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            • 1.
              There is an old saying:“Take the time to stop and smell the flowers.”I think we should also take the time to (1) flowers.
              My grandmother knew just (2) to do that.She grew flowers with earth,water and love,so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers.She would smile when she saw the (3) shine down on them.In her front garden she planted flowers, (4) .You could see red,white,and yellow flowers in it.My mom and I used to walk (5) them and enjoy their smells.Beautiful butterflies (蝴蝶) flew down on them.Grandma also cared for the wild flowers.She would send (6) and my brother out to pick flowers and would then turn them into delicious wine (酒).
              Grandma not only planted flowers in the gardens (7) also planted flowers in our hearts.Her delicious dinners made with love encouraged us.Her sweet smile always made us (8) .Her hugs (拥抱) and kisses were the sunshine that kept our own love (9) day after day.
              Take the time to plant a few flowers yourself today.Show your smiles,kindness and love.Plant your wishes,talents and pleasure.Make this (10) brighter and brighter with your sunshine.

              (1) A. plant B. water C. buy D. sell
              (2) A. who B. when C. how D. where
              (3) A. star B. sun C. rain D. wind
              (4) A. too B. either C. then D. though
              (5) A. at B. on C. with D. around
              (6) A. me B. you C. him D. her
              (7) A. and B. so C. but D. or
              (8) A. happy B. hungry C. tired D. angry
              (9) A. sleeping B. growing C. standing D. losing
              (10) A. house B. town C. city D. world.
            • 2.
              Do you want to be a successful person? One of the (46)______ of successful people is that they have good habits. The good habits help them to be successful. What are good habits? (47)______ can you get into good habits? Here are some suggestions for you.
              First everyone (48)______ his advantages. You should always look for the (49)______ points in people and learn from them.
              Second, you should try to learn new (50)______ and new things every day. Reading a newspaper or (51)______ pages of a book every day also helps you.
              Third, (52)______ the day in the right way. When you get up in the morning, look (53)______yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you must keep your good habits today.
              Fourth, make a plan to achieve your goal. Making a plan is the (54)______ important step to achiever your goal. Each day you should follow the plan so that you are able to achieve your goal.
              Last, no (55)______ what good habits you decide to have, you should try to keep them. Then you can live a successful and happy…life.
              (1) A. reason B. secret C. secrets D. decisions
              (2) A. How B. Why C. When D. Who
              (3) A. are B. is C. have D. has
              (4) A. well B. good C. weak D. bad
              (5) A. service B. word C. poems D. skills
              (6) A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
              (7) A. end B. finish C. start D. arrive
              (8) A. like B. up C. after D. at
              (9) A. most B. many C. much D. move
              (10) A. mistake B. matter C. stress D. energy
            • 3.
              Be pleased to do anything even though it is very tiny.In fact,there's no single thing that is not worth doing or you are not able lo do.So living a happy life with a light heart is the most important.A good mood decides your quality of life.Then (1) can you live a happy life?
              Make each day meaningful (有意义的)by helping someone or just making someone smile.The feeling which makes you want to help others (2) at the bottom of your heart.Happiness depends on your feelings in your heart.Helping others is helping yourself.By helping others,you (3) more.Seeing their satisfied smile will make you feel (4) of what you have done.
              Face difficulties bravely in your life. (5) may meet with difficulties.No one can avoid them.The difficulties can teach you a lot.They are your treasure.They will help you to be closer to (6)
              Focus on the good experiences you (7) in the past few years.Be grateful to life.Don't think too much about the negative things.They (8) bad weather.Bad weather will pass sooner or later,so will the negative things.You may find many dead ends in your life,but you will (9) find your way out of them.Everything will get better at last.
              Never worry about the things you can't change.Worrying isn't useful.Worrying can (10) change the situation (10) solve any problem.Perhaps,not every dream will be realized;not every effort(努力) will be completed.Never mind,and take it easy.
              Come on,everybody!Let's live a happy life with a light heart and enjoy the beautiful sunshine every day.

              (1) A. what B. how C. why
              (2) A. stay B. staying C. stays
              (3) A. are giving B. will give C. will be given
              (4) A. proud B. afraid C. tired
              (5) A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody
              (6) A. failure B. success C. troubule
              (7) A. have had B. have C. has
              (8) A. are different from B. are fond of C. are similar to
              (9) A. always B. seldom C. never
              (10) A. not only;but also B. neither;nor C. either;or.
            • 4.
              "If you agree with me,please Dianzan."Do you know Dianzan is one of the most popular words on the Internet?When you think someone's ideas are right,when you think someone's articles are (1) ,or when you are moved by what someone writes,you can
              click (点击)the praise sign.Anyhow,clicking the praise sign (2) that you agree with someone or praise someone.
              Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet language.People (3)
              use it when they surf the Liternet.There is a function(功能)of Dianzan in the QQ space.The QQ space has had the function (4) 2010.It didn't become very popular until Sina blog(新浪博客) (5) the function of Dianzan.In recent years,it has become more and more popular.When the 2015New Year came,Chinese leader Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan to praise and (6) his thanks to the great Chinese people.
              Websites can know how many people support some ideas (7) counting how many people click the praise sign.Experts can know (8) teenagers are caring about through what they click the sign for.That can help them solve teenagers' (9)
              Clicking the praise sign is really a(n) (10) thing.Have you ever clicked the sign for anybody on the Internet?

              (1) A. wonderful B. terrible C. hard D. awful
              (2) A. offers B. takes C. means D. avoids
              (3) A. never B. luckily C. slowly D. usually
              (4) A. after B. since C. in D. before
              (5) A. broke B. checked C. refused D. started
              (6) A. accept B. express C. create D. receive
              (7) A. by B. on C. at D. under
              (8) A. that B. where C. what D. when
              (9) A. plans B. happiness C. problems D. fairness
              (10) A. difficult B. surprising C. embarrassing D. easy.
