优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              medical   introduce  careful   far    Canada

              (1) An accident will happen if you drive ________.
              (2) Your ________ should be kept out of the reach of children.
              (3) We continued walking all afternoon. Now I am so tired that I can hardly walk any ________.
              (4) —Who is Alice Munro?

              —She is a ________ writer. She won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature.

              (5) In the ________, he explains why he wrote the book.
            • 2.

              instead of   punish     have a strong will    deal with   pay attention to   no wonder   able     easy protect --- against replace

              (1) Don’t do everything for teenagers. They are wise enough to _____________ their own problems.

              (2) It’s important __________ your skin __________ the harmful effect of the sun.

              (3) We should go to bed early _________________ staying up late.

              (4) She isn’t so clever as anyone else, but she __________________ .

              (5) He is a man of many _____________ .

              (6) ___________ you are tired, you’ve been working for hours.

              (7) People who learn Internet well can find information much ___________ than they can find it in printed forms.

              (8) ________ books ________ by computer in the future?

              (9) Since you ____________your handwriting already, why not write it more carefully?

              (10) It’s no good _____________ him only for that. We should make more kids learn about it.

            • 3.

              (1) They cheer us loudly and we feel____________to win the game than before.

              (2) The car stopped just in time, but the boy_______ his bike and hurt his knee.

              (3) If you like the Beijing Opera, ____________ music or magic shows, you can enjoy them at the teahouse.

              (4) ____________ protect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks.

              (5) Don’t forget to____________ the correct answers next to the mistakes.

              (6) I noticed a man ____________ a young man on his shoulder , and smile politely to him.

              (7) Eating junk food too often is ____________ to your health.

              (8) Cambridge is on the River Cam and____________ about 120,000.

              (9) The small local school __________ five years ago, so they have to go to a farther one.

              (10) Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to____________ people ____________them.

            • 4.

              and  happy  with  bright  unless  difference  we  eye  show  completely  for  understand

              Few people today educate the children about the value of empathy(同情). Most people feel so hard to    66     their love and care towards others.

               When I was a child, I was taught to go out of my way to make someone else       67    . I admit that it wasn’t very easy to do. But as soon as you see the look of thanks in that person’s    68     , you just want to do as much as you can.

              I had an experience       69     a young man whom people were always making fun of. I started introducing him to people around     70      . And I loved the fact that I was really making a      71      in his life.

              We are still really good friends today. People have almost      72     stopped making fun of him. But he is still what he was. What had changed was the attitudes of others towards him.

              From this experience I have  73    that I should be more loving towards other people already. What I did for my friend was so easy,   74     at the same time I had a lot of fun, so I hope that everyone could say a kind word to someone else at least once a day.

              One kind word could make someone’s day   75       . Why not do it from now on?

              (1) __________ 
              (2) __________
              (3) __________
              (4) __________ 
              (5) __________
              (6) __________ 
              (7) __________
              (8) __________
              (9) __________ 
              (10) __________

