优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I am writing to my parents from the centre of Australia . At the moment , we are staying near Ayers Rock .On the first day , we took a plane tour over the rock , and I was surprised at how big it was : 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high! During different periods of the day , the colours of the rock turn dark blue , purple , yellow and red .

                The Australians have a close relationship with the British . Many have British relatives , and they are like us in many ways . The foods that Australians like most are ham and beef with lots of salad . They also grow grapes and other fruits .They love all sports.( A)But the game that they like most is Australian football . Because most Australians live near the coast , they also love going to the beach for swimming and surfing or just lying in the sun .

                (B)尽管是12月,但这里是夏季。The sun is very bright , and near the coast the countryside is very green . There are lots of sheep in the fields and on the hills , but the middle of the country has no trees or grass , just rocks and sand ...And kangaroos!

                On the second day , we went horse riding . The horse that I rode was lazy , so I was left far behind the others . But I enjoyed the slow and relaxing ride .

                Later this evening , we are taking the plane back to Sydney and coming home . It has been a wonderful trip .

            • 2.

               (A)Children know that summer is probably the most fun of all seasons. However, experts(专家)say that it is also the most dangerous, especially for children aged 14 and under. In its first study of children’s safety in US, the National Safe Kids Campaign (NSKC) found that nearly half of the injury-related (与受伤相关的) deaths among children happen in summer.

              Experts are also surprised by the study’s result. (B)They know summer is a dangerous season for children. During the summer, children are out of school and spend more time outdoors. They are more likely to get into an accident. “While we encourage(鼓励)children to be active(活跃的) and spend time outdoors, they need (C)_____(understand)the importance of safety,” said Everett Koop, an expert of the NSKC.

              To help children stay safe, the NSKC started a “Make it a Safe Kids Summer” campaign (运动) during National Safe Kids Week, from May 5 to May 12. Here are some important summer safety tips from the NSKC:

               Always wear your seat belt.

              ○Make sure there is an adult around when you decide to go swimming.

              ○ (D)Wear a life jacket(救生衣)when on a boat doing water sports,

              ○Obey all traffic laws.


            • 3.

              1 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.The American President Barack Obama is a true man.

              Obama had a four-day visit to China. He had a very busy schedule(日程)。 But he still spent some time visiting the Forbidden City (紫禁城)and the Great Wall.

              When a leader visits another country, he or she sometimes goes to the country’s most places. It’s to show respect for the local culture. For the leaders, it’s also a good time to relax during a tiring foreign trip.

              Obama spent 50 minutes in theForbidden City.

              He thinks theForbidden Cityis a beautiful place to visit. He said, ”I will come back with my family.”

              On Wednesday, he took a quick tour of the Great Wall at Badaling. There, he enjoyed a moment of peace. 2 He had a good time there.

              “It’s magic(不可思议的). It reminds(使想到) you of the steps(进程) of history,” Obama said about the Great Wall.

            • 4.

              Do you want to see animals? Well, the New Star Zoo is really a good place for you. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. Let’s see koalas(树袋熊)first. The koalas come from Australia. They are very quiet(安静的) and clever. People like them very much. The pandas from China are cute. Many people like these black and white animals. There’s a tiger withhertwo sons in the zoo. They are from the USA. They’re quiet and interesting, but they are dangerous. The giraffes come fromAfrica. They’re beautiful. The lions are also fromAfrica. They are really dangerous, too. Many people don’t like them. They always sleep in the day. 

              You can also see many other kinds of animals in the zoo. Have a good time there.

            • 5.

              Both the British and Americans speak English. However, there are several differences between American and British English. For example, the the word they use in daily life are not the same. The British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans call the second floor. Once you go to British and America, you may notice other differences. The British usually hide their feelings. They don’t often start a talk with strangers. On the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are more active and easier to talk with.


