优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Dear Claire,
                 You ask me about my favorite festival. It is Spring (春) Festival. It is     (1)  January or February. For the festival, we do many things and buy many things, so we are always     (2)   . The     (3)   of Spring Festival is     (4)  . We wear (穿) new red     (5)   and put up (张贴) red paper-cuts (窗花). And we put (放) lucky money (压岁钱) in red packets (红包). Boys and girls are always happy those days,   (6)   they can have a good time with    (7)  family, and they can get lucky money from their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. What do we     (8)  on Spring Festival? Jiaozi and some fruits. In the evening, the family will watch TV together, but children(孩子们)    (9)  watching TV for 4 hours. It’s really boring for them. They always play   (10)  their friends. 
                 What about you? What festival do you like best?
                                                                       Your friend, 
                                                                          Li Ju
            • 2.

              Come to John’s Sports Store! Our store is very  (1)  .We sell all kinds of balls and other sports  (2)  . Do you play  (3)  games? We have Jordan basketballs  (4)  only $ 8. A best volleyball is $ 5, and  (5)  Adidas soccer ball is only $ 6.

                 Do you  (6)  some sports clothes?We have sports clothes  (7)  a very good price for only $ 12! We  (8)  sports shoes for $ 11. Do you like ping-pong? We have some new DHS bats, but they’re also on  (9)  for only $ 9!

                 Come and see for yourselves at John’s great sale  (10)  December(12月) 1st to 8th..

            • 3.

              Do you love music? Yes? Some boys and girls in Jing’an Middle School love music, too.   (1)   also have dreams (梦想) of being musicians. But their dreams are difficult to achieve (实现),   (2)   they have no money (钱) to   (3)   a piano, a guitar or a violin.

              Do you want   (4)   them? If you do, come and   (5)   us. We’ll have a great sale at Students’ Home in our school.   (6)   watches, clothes, schoolbags and many other things will be   (7)   sale here. We’ll use the money to help the   (8)   in Jing’an Middle School. We   (9)   buy pianos, guitars or violins for them, or give the money to them, and they can have music   (10)  .

              Our sale is from next Monday to Wednesday. We welcome all of you.

            • 4.

              Dear Su Peng,

              Thank you for the e-mail. I’m very happy to know that you want to be a writer in the future.   (1)   I’m sure you will. If so, you will write lots of good    (2)   for people to read. 

              In fact, it’s very    (3)   to be a good writer. Firstly, you need to be a good    (4)   before you become a good writer. You should read many books, all kinds of books. You should not watch TV   (5)  or play games often.

              Secondly,   (6)   you want to be a good writer, you should know all kinds of people’s life well, or do different kinds of    (7)  , so that you could have many things to   (8)  . It could help you make your writings true.

              Finally, to be a good writer, you should    (9)  your body healthy and strong. You need to take exercise every day, because you have to write things very late even   (10)  midnight, and you will be very tired. To eat good food and have a good rest are also very important for you to become a good writer.

              Of course, you should try your best to get everything ready for your future.



            • 5. Ladies and gentlemen,
              Thank you for attending the graduation ceremony.First of all,I'd like to congradulate all the students (41)    are here today.I remember meeting all of you when you (42)    just starting Grade 7.But today I see a room full (43)     talented young adults with hope for the future.You (44)    up so much and I'm so proud fo you.
              Although you've worked very hard over the last three years,(45)    of you did it alone.I hope you'll remember the important people in your (46)    who helped and supported you----your parents,your teachers and your friends.
              I'd like to tell all of you,the end of junior school is the (47)     of a new life.You may have different tasks ahead of you.You'll make mistakes along the way,but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never (48)    .The future is yours.
              Good luck and hope to see you again sometime soon!

              44.A.growB.grewC.grownD.have grown
              48.A.pick upB.come upC.put upD.give up.
            • 6. Dear Mum,
                  I have studied abroad for some time.I miss you very much now.
                  I(36)     learned the famous saying"You don't know what you've got until it's gone."Yes Miss Li said her math teacher made a huge difference in her life.But she was(37)     because she had no chance to tell her teacher.This made me think a lot,especially (38)    I'm thousands of kilometers away.I'm writing to you because I want you to know how (39)     I love you.
                  It's said that a (40)     happiness was mostly because of their childhood.That's quite right.I still remember the times when you(41)     my hand as we walked along.You told me stories about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a(42)    girl.…My childhood was filled with these warm memories.
                  How time flies!There have been good times and bad times,but you were always by my side.When I won a prize,you smiled and felt proud (43)     me.When I failed an exam,you comforted me.You always gave me courage to (44)     all my difficulties.
                  You've always said that we should judge (判断)people's (45)     by how they live their lives every day.I think I'm now living a happy life.Thank you,Mum.
              44.A.carry outB.keep onC.deal with
            • 7. Dear Auntie Em,
              Great news!Mrs Mumford just told me I had been chosen as one of the school (61) ______ (student) to visit the University of Cape Town in South Africa this summer!She said the program (62) ______ (design) for some of the brighter teenagers to experience a different culture.(63) ______ a good chance!
              The only problem is:mom and dad (64) ______ (simple) won't let me go.They said it was dangerous for me,a girl,(65) ______ (travel) alone.But my guess is that they think it too expensive.I kept telling (66) ______ (they) I had been on a plane alone to visit you in Texas before.They needn't worry about me(67) ______ this trip would be almost the same as that one.(68) ______ .They just won't listen!
              Will you help,Auntie Em?It will be (69) ______ very important experience to my personal growth.
              Love,(and love you even (70) ______ (much) if you manage to make mom & dad agree with me.
            • 8.

              Dear Kevin,

                       Long time no see.Last Saturday,our class had a trip.We wanted to do  36  exciting .So we decided to go the   37  near our city.

                        The weather was great,   38   but not hot.We started at eight.On the way,we talk and sang.Soon,we  39   .Wow!It was really a wonderful mountain.I couldn’t wait to  40   to the top.I wondered what the top was like.About an hour later,I   41   to have a rest.I looked back.Oh,my friend Alice was about 100meters  42  me.She seemed to be very tired.I waited for her and asked her to follow and drank some water there .I felt  43   the food was never  44  ike that.

                       There I bought something for my sister but nothing for   45   in the gift shop.In the evening I wrote a diary about the trip.

            • 9.

              Dear Linda,

              How are you? I’m very  (1)  to have your letter. Let me tell you  (2)  about my life in China. I think you want to know it . I live in Jeff’s home  (3)  the middle of the city. Jeff is my classmate. We are in the  (4)  class. We often help each other. Iteach him English and he  (5)  me Chinese. Now, I can talk with them  (6)  Chinese. Sometimes I learn  (7)  to make Chinese food. Hmm! How much I like Chinese food!

              My school is not  (8)  . I go there on foot. I have six classes  (9)  . After school, I play games with my classmates. I have a very good time here . I think you can come here when you are free. Please write soon!

              Love  (10)   Jim    

            • 10. Dear Sonia, We went to Thailand last year. We were very     (1)   . It was my first trip there. Thailand is a really beautiful     (2)  . The sky(天空) is     (3)  . And the trees are green. The buildings are wonderful. We spent seven days     (4)  Bangkok (曼谷) .We got on a river bus     (5)  the floating market (水上市场).We bought     (6)  delicious fruit. We     (7)  a very interesting temple(寺庙) named the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. We   (8)    visited some other temples. Everything     (9)  great. But my favorite about the trip was     (10)  . If you come over to my home for dinner, I’m going to cook Thai food. Mary
