优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              The box is too heavy for me.Would you please help me c ______  it?
            • 2.
              -Is this your pen?
              -Yes, ______  you. ______  a lot.(thank;thanks)
            • 3.
              Kung Fu Panda II is a fantastic film and I want to see it.But I can't d ______  when to go.
            • 4.
              Miss Yang is very kind. She always s_________ at us when she talks with us.
            • 5.


              A: Guess what! I just got invited to my teacher’s house for dinner.

              B: Oh, how great!

              A: But what do you do when you’re   (1)   to   (2)   house here?

              B: Well, it’s the custom to bring a small gift.

              A: Really? For example?

              B: Maybe some   (3)   .

              A: What kind of flowers do I   (4)   to buy?

              B: Any kind of is OK.

              A: And can I   (5)   a friend along?

              B: Well, if you want to bring someone, you’re expected to call   (6)   to ask if it’s OK.

              A: I don’t know what to   (7)   .

              B: I think a shirt and tie are OK.

              A:    (8)   everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts ?

              B: Oh, you shouldn’t worry about that.

              A: Thanks very much .

              B: You are welcome. I hope you’ll enjoy yourself.

            • 6.

              A: Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year, Tim?

              B: Yes,  I did.

              A: What are you going to do ?

              B: I am going to   (1)   my   (2)   .

              A: How are you going to do?

              B: I am going to    (3)   an English class on Sunday and   (4)   speaking English as much as possible.

              A: That   (5)   good ! Mine is to   (6)   good grades. I am not good at   (7)   .  My father says math is important.

               B: How will you do that?

              A: I am going to  do more exercise and do my homework every day .

              B: What   (8)  ?

              A: I am also going to ask my teacher for help if I have any problem.

            • 7.
              (1) 我对参观名胜很感兴趣。

              I’m very                            places of interest.

              (2) 他总是主动给那些需要帮助的人提供免费的帮助。

              He always                    help         those people in need.

              (3) 他自己修理坏电脑而不是花钱请别人做。

              He repaired the broken computer                    someone to do it.

              (4) 我们班曾经有45位学生。

                     number        our class      forty-five once.

              (5) 这道菜尝起来和它看起来一样槽糕。

              The dish tastes _______________________________________________.

              (6) 李雷今天为了赶火车起的比平时要早。

              Li Lei _______________________________________________catch the train today.


            • 8.
              (1) 我和妈妈都不喜欢红色,所以选择了蓝色的。

              ______________________________ like red, so we chose the blue one.

              (2) 你最好每天运动一小时,这样你才能通过考试。

              _____________ do exercise for an hour a day and you can pass the exam.

              (3) 同学们都在忙着为考试做准备。

              All the students ______________________preparing for the exams.

              (4) 快点, 该睡觉了。

              Come on. _________________________ go to bed.

              (5) 他年龄太小了,不能自己购物。

              He is ________________________ go shopping by himself.

              (6) 我上周用了两天时间为妈妈选了一件礼物。

              ______________________________ find a present for Mom last week.

              (7) 我一到上海就给你打电话。

              I’ll call you ____________________________________ I arrive in Shanghai.

              (8) 今天下午没课,为什么不出去玩玩呢?

              We don’t have class this afternoon. ____________________ go out to have fun?

              (9) 我的电脑出问题了,你能帮我修一修吗?

              ___________________________ my computer. Can you help me repair it?

              (10) 杰克会和同学们相处得很好。

              Jack will _________________________ his classmates.

              (11) 北京的冬天和纽约一样冷。

              The winter in Beijing is ___________________________ that in New York.

              (12) 你征求老师的意见了吗?

              Did you ___________________________________________________?

              (13) 纽约以其摩天大楼驰名。

              New York _____________________________________ its skyscrapers.

              (14) 她喜好打网球。

              She _________________________________________________________.

              (15) 老师要我们今天把这本书看完。

              The teacher ______________________________________ this book today.

              (16) 我真的认为这不是个好主意。

              I really _____________________________________________________.

              (17) 香山公园是北京最有名的景点(tourist sight)之一。

              Xiangshan Park is ________________________________________ in Beijing.

              (18) 黄河是中国第二长河。

              The Yellow River is _____________________________________ in China.

              (19) 永远不要停止梦想。

              Never __________________________________________________.

              (20) 他过去常常在早上跑步。

              He _____________________________ in the morning.


