优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Dear Auntie Em,
              Great news!Mrs Mumford just told me I had been chosen as one of the school (61) ______ (student) to visit the University of Cape Town in South Africa this summer!She said the program (62) ______ (design) for some of the brighter teenagers to experience a different culture.(63) ______ a good chance!
              The only problem is:mom and dad (64) ______ (simple) won't let me go.They said it was dangerous for me,a girl,(65) ______ (travel) alone.But my guess is that they think it too expensive.I kept telling (66) ______ (they) I had been on a plane alone to visit you in Texas before.They needn't worry about me(67) ______ this trip would be almost the same as that one.(68) ______ .They just won't listen!
              Will you help,Auntie Em?It will be (69) ______ very important experience to my personal growth.
              Love,(and love you even (70) ______ (much) if you manage to make mom & dad agree with me.
            • 2. We all need exercise.Exercise uses up feed that we eat and keeps the body full of(71)e ______ .Exercise makes your heart and muscles(肌肉) strong.Exercise also makes you feel r elaxed.If you exercise several times a week,you will stay happy and(72)h ______ .There are many (73)w ______ to exercise.You can walk,run,play sports or swim.
              (74)H ______ ,most people cannot do this.It is too far from their homes to their offices.They have no (75)c ______ but to drive to work.First,these people don't have a chance to exercise because they are sitting in their cats for two to four hours each day.Second,driving is challenging,(76)e ______ in rush hours,and needs too much attention.It makes a person (77)t ______ out.When these people arrive home after work,they don't want to take exercise.
              Some western countries,such as the United States,have problems with exercise.Many people don't have enough exercise.They have to work from morning till(78)n ______ .so they don't have time to take exercise.
              Today,many people in the West are fat,which causes health problems,Doctors say exercise can help people both lose (79)w ______ and improve their health.So many people are trying to get more exercise.But it takes time to change,and when people don't see a (80)d ______ right away,they will lose heart and stop exercising.
            • 3. Do you hope to live a better life?Then how to make your wish come t(1) ______ ?Keep away from anything that is useless.Do the right thing!No matter how good or bad a situation is,it will
              C(2) ______ .The best is yet to come.Well,here are some tips for you to follow!
              Mind your meals
              Try to eat more foods that grow naturally on trees and p(3) ______ .Have meals on time every day.And remember not to go to school or work w(4) ______ breakfast,for it is more important than lunch or dinner.
              Exercise and smile
              Each day take a 40-minute walk.Make time to do some other e(5) ______ ,such as yoga and Taiji.They offer us daily energy for our busy lives.Try to smile to y(6) ______ and make at least three other people smile each day.
              Forget and forgive
              Problems appear sometimes and they only stay for a short time.Forget what h(7) ______ in the past.Don't always think of your terrible past.Life is not very long,so we shouldn't waste v(8) ______
              time hating anyone.Forgive everyone for everything.
              Also do such things
              Call your family m(9) ______ more often and stay in touch with your friends.Each day give something good to other people.Make yourself happy no matter how you feel.Read more books than you did before and you can learn more from them.Don't always c(10) ______ your life to others',or it will bring you much inferiority(自卑) and envy.
            • 4. Many museums house works of art,and some have valuable pieces that can never be replaced.These museums give the (51) ______ (公众)a chance to enjoy their treasures.In the past,people could (52) ______ (几乎不)talk when visiting museums.Today,rules aren't as strict,but following some (53) ______ (基本的)rules is still necessary.
              Respect(尊重)the space
              Keep the museum space clean and throw away all rubbish.
              (54) ______ (避免)standing against walls and watch where you walk.
              No food is allowed.Finish (55) ______ (吃)all the food before entering the museum.
              Respect the art
              No touching the art.Hands,(56) ______ (手指)or any body part should never come into contact with the artwork.(Someone thinks a small touch won't hurt the artwork,but imagine how those"touches"would add up with (57) ______ (百)or thousands of visitors every day.)
              No flash photos.Bright lights can be (58) ______ (有害的)to the art.
              Respect other visitors
              Complete silence isn't necessary,but talk in a low (59) ______ (说话声).
              Stand in lines while buying tickets or waiting.
              Follow the rules (60) ______ (在…上面).It can make everyone's museum experience safe and enjoyable.
            • 5. Water is very important to living things. (1) water there can be no life on earth.All animals and plants need water.Man needs water,too.We need water to drink,to cook our food and to (2) ourselves.Water is found almost everywhere.Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the (3) .You can not see it or feel it when it is part of the air.The water in seas,rivers is a liquid(液体).The water in the air is not a liquid (4) a gas(气体). (5) are made of water.They may be made of very small drops(滴)of water.Water,you have found,is very useful,so we must save water.
              (1) A.With B.Without C.For D.Beside (2) A.clean B.grow C.feed D.watch (3) A.country B.plant C.sand D.air (4) A.or B.so C.but D.And (5) A.Clouds B.Rocks C.Planets D.Bodies
            • 6. The Young Person’s Rail-card is very popular in Britain now.It gives young people the chance to buy (81)c ______ train tickets across the country.Just imagine,it could take you to festivals,to see friends,or to london for a weekend break,at a lower price.
              Who can apply?
              Anyone between 16 and 25 years of age.You will need to provide something to (82)p ______ that you are under 26.For this,only your ID card,driving licence,passport or medical card will be acceptable.
              Or,if you are an adult student (83)o ______ 25years old but receiving formal education,you can also apply.You will need to get your teacher to sign the application form (申请表).‘Formal education’refers to studies of more than 15 hours per week for at least 20 weeks a year in college.
              Then take your completed application form with a recent (84)p ______ of yourself,£28 and other materials needed to any main railway station or student travel office to apply for the card.
              How to use your rail-card?
              You can use it any time-weekends,holidays or during the week.Please ask at your local station or contact a railway travel agent for more (85)i ______
              If a rail-card does not have the user’s name signed,it will be considered invalid (无效的).No one else may use either your rail-card or any tickets bought with it.You will be required to pay the (86)f ______ price of the ticket if your are unable to show your own rail-card with the ticket for a check during a journey.
              Tickets at reduced prices are not available for first-class travels or for travels (87)a ______ ,such as to France or Gemany.Passengers will be asked to buy regular priced tickets if they want to use these services.
