优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              When I got to the cinema, the film _________ for 20 minutes.

              A.had started
              D.had been on
            • 2. By the end of last week, she _________in the west of China for two months helping the homeless children.          
              A.will stay    
              B.has stayed
              C.would stay
              D.had stayed
            • 3. The children said that they _____ their homework already.
              B.has finished
              C.had finished
              D.would finished
            • 4. —We all went to the cinema except you last night. Why don’t you come? -- Because I ______ that movie twice.
              A.have watched
              B.had watched
              C.was watching
              D.would watch
            • 5. He _____________________ by the end of last year.
              A.went abroad
              B.would go abroad
              C.has been abroad
              D.had been abroad


            • 6. The train_________when we________to the station


              A.was left, was getting
              B.left,had got
              C.had left, got
              D.left, got
            • 7.

              The man_________ on the ground __________ that he had ________ his bicycle behind that big tree.

              A.lying; lied; laid
              B.lying; lay; laid
              C.lay; lied; lain
              D.lied; laid; lied
            • 8. By the end of last term, we ______ 700 words.


              A.has learned
              B.have learned
              C.had learned
            • 9.

              When she came several days later, she found that all things still        where she had        them.

              A.lay; laid
              B.laid; laid
              C.lay; lain
              D.lying; lain
            • 10.

              He said that he _____ to Canada a few years ago.

              A.had been to
              B.have been to
