优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              You want to run across the street to catch the bus which is leaving soon ? But  __   (1)  ___ ! Youˈd better not . If a policeman sees you , youˈll have to pay a fine (罚款). 
                New traffic laws (交通法) say that  ___   (2)  ___ people cross the street when the light is red , they can be fined as much as 50 yuan . 
                Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year . Chinese cities have  ____   (3)  ___ cars than ever . Drivers and pedestrians (行人) must work together to make the streets  ___   (4)  ____ . 
                The law has new rules for drivers and pedestrians . Divers have to  ____   (5)  __ down when they are close to crosswalks . If people are in a crosswalk , cars must  ___   (6)  ____ to let them pass . 
                There are rules for bus drivers , too . If bus drivers smoke , drink or make phone calls  ___   (7)  _____ driving, they can be fined . Buses that carry too many people are also against the law . 
                 Pedestrians will have to walk more safely under the new law . They must cross streets at crosswalks . Also , they shouldnˈt climb over the fences (栅栏)  ____   (8)  ___ streets . 
                 Do you bike to school ? Itˈs not a good idea to  ___   (9)  ___ classmates on the back . You could be fined 50 yuan . And stay in the bike lane (车道) when youˈre riding . The big roads are for cars and buses . 
                 If you see a hit-and-run (肇事逃逸), tell the police . They may give you a reward (奖赏). And donˈt be afraid to help people to the hospital if they are hurt in an accident . Donˈt worry about money . The new law says that  ___   (10)  ___ must take care of them even if they canˈt pay right away.

              (1) A. hurry B. look C. wait D. listen

              (2) A. if B. when C. so D. though

              (3) A. fewer B. more C. less D. larger

              (4) A. safer B. happier C. lighter D. slower

              (5) A. slow B. play C. run D. pass

              (6) A. like B. go C. turn D. stop

              (7) A. if B. while C. because D. as

              (8) A. through B. across C. into D. along

              (9) A. carry B. take C. bring D. move

              (10) A. policemen B. doctors C. teachers D. farmers

            • 2.

              Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents. They don’t know how to do   (1)   ,  because their parents do almost everything for them at home. This is a big problem.

              Joy is 14 years old. One day her parents went away   (2)   business, so she had to stay at home alone. At first she thought she would be happy   (3)   her parents were not in. She could do everything   (4)   she liked. But it was six o’clock in the afternoon, she felt    (5)   . “Oh, it’s time to have supper. Where can I get my food?” she said to herself. Later she found some food in the fridge, but she   (6)   know how to cook. At that moment, she missed her   (7)   very much. At last she could only go to the supermarket and   (8)   some food to eat.

              Many of teenagers are   (9)   as Joy. So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves   (10)   .  They shouldn’t depend too much on their parents.

              (1) A. their homework      B. some shopping   
              C. business       D. housework
              (2) A. in                             B. at                     
              C. on                     D. with
              (3) A. so                           B. because               
              C. but                    D. until
              (4) A. that                        B. who                 
              C. where                D. when
              (5) A. hungry                   B. full                    
              C. excited              D. bored
              (6) A. couldn’t         B. didn’t                 
              C. might not                 D. wouldn’t
              (7) A. cousin                    B. aunt                           
              C. brother              D. parents
              (8) A. made               B. bought             
              C. gave                         D. saw
              (9) A. the same         B. difficult               
              C. different           D. warm-hearted
              (10) A. actually                  B. carelessly          
              C. properly         D. slowly
            • 3.

              With the development of economic and technology, more and more pollution appeared in every part of the life .Many people know the air pollution and water pollution are   (1)  to people.   (2)  ,not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and it is bad for human beings too.

              People who work and live under noisy   (3)  easily become deaf .Scientists believe that 10 percent   (4)  the workers in Britain are being deafened(变聋)by the noise where they work .Many of the workers who print newspapers and books ,and who weave (织)cloth become deaf. Quite a few people   (5)  near airports also become deaf. Recently it was discovered that many teenagers in America could hear no better than   (6)  people, for these young people like to listen to pop music and most of the pop music is   (7)   noise.

              Nowadays the governments in many countries have made laws   (8)  or control noise and to make  (9)  less than 85 decibels(分贝).In China , the government is trying to solve  (10)   air and water pollution problems but also pollution problem.

              (1) A. bad             B. harmful        
              C. good             D. nice
              (2) A. But             B. So             
              C.  and             D. However
              (3) A. position        B. situation      
              C. conditions       D. instructions
              (4) A. in              B. to             
              C. of               D. with
              (5) A. live            B. to live        
              C. living           D. are living
              (6) A. 65-year-old     B. 65-years-old   
              C. 65 years old     D. 65 year old
              (7) A. some kinds of   B. a kinds of     
              C. kind of          D. a kind of
              (8) A.  reduce         B. reducing       
              C. to reduce        D. reduced
              (9) A. that            B. it             
              C. this             D. its
              (10) A. as well as      B. as soon as     
              C. not only         D. either
