优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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              (1) 像往常一样,我们放学后步行到达那里。

                __________________________ , we got there __________________________________.

              (2) 多有用的书啊!我看了很多遍。

                _______________________________book it is ! I ____________________ many times.

              (3) 漓江两边的山以不同的形状矗立着。

              The mountains __________________ the Lijiang River stand_____________________.

              (4) 她发现她独自一个人在一个长厅里面。她决定进入那个长满鲜花的花园。

                 She found ___________________in a long hall. She decided to enter the garden ___________________.

              (5) 你替我捎个口信真好,他前几天给我回电话了。

                 It’s nice of you to ________________for me and he __________________ the other day.

              (6) 这些皮质的手套摸起来光滑柔软。

                The gloves ____________________ leather feel________________________________.

              (7) 他很粗心,在红绿灯处都没有停下来。

                 He was ________________________ that he didn’t stop _________________________.

            • 3.


              (1) 虽然他总是失败,但他从来没有放弃。

              ________________________________________________________,he never gives up.

              (2) 除非你改变方法,否则你不可能成功。

              It’s impossible for you to succeed ________________________________________.

              (3) 李明一回家就把电脑打开了。

              Li Ming____________________________________he got home.

              (4) 考试期间不允许交谈。

              You are _________________________________________________ during the exam.

              (5) 随便问我有关今日旅行的任何事情吧。

              ____________________________________________ask me anything on today’s tour.

              (6) 许多人想在困难面前挑战自己。


              (7) 他做了多么重要的一个决定啊!


              (8) 他提醒我们应该保护濒临灭绝的动物。


            • 4.

              Ten years ago, a girl gave me an important gift.It was a smile.

                  On the early autumn of2004,I went to a new middle  school for my first year's study.I knew nobody there.71.I was very lonelyand afraid to make friends with anyone.One day,my classmates talked happily with their friends,but I sat at my desk alone as usual.72.我多么希望我能加入他们啊!At that moment,a girl came in.to the classroom.She looked at me,without a word,Just smiled.73.It made me feel happy and warm

                  That smile changed my life.74.I started to talk with other students and made friends with them.The girl with a smile has become my best friend now.All my dark days have gone.

                  Now I believe that the world is what you think it is.If you think you feel lonely,you might always feel lonely.75.因此笑对世界,它也会对你笑的

              (1) ____________________________________________________
              (2) ____________________________________________________
              (3) ____________________________________________________
              (4) ____________________________________________________
              (5) ____________________________________________________
