优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Good morning! I   (1)  (是)Frank. This is a   (2)  (照片)of my room . Look! The wall(墙)is white.   (3)  (什么)is this on the wall? It's a   (4)  (地图)of England.

              What are those? They’re   (5)  (四本)books, Can you   (6)  (看见) them?What is that on the bed? It is my jacket, It is   (7)  (棕色的), What's that in the jacket? It's a pen. It is black. There is a  (8)  (被子) on the bed ,too. What   (9)  (颜色)is it? Oh, it's blue. I like my room. Do you want to  (10)  (知道)more?

            • 2.

              Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health. People who smoke too much may not live long. Millions of people die from smoking each year.

                Smoking causes many diseases. Those who smoke have bad teeth. A lot of people cough because of smoking. One of the most serious diseases caused by smoking is lung cancer. Many people suffer(遭受……痛苦) from this terrible disease and lose their lives.

                Smoking is bad not only for smokers, but also for non-smokers, especially(尤其) women and children.

                Smoking is not good for your health. I hope all smokers can stop smoking for themselves and also for the people around them. Let’s enjoy clean air together.


            • 3.

                Jack is twenty years old. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten o’clock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After supper, he goes to bed early. His grandma lived downstairs and was satisfied with(满意) him.

              One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to go to his house. And he bought some fruit and drinks for her. They talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future. They talked for a long time.

              “Have a look at your watch, please!” said the girl.“What time is it now?”

              “Sorry, something is wrong with my watch,” said Jack.

              “Where’s yours?”

              I left it at home.”

              Suddenly, Jack began to stamp(踏) his foot on the floor, “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

              The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, “It’s twelve o’clock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?”

            • 4.

              people all over the world, and they sent he letters, too.                          

              As a result, he had some wonderful stamp. People also              

              gave him things from different countries, such like a silk                   

              fan from Japan but a small model ship from Australia.                 

              My father even kept the ticket from his one football match!                 

              It made me to think about looking after my collections.                          

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