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            • 1.

              Many kids do housework such as doing the dishes, making the bed, and folding the clothes. In exchange, they get some money or other computer time.

                  Paying kids for housework is one of the most popular topics, especially at a time when everyone is more careful about money. Some parents think since adults are paid to do their jobs, we should pay kids for everyday housework. But some people don't think kids should get rewards(报酬) for doing housework. Susie Walton, an expert, believes that by rewarding kids, parents are sending a message that work isn't worth doing unless you get something in return. "Running any kind of housework is a team effort, Walton said. "" A home is living space for everyone in the family. It's important for kids to see that we all have responsibilities in the house, and families decide how they want their home to look, and how they are going to keep it looking like what they want. "

                  Other people believe that getting a reward encourages kids to do housework, and it also teaches them real world lessons about how we need to work to get money. There are also apps (应用程序) that give kids points and digital gifts that can be redeemed (兑现)either online or in the real world. "Our goal is to give kids lawful power so they can get rewards," says Chris Bergman. "and kids need rewards to help encourage them. "

              (1) Which of the following housework is NOT mentioned in Paragraph1?

              A. Washing the dishes.

              B. Cooking meals.

              C. Folding the clothes.

              D. Making the bed.

              (2) The underlined phrase" in return" in Paragraph 2 has the same meaning as ________.

              A. as a reward

              B. for punishment

              C. on sale

              D. under control

              (3) What is Walton's idea in the passage?

              A. Running exercise is a kind of team work.

              B. People work to get some rewards.

              C. Kids have responsibilities in the house.

              D. Doing housework is only the parents' job.

              (4) According to Chris Bergman, kids should be encouraged to ________.

              A. do housework without rewards

              B. do more housework

              C. stay away from housework

              D. do housework by getting rewards

              (5) Which is the best title for the passage?

              A. Kids Should Study as well as Doing Housework

              B. Let Children Do Some Housework

              C. Should Kids Be Rewarded for Doing Housework?

              D. Doing Housework Is Good for Children's Study

            • 2.

              Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don’t agree with them.

              Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of others, for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal(煤) or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.

              In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.

              (1) From the passage we know that some students often _______ in the school.
              A. eat too much B. don’t work hard
              C. waste things D. throw rubbish everywhere
              (2) Which is not mentioned in this passage?
              A. Fresh water.   B. Forest.          
              C. Oil.          D. Coal.
              (3) What may happen in 100 years?
              A. We may still have enough oil.       
              B. We may still have enough coal.
              C. We may have a little oil.         
              D. We may have no coal or oil to use.
              (4) Which of the following is right?
              A. Waste brings problems.          
              B. Waste can bring no problem.
              C. China is rich in fresh water.       
              D. Students never waste things.
              (5) Which is the best title of this passage?
              A. Stop Wasting    B. School life   
              C. Waste in the School    D. Rich Resources in China
            • 3.

              A popular saying goes, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  Is that really true? Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesn’t matter if the words come from someone else or ourselves --- the positive and negative effects are just as lasting.

              We all talk to ourselves sometimes. We’re usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. In fact, we really shouldn’t be because more and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit

              This “self-talk” helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solve problems, and calm ourselves down. Be aware, though, that as much as 77% of self-talk tends to be negative. So in order to stay positive, we should only speak words of encouragement to ourselves. We should also be quick to give ourselves a pat on the back. The next time you finish a project, do well in a test, or finally clean your room, join me in saying “Good job!”

              Often, words come out of our mouths without us thinking about the effect they will have. But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others. For example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm, friendly language during the exchange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner. Or harsh(刻薄的)and critical language will most likely cause the clerk to be defensive.

              Words possess power because of their lasting effect. Many of us regret something we once said. And we remember unkind words said to us! Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: Is it loving? Is it needed? If what we want to say doesn’t pass this test, then it’s better left unsaid.

              Words possess power: both positive and negative. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self-esteem(自尊)and motivate others to do their best. Negative words destroy all those things. Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours.

              (1) The main idea of the first paragraph is that ________.

