优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              us    healthy      know    correct    decide 

              tell  rather than  in danger   make    fifty

            • 2.

            • 3.

              prepare for, advise, go on, find out, too

              (1) —I have difficulty remembering so many words.

              —Just ________________________. You'll soon get used to remembering them.

              (2) She's going online ________________________ the time of her flight to land in New York.
              (3) You'll have two days off to ________________________ your trip.
              (4) It's ________________________ noisy for us to fall asleep at night.
              (5) What did your teacher ________________________ you to do during the vacation?
            • 4.

              as long as possible, hope for, throw away, be harmful to, find out

              (1) Reading in the sun ________________________ our eyes.
              (2) We all ________________________ a healthy environment.
              (3) Don't ________________________ the waste that can be recycled.
              (4) We should use things ________________________.
              (5) The twins look the same and we can't ________________________ the differences between them.
            • 5.

              hot     past   spread    he    twenty    

              warm  memory  who   direct    polite 

            • 6.


            • 7.

              need    interesting   soccer ball  favorite   boring    think     

            • 8.

              sleep  nearly   nine    safe    express   down   except    manner    appear   disappoint

              (1) Although he lives on the _______________ floor, he never uses the lift.
              (2) After the match, all the team members were _______________ because of losing the game.
              (3) I suggest young children should be taught road _____________ at school to avoid road accidents.
              (4) I put on _______________ 5 kilograms during the Spring Festival.
              (5) Take the medicine, and it can make many of the symptoms(症状) ________________. Then you will feel better.
              (6) Everyone likes the people with good ___________________.
              (7) There is no other way to improve your spoken English _____________ listening and practicing.
              (8) Her decision to cancel the concert is sure to ____________________ her fans.
              (9) My children don’t stay up too late to study, or you will feel _____________in class next day.
              (10) At this moment, I fell like _______________my warmest thanks to my teachers and my parents.
            • 9.


              (1) – Who can answer the question?

                        ( Nobody / Every body ), because it is too difficult.

              (2) Mary           ( lent / borrowed ) a dictionary from me last Monday.
              (3) I hate             ( work / working ) on weekends.
              (4) –Who is the           ( stronger / strongest ) of all the boys in your class?  – Tom , I think.
            • 10.

                    What do people, plants and animals have in   (1)    ? We all need water. All   (2)       thin    gs must have water to survive, whether they get it from a river, a rain cloud or a water bottle.

                     (3)  water, your body would stop working properly. Water makes up more than half of your body    (4)  and a person can’t survive for more than a few days without it. Why? Your body needs water to do many important jobs. For example, your blood contains a lot of water. It    (5)      oxygen (氧气) to all the cells (细胞) of your body. Without oxygen, the cells would   (6)     and your body would stop working.
                    Water can also help you fight off   (7)    . You need water to digest (消化) your food and get rid of waste, too.   (8)  water is so important, you might wonder if you’re drinking enough. In fact, there is no certain amount of water that you need to drink every day.
                    ​You can help your body by drinking when you’re  (9)      and drinking extra water when the weather is hot, especially   (10)  playing sports or exercising. Then your body will be able to do all of its important jobs and you’ll feel great!

