优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1)You can't c________ (欺骗) your parents about your study.

              (2)Everyone should learn to enjoy the b________ (美丽) of the nature.

              (3) At the moment Lisa is c ________ (检查) her emails on the computer.

              (4)After a 5-kilometer race, she suddenly felt w ________ (虚弱的) in the legs.

              (5)I think watching TV is useful but my mom thinks it’s just a w ________ (浪费)of  time.

            • 2.


              (1).Today is Children’s Day. The children are enjoying ___________(they) festival now.

              (2). What a great time they have ___________(communicate) with each other during lunchtime.

              (3).The theatre has been famous since the early _____________ (twenty) century.

              (4).Ordinary people daydream about a better future while    _     (success) people create a better future.

              (5). Delicious traditional Chinese snacks have won the hearts and________(stomach) of all the foreigners coming to China.

              (6). The girl sitting to me on the plane is very nervous, for she ____________(not fly) before.

              (7).—We can save power by using air-conditioners less.

              —Moreover,______________(turn) off the computers when we do not use them is also a good way.

              (8).  The scientists work even____________ (close) with the government and they have done a lot of useful work.

              (9).—What did the mother advise you to do?—________(borrow)more books from the school library.

              (10).The more kindly the old___________(treat), the more happiness they will own.

            • 3.

              Look, the lovely panda is c____________ up the tree.

            • 4.

              (1)His uncle had a t_____(牙痛), so he had to see a dentist.

              (2)If your friends are having problems, you should o_____(主动提出)to help.

              (3)The ice is so t_____(厚的)that you can skate on it.

              (4)We had a lot of sweet m______(回忆)at the small house.

              (5)Peter is a 6-year-old boy. He likes c______(收集)game cards.

            • 5.

              My mother was_________ the big cake into pieces when you called her. (divide)

            • 6.

              They kept ___________ (study) and became successful finally.

            • 7.

              The date today is 1nd June. 

              We arrived at the French capital,                                             

              Paris, on 30th may. And we’re                                               

               going stay till 3rd June.                                                           

              At30th May we were                                                               

              tired or we relaxed. But on 31st May                                       

               we went to the Louvre Museum                                            

               and have dinner in a restaurant. And today                          

               we go to the street markets.                                                   

              We too went to the top of the Eiffel Tower.                            

              There we played happy.                                                           