              A. not sticks and stones but words will hurt us
              B. words have a lasting effect on us

              C. negative words may let us down              
              D. inspiring words give us confidence

              (2) There is no sense for us to feel embarrassed when we talk to ourselves because _______

              A. we can benefit(受益) from talking to ourselves

              B. almost everybody has the habit of talking to themselves

              C. talking to ourselves always gives us courage

              D. it does no harm to have “self-talk” when we are alone

              (3) The underlined part in the third paragraph means that we should also timely _______

              A. give ourselves happiness                  
              B. remind ourselves

              C. make ourselves relaxed                    
              D. praise ourselves

              (4) In which column of the newspaper can readers most likely read this passage?

              A.      Health               B. Language          
              C. news          D. Consultation 

              (5) The author may probably hold the opinion that ___________

              A. it is better to think twice before talking to others

              B. negative words may stimulate us to make more progress

              C. people tend to remember friendly words

              D. encouraging words are sure to lead to kind offers

            • 4.

              "Dream may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream." some scientists say. Dream takes up (占据) about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have a few dreams each night. Dreams are like short movies. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over and over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer. Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may think about their work all day. These thoughts can get into dreams. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can't remember the dream. Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired.

              (1) It may be less important to sleep than to ________.

              A. think

              B. dream

              C. work

              D. study

              (2) Dreams and films are usually ________

              A. very long

              B. very sad

              C. about work

              D. in color

              (3) Why do some people often dream about their work? ________

              A. Because they are tired in the daytime.

              B. Because they are not interested in their work.

              C. Because they may be thinking about their work all day.

              D. Because they have too much work to do.

              (4) The underlined word probably means ________.

              A. 有益的

              B. 有害的

              C. 痛苦的

              D. 有意义的

              (5) Which of the following is true? ________

              A. Sleeping without dreams takes up about a quarter of our sleeping time.

              B. When we dream, the mind doesn't work.

              C. Too much dreaming is good for health.

              D. We may ha still tired after a long sleep.

            • 5.

              Do you often talk with your parents? Here is some advice on how to talk with them.

              Try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, ask them questions about their day. Howˈs work? They love this.

              Make what you want to tell your parents clear. If they have an opinion, let them finish it and donˈt stop their talking. Ask them to do the same for you.

              Show them respect(尊敬) by listening to them carefully. Look them in the eye.

              Be honest. Honesty builds trust(信任). Life is good when your parents trust you.

              If your parents donˈt understand you, thatˈs OK. It doesnˈt mean they donˈt love you. Sometimes

              you have to explain the things to them again. When you finish the talk, thank them for listening. Say something like, “thanks; that helped”.

              It will let them know this is important to you, and make them want to do it more often.

              (1) If you want to start a talk easily, you should say something _______ at the beginning.

              A. sad                    B. dishonest                 
              C. fun                          D. unhappy

              (2) While talking to your parents, you should look them in the eye to show you ______ them.

              A. respect               B. understand               
              C. dislike                      D. agree with

              (3) When your parents don’t understand you, you can__________.

              A. ask them to stop                                    
              B. argue with them

              C. look them in the eye                              
              D. explain your idea to them

              (4) When you finish the talk, you should ________ your parents for listening.

              A. say goodbye to   B. thank                      
              C. say sorry to              D. ask

              (5) Whatˈs the main idea of this passage?

              A. We should respect our parents.               
              B. Itˈs important to trust our parents.

              C. We should love our parents.    
              D. There are some ways to communicate with our parents.

            • 6.

              (2016年贵州毕节)What do you think of celebrating Christmas Day in China? Christmas Day is very popular in China, especially for young people. Should Chinese people celebrate Christmas Day? 60% people think that we should not take Christmas so seriously, 10% think everyone should celebrate Christmas.

              Some people think celebrating Christmas Day can help them understand western culture better. Some people think it is a great holiday to have a good time with their families and friends. During Christmas Day, they can meet friends, go shopping, watch movies and go to different parties.

              But I have different ideas. Most of us celebrate Christmas just because we see many people around us do it.

              China has its own holidays, such as the Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Day, so we don't have to celebrate holidays from other countries. Some people spend a lot of money celebrating Christmas Day. People buy lots of gifts for their friends and families, but this is not the best way to show their love.


              ______ like Christmas Day better in China.

              A. Young people
              B. Old people
              C. Children
              D. Students

              How many people think everyone should celebrate Christmas Day?

              A. 60%
              B. 30%
              C. 10%
              D. 20%

              The second paragraph mainly tells us _______.

