优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.





               Jim Green, who is our English teacher, have been in China for more than two year. He has been to

              many interesting place inBeijing, and he has not yet been to many other parts of China. Last week

              he goes toMount Emeiin Sichuan Province with his family. Many people like travel by air, but Jim’s

              family think that travelling by the train is the best. It is much cheap and more enjoyable than a rushed

              trip by air. They had a wonderfully train ride toChengdubefore he went on to Mount Emei by bus.
            • 2.







                    I’m a Chinese girl. My English name is Tina. My first name is Wang. I’m in Class(班级)4, Grade(年级) 2. Kate is English girl. Green is her family name. She is on my class , too. We are good friend. This is her schoolbag. It’s black and white. I have an orange schoolbags. But I can’t find my the schoolbag. Can you help me? Please call me at 5678341.

            • 3.






              My mother has a pair of eye which can speak. Whatever I meet difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and cheer me up. When I began learning to walk, Mom always lend me a hand and encouraged me to stand up when I fell down. As I final threw myself into her arms, her eyes smiled by praise. After I started the school, Mom’s eyes still encouraged myself. When I failed my English exam, Mom helped me find out the reasons instead punishing me. Now I have grown up and become independence. However, I can always see my mother’s encouraged eyes wherever I go.

            • 4.



              This is Linda’s school day. She goes to school on weekday She get up at 7 o’clock in the morning, and washes her hands and face. She gets to school at 8 o’clock She starts work at 9 o’clock. She has three lesson in the morning. His favourite subject is maths. At 12 o’clock, she has lunch in the dining hall, and then She has an break. She works hard in class all days. She plays the basketball  at five o’clock in the afternoon, but then she goes home.  She watches TV for half a hour after supper. Then she starts to do her homeworks. She finishes doing it on half past nine. She went bed before a quarter to ten.

            • 5.

              Dear Li Hua ,

                Here are my plans for learning English in the new term.

                I had a pronounce problem and I plan to listen tapes and read the textbooks every day. I can’t write English well, so I plan to practice write more often. As for listening, sometimes I can’t understand how other are speaking. I plan to improve myself by listening to English news programs and watching English movies.

                With these new English –learning plans, I believe I can make a great progress in the new term.

              (1) __________

              (2) __________

              (3) __________

              (4) __________

              (5) __________
            • 6.







              I’m Bill. I’m 13 year old. I love swimming and I can swim well. I often go the swimming club on Saturday. I usually ride my bike there. I also love to play the chess and I’m good at it. On Sunday, I like to play it for my father at home. I think it is interesting but relaxing.

            • 7.


              I have a twin sister, Kitty. She has long hair than me. But I don't like long   (1)   hair. Many people think we must have lots of thing in common. But this is not  (2)  true.When my parents ’friends come to our home, Kitty often sits there and said   (3)  nothing, but I like to talk with they, so she is quieter than me. Kitty likes   (4)  reading, drawing and cooking. I just like running and playing the basketball.    (5)          She has many hobbies than me, but she is not as strong and active as me. Because  (6)  Kitty do better than me at school, my parents often say to me, “Although Kitty    (7)  is younger than you, you must learns from her. “However, we are the same    (8)   at many ways. For example, we all like eating fast food, going shopping and  (9)  listening pop music.  (10)  

            • 8.

              All over the world, people enjoy sports. Sports 

              are good for people’s healthy. Many people like to           56 __________

              watch others play games. They buys tickets or turn     57__________

              on their TV sets or may be online to watch.           58__________

               Sports change with the season. People play different  59__________

              games in different seasons. Sometimes he play inside   60__________

              the room. Sometimes they play outside. We could play  61__________

              sports here and there. Some sports∧ rather interesting,62_________

              butpeople everywhere like them. Football, for example, 63_________

               is a popular in the world. People from different countries64_________

              cannot understand(理解) each other, or after a game they65________

              often become very friendly to each other.

