made great progress. I’ll never forgot what he taught  me. I think my father is a best father in the world.                         

            • 6.


              (1)These is a picture of Alice’s room. (2)Some things is in it. (3)The yellow table and the blue bed are her. (4)Your can see three English books on the table. (5)Where is that under the table? (6)It’s an red telephone. (7)It number is 495-3539. (8)So Alice’s friends can call her on 495-3539. (9)Look, her dog is on bed. (10)The name for her dog is Coco.  



              (3) ______________________________

              (4) ______________________________

              (5) ______________________________



              (8) ______________________________

              (9) ______________________________

              (10) ______________________________

            • 7.







                  Last Saturday after my French course, I decided to drive to the market to buy a meat pie for dinner. As I was heading west, I saw a huge truck in middle of the road. There had been an accident and there were many police officer around. I turned around and decided to go to a nearby mall. However, I missed the road that lead to the mall. Then I saw a restaurant that sold chicken noodles. I went inside and the lady, who was the owner, she served me the most delicious bowl of chicken noodles ever. I had made a unexpected discovery! I'm so glad that I cancelled my plan to go to the market.

            • 8.







                 When I was 8, my uncle sent me a T-shirt as my birthday present. On morning of my birthday, I wore the T-shirt and walked to the market. On the way, some big boys laughed at me. I turned back and run to my home. I asked my mother, “Why did the boys laugh at me?” My mother looked at my T-shirt with a smile but asked, “Are you lonely?” Suddenly, I had realized why the boys were laughing at me. The message on my T-shirts was “I am lonely”. From then on, I started to pay attention to the words on my clothes.

            • 9.








               A new year is coming. I have many new plans for my New Year resolutions. First, I’m going to be top student .Then, I’m going to help my parents do some housework at the home. On my free time , I’m going to read more books or get more knowledge(知识) .Finally ,I’m going to find a good job. I hope I can have a great year.

            • 10.

              I like visiting to different cities. I have traveled to    (1)_________

              many city in China.But my favourite city is Hangzhou.   (2)__________

              Last October, I went to Hangzhou visit my friends.      (3)_________

              I feel very happy when I saw them. The weather was     (4)_________

              great. A sun was in the blue sky but it was not hot.    (5)_________

              The windy was really cool. After lunch, we went out     (6)_________

              and bought a lots of nice things in the big stores in   (7)__________

              Hangzhou. We also went to the beautiful West Lake      

              and take a boat on the lake. How relaxing and exciting. (8)_________

              I am always interesting in taking a boat. We played very (9)________

              happyin Hangzhou.                               (10)________