              A. why some people celebrate Christmas Day
              B. what people do on Christmas Day
              C. we can have fun on Christmas Day
              D. Christmas Day is an important festival

              The writer thinks it’s not good for some people to celebrate Christmas Day by _______.

              A. having a good rest
              B. getting many gifts
              C. spending much money
              D. making more friends

              What's the best title(标题)of the passage?

              A. Christmas Day is popular for young people
              B. Whether we should celebrate Christmas Day
              C. We should only celebrate Chinese holidays
              D. What can we do on Christmas Day?
            • 7.

                 Every kid wishes to be an adult. Do you remember playing house as a child — pretending(假装) to be a grown-up like your parents? Did you imagine you were a doctor, a soldier or a teacher? At that time, anything seemed more exciting than being young.

              But now as grown-ups, some adults find they cannot leave childhood behind. They become “kidults”. Being a kidult has become a lifestyle choice among young people across Asia. Some kidults collect toys they once played with. Hello Kitty, Garfield, and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world. It is not unusual to see a 20-something woman with a big Garfield-shaped cushion on her sofa or a Hello Kitty mobile phone accessory.

              Other kidults still enjoy children’s stories and fairy tales. For example, the British publisher Bloomsbury even released an edition of the Harry Potter novels with an adult cover. That way, no one else on the subway will know that an adult is actually reading a children’s book.

              “Kidults can be like vitamins to society. Adults who love their childhood most and hold on to pure, child-like emotion(情感) may be needed in such a rough and dry society,” said Lee So-jung, a professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

              He added that kidult culture may fill the generation gap(代沟) between adults and kids. It could give children and their parents books, movies, and cartoon shows to enjoy together.Tim Greenhalgh, an adviser in London explained that some kidults just refuse to grow up. They hold on to childhood because working life in a busy and stressful city frightens them. Kidults would like to forget their age and openly show their fear of society and adulthood.

              “So, they can escape from increasingly busy and stressful lives that are hard to deal with,” Greenhalgh said.

              (1) Why does a kid wish to be an adult?
              A. Because he wants to be independent.
              B. Because he doesn’t want to be controlled by adults.
              C. Because he wants to experience the real world.
              D. Because he believes there will be more exciting life ahead.
              (2) What can we infer from the passage?
              A. Some kidults refuse to grow up. 
              B. Some kidults in Britain like reading on the subway.
              C. Some kidults think childhood is the best time of their life.
              D. Some kidults want to escape from the busy and stressful life
              (3) One of the advantages of the kidult culture is that ______.
              A. it can make adults face the real social life 
              B. it can make our society young and full of life
              C. it can increase the sales of children’s books
              D. it can lead to harmonious(和谐的) relationship between adults and kids
              (4) Which of the following is the best title for the article?
              A. Kids or Grown-ups     B. Happy Childhood 
              C. Fearful Adulthood  D. Kidult Culture 
            • 8.

              “The Chinese Dream”is a hot topic of this year.Many Chinese young people are inspired by the Chinese Dream.Everyone has their own dreams.They give us courage and confidence to keep us going through difficulties.Here are some advice on how to realize our beautiful dreams.

              Never giving up is the key to make our dreams come true.We may fail from time to time,but we can learn from failure,correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals.Our life is like a long journey which is not all roses.  It   sometimes has wind and rain.We believe rainbows will appear after storms.

              Cooperation is also necessary.Everyone likes a person who is good at cooperating with others.Besides,in our society most problems can’t be solved by one person alone.Cooperation is becoming one of the most important ways for people living in the developing society.

              At the same time,we should learn to examine our abilities because it helps us know our advantages and disadvantages as well as get a full control of ourselves.Then we may be confident enough to face challenges.

              Follow the suggestions above,and our dreams are sure to come true.

              (1) How many suggestions of making dreams come true are mentioned in this passage?
              A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
              (2) The underlined word“It”in the second paragraph refers to ________.
              A. never giving up our dreams B. learning from failure
              C. a long journey D. our life
              (3) What should we learn to check our abilities for?
              A. By Chinese dream
              B. By our own dream
              C. We believe rainbows will appear after storms.
              D. we may be confident enough to face challenges.
              (4) Which is the best title for this passage?
              A. The Chinese Dream
              B. Cooperation is Necessary
              C. Examine Our Abilities
              D. Advice on How to Realize Our Beautiful Dreams.
