优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              ---What is Kate doing in her room?

              ---I guess she’s ____________a book.

              A. seeing               B. watching         
              C. reading
            • 2.

               Hello, my friends! I'm Wang Lei, a Chinese girl. I have   (1)   aunt. She is my mother's sister. And   (2)   name is Wang Pin.

                 My aunt has a clothes store   (3)   boys and girls. The store is near (在……附近) our school. Do you   (4)   any clothes? These days, she sells all the clothes at very good   (5)  _. She has red T-shirts for only 20 yuan. And black T-shirts are only 15 yuan! For girls, she has skirts   (6)   purple for only 50 yuan. For boys, sports shoes are only 60 yuan for a pair.   (7)   are the sucks in her store? Only 10 yuan for two pairs!

                 My aunt likes   (8)  , too. Every day, she plays tennis after work (工作). Do you like to play tennis? After you __  (9)   the clothes in her store, you can play tennis with her!

                 Do you think my aunt and her store are   (10)  _? Come to her store now!

            • 3.

              I checked my purse but had no coins. I always give money to cancer research- I had   lost dear friends and family members to the disease and wanted to do my little part to help find the cure(治疗). 

              “I will bring you some money when I come back,” I (41)the little boy. 

              “Thank you!” he smiled and sneezed.

               I looked at him. If you have ever seen little children who refuse to come out of cold

              water, you know the (42)of his lips. He was frozen. I went into the mall and did my 

              shopping quickly. Now I had(43) to give go him. I also(44) a pair of mittens, blue    ones. The boy stood right where he had(45). 

              “OK, now give me your list, ”I said to the boy and he handed it over with a pen. I looked at the (46) lines. A few signatures were
              ​ there and I could see others had given a few coins too. Nothing much, but at least he had (47) some money. 

              “Do you need to get all these lines(48)?” 

              “Yes. Or no, I don’t have to, (49) I want to.” 

              “In this cold weather? Why would you want that?” 

              “Because my best friend Pete has leukemia(白血病). I want to help him,”he

                said (50). 

              I took the blue mittens out of my bag. 

              “Here I got these for you,” I said and pushed the mittens into his hands. “Please take them. I noticed you had (51)yours at home.” 

              “Thank you! Very kind of you! ” he said and actually bowed. “Now I (52)stand 

              here a lot longer than I thought.” 

              “Well, what do you get for yourself? Will they give you something as a (53)for 

              doing this?” 

              “Oh yes!” the boy said(54). “They sure do!” 

              “What do you get then?” I asked, hoping to (55)he got some nice toys. He was 

              smiling broadly now. “I get a new, empty list!” he smiled. 

            • 4.

               Bryan is having a hard time at school. He doesn't like going there anymore. That's because he is tired of being bullied (欺负). Some  (1)  boys at school are unkind to him. They push him to the ground. They hide his books. They are strong. Bryan is scared of them. When things get really bad, Bryan tells his mother he is sick.

                   "You should stay home and rest," Mom says, "You'll feel better tomorrow. "

                   Then Bryan stays home. He   (2)  television and eats what he wants. He doesn't like lying to his mom, but he thinks this is better than going to school. He'll do almost anything to  (3)   getting bullied.

                  There is somebody who knows about Bryan's problem. "You should tell someone you are getting bullied at school. " says Bryan's best friend, Link. But Bryan is scared . He doesn't want to tell an adult.

                   "That will make things worse, Link," says Bryan, "You don't go to my school. You have no   (4)   how unkind these guys can be. "

                  "You can't keep missing school," says Link, "Your grades will fall. You will be in trouble at home. And besides, you don't want to be stuck in the seventh grade forever, do you?" Link knows that Bryan does not want to hear this. It hurts to tell him. But Link also knows that sometimes the truth   (5)  . It is better to tell Bryan the truth than to be dishonest with him.

                    Bryan thinks. After a while, he thinks that Link is probably right. He will tell his mother about the bullies when

               she gets home from work tonight.

                   Bryan will see what happens.


            • 5.

              On a Friday night, a young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance of the subway station. The music was     36    wonderful that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat. The next day, the violinist came here again. He     37    his hat as usual. Beside the hat there was a piece of paper. It     38    , “George Sang has put something important into my hat by mistake. You are welcome to claim (认领) it.” Soon people went to see   39  guessed who it could be. After a while, a man came up.“ Did you     40    something?” the violinist asked. “A lottery ticket (彩票).” The violinist took out a lottery with George’s     41    on it. “I bought the lottery and won $500,000. I was going to fly to Vienna for my education.     42    , when I found the lottery ticket, I couldn’t find it. When I gave $50 to the violinist     43     his wonderful music last night, the lottery ticket was thrown into his hat, too.”

                 Later, someone asked the violinist     44     he didn’t take the lottery ticket to pay for his higher education. He said, “Although I don’t have much money, I live    45    . But if I had taken the money, I would have lost honesty, and my happiness.”

            • 6.

              It was rainy the whole night. There was a lot of   (1)   on the road. It was the day for the market and Bob, the farmer, was riding his cart(运货马车)along the country road. He had to reach the market early so that he can   (2)   his vegetables. It was very   (3)   for the horses to walk through the deep mud. On his way, the wheels of the horse cart sank into the mud.

              The horses pulled the cart harder and harder but the wheels sank deeper and deeper. Bob  (4)   his cart and stood beside it. Nobody came to   (5)   him. He didn’t do anything but complained about his bad luck for what happened. Looking up at the sky, he shouted, "I am so  (6)  ! Could someone come to help me? "

              Bob   (7)   for a long time, and then a man came. He asked Bob, "Nobody will help you unless you try to help yourself. Did you try to get the   (8)   out of the hole by yourself? Come on, pull the wheels and you will soon find the way out. "

              Bob started to do what the man said. After a few minutes, the wheels were out of the   (9)  . Bob learnt his lesson. He thanked the man and carried on his journey   (10)  . God helps those who help themselves.

            • 7.


              Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious  (1)  in communicating with people.  One always had to guess what he was saying.  (2)  , most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always  (3)  I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by  (4)  him several times a day to wash his hands.  But he just could not understand.

                  One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc.  (5)  saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom.  Slowly, Miss West washed his  (6)  and told him that he should keep himself clean.  She did that every day for one month,  (7)  , Marc understood.

                  Miss West’s love has given me a good example to follow when I am doing my job.  I always remember to teach my students by showing them the right  (8)  to do things.  And the most important of all, I always remember to give them more time to learn and to grow up.

            • 8.

              We are learning English, not learning about English. A student can ___11___ all about English, but he ___12___not be able to speak English. There is a ___13___ between “learning English” and “learning about English”. If you want to learn it well, please ___14___the following things. ___15___, learn the expressions(表达) by heart. Learn the ___16___sentence, not single words. At the same time, don’t ___17___ about mistakes. It is important ___18___ a good habit from the very first lesson. Just try to say ___19___you want to say and don’t care if people laugh at you. Keep on trying and you’ll make ___20___ mistakes.

