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              Zhang Shiyuan, 13, from Shanghai

                 I think robots will replace(代替) accountants(会计). Most accountants deal with numbers at big companies(公司). They must work very carefully. Even a small mistake can cause a big problem. Sometimes, people may get tired and make mistakes. But robots won’t. Using robots means there will be fewer problems.

              Luo Xiaoqi, 13, from Beijing

                 Someday, robots will replace shopping assistants(售货员). Robots use computers and they’re good at arithmetic(算术). The robots assistants calculate(计算) more accurately and more quickly than human assistants. The robot assistants have no feelings. Whatever the people buy, they will always behave(表现) well. The robot assistants can make shopping more enjoyable.

              Zhang Yifei, 14, from Guangzhou

                 I believe the robots are going to replace the workers in the manufacturing industry (制造业). Most workers in a factory do heavy work over and over again. Robots will work on it better and faster than people. I know some factories are already using robots, but I think they will replace humans in the future.
