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            • 1.

              When I was a kid in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my father's friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul.

                  Every summer, when the first watermelon arrived, Bernie would call. Dad and I would go to Bernie's place. We'd sit on the edge of the dock (码头), feet dangling (摇晃), and got ready for a big meal.

                  Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then we'd bury our faces in watermelon, eating only the heart—the reddest, juiciest, firmest, sweetest, most seed-free part—and throw away the rest.

                  Bernie was my father's ideal of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernie's wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eatonly the heart of the watermelon.

                  What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you don't take the time to dangle(悬荡) your feet over the dock and enjoy life's small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life.

                  For many years, I forgot that lesson I'd learned as a kid on the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could.

                  Well, I've relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasure in the day. That's the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw the rest away.

              (1) We learned from the first two paragraphs that___________.

              A. the writer and his father were too poor to buy watermelons

              B. the writer’s father worked for Bernie

              C. the writer and his father were very happy to be invited

              D. Bernie planted many watermelons in his field

              (2) According to the writer’s father, Bernie__________.

              A. was kind to his workers

              B. worked hard all the time

              C. knew how to make enough money

              D. lived a rich and healthy life

              (3) The phrase "the heart of the watermelon" in Paragraph 4 refers to_________.

              A. the sweetest part of the watermelon

              B. take pleasure and enjoy life in time

              C. the writer's important lesson

              D. the writer's busy life

              (4) The writer learned from Bernie that__________.

              A. one has to work hard to reach his goal

              B. a friend in need is a friend in deed

              C. although the rich has a lot of money, they can’t enjoy their lives

              D. work sometimes hurt one’s life if he doesn’t take time to relax

              (5) What’s the best title for the passage?

              A. Enjoy the Best Things in Life

              B. Learn to Be Rich Businessman

              C. Throw Bad Watermelons Away in life

              D. An Important Lesson from Dad

            • 2.

              Since May 12, a computer virus named WannaCry has infected(感染)more than 300,000 computers in over 150 countries, according to Reuters.

              WannaCry is spread by using a weakness in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. Once the virus gets into the computer, it locks all the papers and asks the user for money to unlock them. At first, it asks for $300, but if the user doesn’t send the money in 72 hours, the price doubled, Papers are locked forever if the user doesn’t pay in seven days.

              The virus has brought bad results. For example, in the UK, the virus left the country’s National Health Service in a mess. Some hospitals had to cancel patient appointments(预约), reported The Telegraph. In China, the virus has hit thousands of computers, according to Qihoo 360. One of the most hard-hit groups in China were university users. Many students’ graduation papers were locked. They felt nervous and frightened. Also many gas stations were seriously hit, and the payment system didn’t work.

              WanaCry is the latest example of the cyber security(网络安全)problem. Matthew Hickey(who set up the security company Hacker House) said, “The attack is not surprising. It shows that many organizations do not use updates(更新)fast enough.” According to a survey, nearly half of the people said, “ We are not satisfied with the way software updates work.”

              As China Daily wrote, “We can’t completely protect our computers against these kinds of viruses, as this cat and mouse game will continue forever. The best choice for most users is to take care online and always install(安装)software updates.”

              (1) If your papers are locked by WannaCry, how much do you need to pay to unlock them at first?

              A. $ 150.          B. $ 300.       
              C. $ 450.         D. $ 600.

              (2) According to the passage, the writer shows the bad results by ______.

              A. giving reasons             B. giving examples

              C. comparing computers D. comparing number

              (3) From the last two paragraphs, we can know that _____.

              A. Matthew Hickey thinks the attack on computers is very surprising

              B. all the people are pleased with the way software update work

              C. the computers can be completely protected against these viruses

              D. we should take care online and update software fast enough

            • 3.

              Once upon a time, a fox was walking along a road. He saw some beautiful grapes hanging over a high wall. He stopped to look at the grapes. They looked nice to eat .The fox wanted to eat the grapes very much, but he cou1d’t reach them. So he jumped as high as he could. Sometimes his nose touched a grape, but his mouth could not reach it. The fox jumped and jumped until he was very tired.

                  Finally he stopped jumping and walked away with his nose held high. He said, “I don't need those grapes. They look nice but I'm sure they are sour.”

                  In our daily life, when people can't get something they want, they may say, “The grapes are sour.”

              (1) The fox was walking along a river.

              A. 正确 B. 错误

              (2) The grapes were beautiful and looked nice to eat.

              A. 正确 B. 错误

              (3) The fox didn't want to eat the grapes very much.

              A. 正确 B. 错误

              (4) The grapes were too high for the fox to get.

