优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              There ________ a book fair, two matches and three plays in this activity..

              A. is     B. are      C. be     D. were
            • 2.

              We are learning English, not learning about English. A student can ___11___ all about English, but he ___12___not be able to speak English. There is a ___13___ between “learning English” and “learning about English”. If you want to learn it well, please ___14___the following things. ___15___, learn the expressions(表达) by heart. Learn the ___16___sentence, not single words. At the same time, don’t ___17___ about mistakes. It is important ___18___ a good habit from the very first lesson. Just try to say ___19___you want to say and don’t care if people laugh at you. Keep on trying and you’ll make ___20___ mistakes.

