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            • 1. In 1990.when I (1) (be) nine years old.I wanted very much to find (2) pen friend.I found Ashley"s address in a magazine,and decided (3) (write) to her.
              I sent off my letter with a little hope.Very quickly.I received her letter. (4) my surprise.Ashley was only one month (5) (old) than me.I learned some new expressions from her.1 (6) (real) liked this new friend.
              Letter after letter,year after year,Ashley and I continued to write to one another.A letter would be received and I"d write back right away.We would send each other birthday and Christmas (7) (gift).
              Eight years later,my parents decided it was time (8) me to meet this friend.They drove me down to Mississippi for a few days.We (9) (have) a fun time together.We did the things that teenage girls love to do.
              Twenty-five years after the (10) (one) letter.Ashley and I still have an amazing friendship.Although we don"t write letters now.we communicate through mobile phones and the Internet.
            • 2. Animals are, (1) (people) friends.But many wild animals are facing the (2) (危险)of dying out,because the environment that they are living in has (3) (change) greatly.For example, (4) (they) living area has become smaller and smaller because of pollution and the development of cities.They have no room to live in except the zoo.And many of the wild animals now can"t find enough Food (5) (eat).At the same time,man is killing off animals just for getting their fur, (6) (牙齿)and meat.
              People should realize how serious the situation is and something should be done to protect the animals.We should set up some nature reserves so that animals can live (7) (free).And people shouldn"t (8) (allow )to kill the endangered(处于危险中的)animals.We should also do (9) (anything)to make our world cleaner.Fresh air,clean water and green grass are all important for animals.The death of the endangered animals will (10) (带来) a disaster(灾难)to human beings.
            • 3. A True Forest of Wonder
              Saihanba National Forest Park is lying in Chengde, Hebei.
              In Mongolian, Saihanba means "beautiful highland".It is often called "the Green Lung of north China". On Dec 5, 2017, the United Nations' highest environmental honor, the Champions of the Earth Award was given to China's Saihanba Afforestation Community(塞罕坝林场建设者).
              During the Qing Dynasty,it was a royal hunting(打猎) ground and the emperors hunted there almost every year. In 1863, because of a shortage of funds, the Qing Government allowed farmers to use the land here. In the following years, logging and wildfires gradually destroyed the forest and grassland. And forests and wetlands were beginning to disappear.After the Qing Dynasty failed, Saihanba turned into a wasteland.
              In the 1960s, Chinese people started to recreate a national forest in Saihanba. In 1961, a group of six scientists traveled through Saihanba and studied the possibility of growing trees there. They finally found one tree standing alone in the vast land, which greatly encouraged them. If one tree could survive there, so could millions of others. They believed they could green the barren desert and turn it into an oasis(绿洲).
              Three generations of forest guards have overcome extreme living conditions while protecting the landscape. The weather, in particular, can be intense as highest temperature in the area is around 33degrees Celsius, while the lowest is around -43degrees Celsius, and some areas are covered in snow for seven months a year, but others are affected by strong winds and sandstorms. However, through great efforts, it took the forest guards over 55years to turn the desert into a green land.
              Chinese people have created a true wonder in Saihanba over the past half-century. In May 1993, it was designated as a "National Forest Park".In 2000, it has been categorized as a 5A level tourist site by the China National Tourism Administration. In May 2007, the park was rated as a "National Nature Reserves"by the State Council of China. Today, Sihanba is known as the "Emerald of North China". It is very important for Beijing's water and air quality. It is also a natural shield(屏障)that can block sandstorms.
              1. Where is Saihanba National Forest Park?______
              2. When did Chinese people start to recreate a national forest in Saihanba?______
              3. How long did it take the forest guards to turn the desert into a green land?______
              4. What is the second paragraph mainly about?______
              5. Why is Saihanba important?______
            • 4.
              One afternoon Jack and Sarah were (1) tea at home when Jack asked her to go out for a walk."That"s a great (2) ,Jack.Shall we go to the park?"said Sarah."Should we take an umbrella?It might rain.""I don"t think it"s necessary,Sarah.The radio says there (3) be no rain."Jack said.
              On their way to the park,Sarah noticed that the clouds (4) very dark.Sarah was worried that it would rain. (5) they didn"t have an umbrella.When they arrived at the park,the clouds were (6) bigger.Soon it began to rain and Sarah was very sorry she didn"t have an umbrella.
              "Come on!Let"s (7) home!"shouted Jack.When they got home,they were (8) wet."I think (9) we should have taken an umbrella,"said Sarah."I"m so (10) .Next time you shouldn"t listen to me.Just take an umbrella."Jack said.
            • 5. Tony went (1) (fish) at sea.But he sat all day long without catching a single fish.On (2) (he) way home,he stopped at a store and ordered four tuna (金枪鱼).He told the seller:"Pick four large (3) (one) out and throw them at me,will you?"
              "Why do you want me to throw them at you?"asked the seller.
              "So that I am able to tell my wife that I (4) (catch) them,"said Tony.
              "OK,but I suggest that you take the salmon (三文鱼).""Why?"asked Tony.
              "Because your wife came in (5) (early) than you today and said that if you come by,I should tell you to take salmon.That"s what she"d like for supper tonight,"said the seller.
            • 6. ots of us have dreams of doing big business when we grow up.However,Moziah Bridges,a 14-year-old boy in the US,is now the CEO of his own company.He (1) (sell) 200,000bow ties(领结) since 2011.
              One day about four years ago,when Moziah (2) (shop) for bow ties,he found they were only in"ugly"black and red.He wanted a change.So he asked his grandma (3) (teach) him how to sew (缝),and finally developed the talent of creating bow ties.However,his first bow tie (4) (not look) nice.The boy never gave up and kept on (5) (practice).He used colorful cloth with different pictures.His parents and friends started to like his bow ties.Then he tried to sell them online to several stores in the south.Moziah"s bow ties soon (6) (become) popular.
              Now his business has increased quickly.As Bridges"mother said,"You don"t have to wait until you"re older.If you (7) (have) a dream,just go for it."