              A. 正确 B. 错误

              (5) Today,when people can't get what they want, they may say it's not good.

              A. 正确 B. 错误

            • 4.

              New York is 3 hours ahead of California, but it does not make California slow, or that New York is fast. Both are working based on their own “ Time Zone”(时区).

              Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before finding a good job! And there is another who graduated at 27 and got hired immediately!

              Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50.While another became a CEO at 50, and lived to 90 years.

              Someone is still single, while someone else got married and waited 10 years having a child. There is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.

              Obama retires(退休) at 55, but Trump starts at 70.

              Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone. People can have things worked out only according to their pace. (步调)

              People around you might seem to go ahead of you; some might seem to be behind you. But everyone is running their own race, in their own time.

              Don’t envy them or laugh at them. They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours!

              Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. Hold on, be strong, and stay true to yourself .Fight in your time zone.

              So, RELAX. You’re not LATE. You’re not EARLY. You are very much ON TIME , and in your time zone destiny set up for you.

              (1) When it’s 8:00 in New York, what time is it in California?

              A. 11:30                      B. 5:00                        
              C. 12:30                      D. 11:00

              (2) Which is true according to the passage?

              A. We should get married earlier

              B. If you fall behind, you needn’t to try hard

              C. Obama starts his job of president at a younger age than Trump               

              D. Life is about waiting for the right TIME ZONE

              (3) What’s the meaning of the underlined word “ envy”?

              A. 观摩                         B. 嘲笑                        
              C. 羡慕                         D. 跟随

              (4) According to the passage, if you don’t do well in your study now, you should______.

              A. have a rest and wait                                      

              B. stay in your own TIME ZONE

              C. stop to have a relax.                   

              D. work hard and wait for the right moment.

              (5) Which do you think is the best title?

              A. Time Zone                                                   
              B. Wait for the Right Moment

              C. Fight in Your Time Zone                               
              D. You Are on Time

            • 5.

              Should Shanghai bid for (申办) the Summer Olympics in 2028? Here are some peopleˈs opinions.

                   Some  people  said,  " The  games  will improve Shanghaiˈs global influence and the city is powerful and must try to become a platform (平台) for major international dialogues. Shanghai has succeeded in holding the World Expo in 2010 and the city can also hold the successful Summer Olympics. "

                  Others, however, are not sure that itˈs a good idea They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things.

                   The 2008 Beijing Olympics brought much prestige (声望) to the city and to China, but its cost, over $ 40 million, was high and the Olympic site(场地) in the center of the city is now largely unused,  Could Shanghai learn from Beijingˈs experience and do it better?

                    My answer is yes. As one American said, "A great city has to do great things. " Shanghai is a great city and is not afraid of facing challenges. Holding the 2028 Summer Olympics would prove that.

              (1) Shanghai held the World Expo in _______successfully.

              A. 2008  B. 2010  C. 2018  D. 2028

              (2) Some people donˈt agree that Shanghai bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics because _____.

              A. they think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things
              B. the city is not powerful enough to become a platform for major international dialogues
              C. Shanghai is a great city but people there donˈt want to face challenges
              D. there isnˈt large Olympic site that can be used

              (3) Which is NOT true according to the passage

              A. Some people think the Olympics will improve Shanghaiˈs global influence.
              B. Some people think Shanghai can hold the Summer Olympics successfully.
              C. The 2008 0lympics brought much prestige to Shanghai and to China
              D. The writer thinks Shanghai could learn from Beijingˈs experience and hold a better        Olympics.  

              (4) The passage mainly tells us ________.

              A. if Shanghai can hold the Summer Olympics in 2028
              B. Shanghai will hold the Summer Olympics in 2028
              C. Shanghai wonˈt hold the Summer Olympics in 2028
              D. opinions on whether Shanghai should bid for the Summer Olympics in 2028
            • 6.

              In the eyes of many foreigners, Chinese are the best hosts (主人) and the worst guests in the world. They’re not really bad guests, but because the guest-host relationship in China is much different than in some western counties, it appears they are not nice guests. And western guests sometimes look rude (粗鲁的) in the eyes of Chinese guests.

                 In China, guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese person’s home, there is always fruit on the table for me, and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the west, generally the guest is not a god. Acting according to the host’s way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.

                 My wife’s mother, a very kind elderly Chinese lady, doesn’t smoke. When I see some of her guests smoking in her house, as a non-smoker, I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly, but I must realize that in China, to be a good host, she must not do that. In most North America homes, if you are a guest, and the hosts are not smokers, you should not smoke in their house. At the very least, you could ask, “Is it OK if I smoke?” “But, don’t besurprised if they say, “No, you can’t smoke.” In our culture, if you smoke in their home, you are a bad guest, but if they don’t allow you to smoke in their house, they are not a rude guest.

