优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              看图写句子 (必须用上所给的提示词)。


              (1) Jane, in


              (2) give




              (3) how, like


              (4) time, home


            • 2.


              (1) Ericusuallypays(支付)___________ dollarsfordinnerand $2 after dinner. (2) Does Eric eat well?


              (3) 将括号中的词连成完整句子并填在划线部分________________________________________________________________. (4) ____________________gives Harrythat football. (5) Who do you want to be your friend,Eric,Amanda orHarry? Why?


            • 3.

              A: Who’s that woman _________________? B: That’s ___________.

            • 4.


              (1)you; play; a; are; basketball


              (2)how; teacher; old; is; we


              (3)he; mother; look; his; like


              (4)be; you; ready; everything; for


              (5)the; my; bedroom; two; one; is


            • 5.

              A: Can I   (1)  you?

              B: Yes, please. I want to   (2)   a skirt for my mom.

              A: OK. What   (3)   do you want?

              B: Black.

              A: How about this one?

              B: It   (4)   nice. How much is it?

              A: Ten dollars.

              B:   (5)   take it. How much   (6)  the green shoes?

              A: Thirty dollars for one pair and fifty dollars for two   (7)  .

              B: Great! I want two.

              A: Here you are.

              B: Thanks.

              A: You’re welcome.

              (1) _____ (2) _____ (3) _____ (4) _____ (5) _____ (6) _____ (7) ______
            • 6.

              A: Jane, you look so worried. ____________  (1)  __________________?

              B: I lost a book about computer science.

              A: Is it the one you borrowed from the city library?

              B: Yes, it is. But I can’t find it now.

              A:  ___________  (2)  __________________. Where did you lose it?

              B: Over there, on the playground. I left in a hurry without taking it.

              A: ______________  (3)  ___________________?

              B: Yes, I did. But now I haven’t found it yet.

              A: Don’t worry. Maybe someone took it by mistake. _____________  (4)  _______________ ?

              B: That’s a good idea. Thank you very much.

              A: _______________  (5)  _________________________.

              (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) ________
