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                     People use the words “mouse” and “rat” when talking about small animals with round ears, a pointy (尖的) nose, and a long tail. However, there are many different kinds of rats and mice, such as the Norway rat, black rat, house mouse, and deer mouse. The most common rat that people see is the Norway rat, while the house mouse is the most common mouse that people find in their homes.

                   If you can’t tell the differences between a rat and a mouse, you are not alone. The Norway rat and the house mouse both come from an animal, which lived millions of years ago. As a result, they have much in common. Both Norway rats and house mice have long tails, whiskers (须), and round ears. They also have similar (相似的) colours, including grey and brown. 21*cnjy*com

                  However, there are many differences between Norway rats and house mice. The Norway rat is much bigger than the house mouse. A Norway rat can weigh over ten times (倍) as much as a house mouse and is usually three times as large. Also, a Norway rat has big feet and small ears compared to the size of its body. But a house mouse has small feet and big ears compared to the size of its body. And its tail is longer than its body, while a Norway rat’s tail is shorter.


              The Norway rat and the house mouse


              *They both come from the same animal.

              *They both have (71)________, whiskers, and round ears.

              *They have similar (72)________.


              *The Norway rat is (73)_______ as heavy as a house mouse.

              *The Norway rat is usually three times as (74)_______ as a house mouse.

              *The Norway rat has big feet and small ears compared to its body, while the house mouse has small feet and big ears compared to its body.

              *The Norway rat’s tail is shorter than (75)_______, while the house mouse’s is longer.