                 Guests in China also have special habits. Some western people may not adapt to these habits very soon. Thankfully my wife is Chinese, so whenever we visit a Chinese family she tells me to buy them a gift. However, giving a gift to a host is not always necessary in my country. So, if you invite international guests to your home, don’t be too surprised if they don’t bring you a gift.

              In China, you probably wonˈt need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host, and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. If western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.

              (1) When a western guest visits a Chinese family, he often _________.

              A. buys some fruit             
              B. feels like a god   

              C. wants some gifts          
              D. takes a cup of tea

              (2) If the writer’s guests want to smoke in his house, what will he probably say?

              A. It’s OK if you smoke here.
              B. Let’s smoke together.

              C. Sorry, you can’t smoke here.
              D. Smoking is a bad habit.

              (3) What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “adapt to” in the passage?

              A. think back to        B. get used to     
              C. look forward to       D. keep close to

              (4) What is the main idea of this passage?

              A. Foreigners should learn from Chinese.
              B. Hosts must do things in the guest’s way.

              C. Western hosts are always nice to guests.
              D. People should understand cultural differences.

            • 7.

               Some people love eating food right after it is cooked. I prefer food just taken out from the freezer (冰箱). Fruit, candies, nuts, chocolate, cake with buttercream frosting (糖果), even peas, all of them taste delicious when frozen. In fact, I often eat them that way.

                  I was a kid when I picked up the habit. In my family, lots of things were thrown into the freezer--finally, two freezers--to prevent them from going bad. Among them were some of the candies my sisters and I had collected on Halloween.

                  If we eat when they are still warm, we'll find ourselves taking the cookies more than we should. It's better if we can put them into the freezer and wait. That way we'll eat less and enjoy them more because they are hard and chewing (咀嚼) becomes a slower, more patient effort. That's the point about frozen buttercream frosting. Pm it in your mouth at room temperature, and it's gone very quickly. But when it's frozen, you can enjoy the taste much longer as it melts (融化) in your mouth.

                  The freezer treats a lot of fruit kindly. Take frozen grapes for example, I keep a bowl of grapes in my freezer. They become a little icy, and somehow their sweetness is improved. They are perfect and healthy dessert (点心). This is the same with oranges, apples, bananas...You might think bananas would get super-hard when frozen. Wrong! They become cool, creamy and sweet. If you have wisely covered some or all of the bananas with melted chocolate before putting them into the freezer, they will have a double taste.

                  As long as you aren't eating anything that truly has to be hot, go ahead and experiment.

              (1) What does the passage want to tell us?

              A. Fruit should be frozen before one eats it.
              B. Frozen food is better than hot food.

              C. The writer prefers frozen food.
              D. Hot food is not healthy.

              (2) The writer began to enjoy frozen food when he ________.

              A. was young B. learned cooking
              C. got married D. got a fever

              (3) Why does the writer NOT advise us to take hot cookies?

              A. Because they need more time to prepare.

              B. Because the taste is not good when they are hot.

              C. Because they lire too delicious to avoid our overeating.

              D. Because we may eat them quickly and enjoy them less.

              (4) What does the underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refer to?

              A. The taste. B. Buttercream.

              C. The cookie. D. Frozen buttercream frosting

            • 8.

              To encourage reading, a Chinese company placed over 10,000 books around the underground, in taxis and on planes in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The activity earned the support of many Chinese stars. The “book-dropping battle,” however, won little praise. Instead, the movement drew much criticism(批评).

              Some books were left untouched. Around the underground, passengers thought the books were left there to save the seats. Some books were taken away by cleaners. People also complained that they couldn’t get to the books—the carriages were too crowded.

              The movement led to a hot debate.

              Most people thought it could do little to encourage reading. “I think the best result is that people take selfies(自拍)when they pick up the books and write a post in WeChat. After that, they will just bring the books back home and place them on their bookshelves,” wrote one Weibo user.

              Some pointed out that while Watson was a great reader, the Chinese stars who supported the movement didn’t seem to be reading much. Isn’t it embarrassing that the movement is supported by stars who don’t read a lot?

              Murong Xuecun is a famous Chinese writer. He thought the book-sharing campaign was not at all a bad thing. “In the past years, the Chinese economy(经济) has been developing rapidly. Everybody is busy with work. They don’t have time for reading,” said Murong.“However, just because Chinese people don’t read regularly, it doesn’t mean we should do nothing to encourage reading, ” Murong added.

