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            • 1.

              Dubai is a city of big business, expensive hotels, skyscrapers(摩天楼), and shopping malls.In the early 20th century, Dubai was a successful trading port.People from the world stopped in Dubai to do business.But it was still a small city, and most people lived as fishermen and businessmen.Then in 1966, oil was discovered.This brought a lot of money into the area, and soon Dubai began to change.

                Today Dubai is one of the world’s most important business centers.In fact, each year the city gets its money mainly from business, not oil.

                Recently Dubai has attracted more and more visitors from abroad.They come to relax on its beaches, and every year, millions visit just to go shopping!

                Dubai is also one of the world’s fastest growing cities.Many tall buildings are built in months.The city also has many man-made islands.One of these, the Palm Jumeirah, is like a palm tree(棕桐树) and is very beautiful.

                The city is still an amazing mix of people from different countries.The people from 150 countries live and work in Dubai, and foreigners nowoutnumberDubai natives(本地人) by eight to one!

                Many people welcome the city’s growth.But an increasing number of Dubai natives worry about the speed of change.As a Dubai native says, “We must always remember where we came fromOur kids must know we worked very, very hard to get where we are now, and there’s a lot more work to do

            • 2.

              In China, mung bean soup (绿豆汤) is an usual food to cool yourself in summer. But in 2010, your family might not make so much mung bean soup because of its high price.The price of the mung bean is now more than 20 yuan per kilo. That is more expensive than pork(猪肉)! Last year, mung beans cost only 6 yuan per kilo

              What caused the price rise? Experts say there are several reasons.

              First, there is a smaller mung bean supply in 2010. There was a drought in North-east China in 2009. It is China’s main producing area of bean. The drought stopped the beans from growing. Also, some other crops such as corn, wheat and rice sold well last year. So many farmers chose to grow those crops instead of mung beans. As a result, there are fewer beans on the market this year.

              Second, there are more requirements for mung beans in the market. From January to March, our country’s crop export(出口) went up by 22 per cent from the last three months. That includes the export of mung beans. For example, 90 percent of mung beans in Japan market now come from China. And these days people are paying more and more attention to healthy eating habits, so they are eating more mung beans.

              Another reason is that some sellers are buying a large number of mung beans from farmers. But they are not selling them to people. They store the mung beans. When the market is short of mung beans, the price goes up. Then people who have been storing mung beans can sell them at a higher price.

              But you don’t have to worry that you cannot drink much mung bean soup to cool yourself this summer. There are other drinks that are good to drink on hot days, such as green tea, lemonade and fruit juice. And when fewer people want to buy mung beans, the price will go down at last.