              (1) What’s purpose of The “book-dropping battle” ?

              A. To encourage people to read.

              B. To test how much people like reading.

              C. To find out people if give back the books.

              D. To encourage people to take public transport.

              (2) What result of “book-dropping battle” isn’t mentioned in the passage?

              A. Some books were thought to save the seats.

              B. Some books were taken away by cleaners.

              C. People couldn’t get to the books because of the crowded.

              D. Some people thought it affected the traffic.

              (3) The underlined word “debate” means _____ in the passage.

              A. 阅读    B. 争论    C. 兴趣     D. 风气

              (4) The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _______.

              A. “book-dropping battle” works little

              B. Most people like taking selfies

              C. people prefer reading in WeChat.

              D. Weibo users prefer reading books

              (5) What is Murong Xuecun’s idea about “book-dropping battle”?

              A. Book-sharing campaign may effect the economy

              B. Chinese people are too busy to read books.

              C. We shouldn’t give up encouraging reading,

              D. Developing Chinese economy is more important than reading.

            • 9.

                     Readers (《朗读者》) is a popular TV show in China. It invites (邀请) people to read aloud (大声地) on the stage (舞台). The show also tells moving (感人的) stories behind those people. They can read everything, like poems (诗), books, and letters.

                     Many people are fans of the show. They begin (开始) to enjoy reading aloud at home.

                     Now, the show gives people a place to read. It is a reading pavilion (朗读亭). It showed up in cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi’an. Let’s have a look!

                     The pavilion is not very big. Only one person can come into it each (每一) time. There is a microphone (麦克风) in it and it records (记录) people’s voices.

                     Everyone can read for three minutes in it. You can read anything you like. The show will pick (挑选) some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.

                  Lots of people come to the pavilion to read. Yu Duohan is an 11-year-old girl from Shanghai. “I love reading aloud,” she said. “It makes the story become more beautiful.”

                  The pavilion will also come to other cities across the country (国家). You can read your favorite stories in the pavilion soon.

              (1) What can’t people read in Readers?

              A. Poems.                   B. Letters.            
              C. Ads.                  D. Stories.

              (2) Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

              A. Readers is a popular book.

              B. The show will ask some of the readers to read on TV.

              C. Yu Duohan, a 12-year-old boy, likes reading aloud very much.

              D. You and your friends can get into the pavilion together (一起).

              (3) What does the underlined sentence mean?

              A. There will be pavilions in each city.                   

              B. People from more and more cities can read aloud in pavilions.

              C. Readers invites people to read in the pavilion.

              D. People have to read aloud in their cities.

              (4) The best title (标题) is ___________.

              A. A small place for reading aloud     
              B. People who like to read aloud

              C. Why we need to read aloud               
              D. Reading aloud is good

            • 10.

              A teacher cleared off his desk and placed on top of it a few things. One of them was an empty mason jar(玻璃瓶). He filled the jar with golf balls until he could fit no more. He looked at the classroom and asked his students if they agreed that the jar is full. Every student agreed that the jar was really full.

              The teacher then picked up a box of small pebbles(卵石) and poured them into the jar with the golf balls. The pebbles filled all of the openings in between the golf balls. He asked the students if the jar was full. Once again, they agreed.

              Now the teacher picked up a bag of sand and poured it into the jar. The sand filled in all of the empty space left between the golf balls and pebbles. He asked the class again if the jar was full. The students agreed again.

              The teacher said, "I want you to know that this jar represents your life," he started. "The golf balls represent the important things: your family, health, friends…The pebbles represent the other things in life, such as your job, house and car. The sand is every small thing . If you put the sand in first, there is no room for the pebbles or golf balls.The same goes for life. If you spend all of your time on the small things, you will never have room for the things that are most important.

                 Pay attention to the important things in your life. You should know there will always be time to clean the house or go shopping.

              (1) Which of the following stands for the “pebble” according to the passage?

              A. Your problems. B. Your broken bike.
              C. Your promotion. D. Your life.

              (2) From the passage we know that _______.

              A. the teacher is too strict with the students

              B. we should spend more time on cleaning

              C. the water filled openings between sand and pebbles

              D. life should have enough room for golf balls

              (3) In this passage the underlined word “represents” probably means “ _______”.

              A. discusses B. protects C. explains D. stands for

              (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?

              A. How to make your life busy.
              B. What the real life should be.

              C. The order of life’s important things.
              D. How to use your time in a proper way.

