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            • 1.

              People from Great Britain brought the English language to North America in the 16th and 17th centuries. And in the   (1)   300 years, there have been so many changes in both places. Now people can easily   (2)   an English person from an American in the way he or she talks.

                  Many old words  (3)  in England but were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago, people in Great Britain got their water from something they called either a "aucet", "spigot", or a "tap". All these words are   (4)   heard in different parts of America, but only "tap" is still common in England. Americans often make up new words or change old ones. "Com" is one kind of plant in America and   (5)   in England.

                  Also, over the last three centuries, the English language has added thousands of new words for things that weren't  (6)   before. And often, American and English people used two different names for them. A tin can is called "tin" for short in English, but a "can" in America. The word "radio" is  (7)  all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a "wireless". And almost anything having something to do with cars, railroads, etc. has different   (8)   in British and American English.

                  But now American and British English may be  (9)  closer together. One thing is that British people can hear a large mount of American speech daily in movies, on television, or from travelers. Because of this, Americans  (10)   to be influencing the British more and more. So some day, English may even be the same on both sides of the Atlantic.

              (1) A. recent          B. past              
              C. oldest             D. latest

              (2) A. pick          B. take               
              C. tell              D. judge

              (3) A. disappeared    B. stayed             
              C. returned          D. formed

              (4) A. still           B. hardly             
              C. clearly           D. then

              (5) A. none          B. the other           
              C. another           D. something

              (6) A. known B. accepted C. introduced D. understood

              (7) A. produced        B. made              
              C. developed D. used

              (8) A. names         B. types              
              C. degrees           D. parts

              (9) A. staying        B. growing            
              C. living            D. putting

              (10) A. seem          B. expect              
              C. need            D. happen

            • 2.

              When I first moved to New Orleans, Louisiana in the fourth grade, I realized that I was stepping into a completely different world. What impressed me deeply was the friendliness of the people there.

              “What can I get for you, honey?” a(n)   (1)   asked me on my first day in Louisiana. I was   (2)  . This woman did not even know me, and yet she   (3)   me like family. She smiled down at me as I   (4)  the food on the menu.

              “Is the pasta(意大利面) good?” I asked her.

              “Baby, it’s not my   (5)  ,” she answered with a wide smile, “  (6)   I’m more of a sushi (寿司)girl, you know!”

              I looked at my family in great surprise. What should I   (7)   to that? I had no idea what sushi was, nor could I believe that this woman had just stopped me from ordering something. She had given me her   (8)   opinion, as if we were best friends.

              I recently went to the DMV to update my driver’s license. As I was   (9)   in the silent room with at least twenty other people, a woman walked in.

              “Good morning!” She announced to the room.

              “Good morning,” the whole room said back at once.

              The woman took her seat, and waited with everyone else for her number to be   (10)   as I looked around the room, surprised. Suddenly, everyone was comfortable with each other. We were all friends and neighbours.

              Even after eight years of living in Louisiana, it   (11)   makes me smile to know that I am not   (12)   here. Someone in this place is always   (13)   to say hello or to lend a hand when it is   (14)  . It is a sense of family and   (15)   that I have never been able to find anywhere else.

            • 3.

                Spain takes up about most of the Iberian peninsula(伊比利亚半岛) .Portugal(葡萄牙)is its western neighbor and France in the north.Spain is separated from North Africa on the south by the Mediterranean Sea(地中海),which also  (1)  ,Spain’s east coast  There are two islands belonging to Spain in the Atlantic off the coast of Africa.Spain also  (2)  two cities in the north of Africa.

                  Spain’s land is  (3)  covered with mountains,only the coastal places are plains.Spain’s population has a small drop in recent years.There are about nineteen million.Spain’s birthrate is the  (4)  in the world.It has been the worry of the government.Spanish is the official language of the country,but many more other languages are  (5)  by its people on this land.

                  Spain is an interesting place  (6)  people to enjoy the different cultures People living there are full of arts and energy The Spanish bullfight(斗牛)is famous all over the world.Many people  (7)  their best to visit it and have a good look  (8)  .Playing the guitar and dancing to music are also special,The old churches and houses are also one of the reasons for people to  (9)  this country.Surely it is everyone’s  (10)  to  have a chance to visit this beautiful  country as soon  as possible.

            • 4.


                  Last month,I returned to my homeland to attend my elder sister’s wedding(婚礼).Although it was a very modern wedding,my sister kept one tradition that comes from an old English poem.

                  The poem says that a bride(新娘) must wear:“Something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue.”It is said to bring good____  (1)  ____to the marriage(婚姻).

                  Something old is something____  (2)  ____from the bride’s family.It could be an heirloom(传家宝) that has been in the family for years.or a piece of her mother’s dress.This is meant to show a____  (3)  ____with the bride’s family.

                  Something new____  (4)  ____hope for the future of the couple.It can be the new wedding dress,or new shoes.

                  Something borrowed is____  (5)  ____an item of clothing or jewelry(珠宝).It is____  (6)  ____one of the bride’s friends who have a happy marriage.It is believed to bring some of the friend’s luck in her marriage to the bride.

                  Last is something blue,which comes from another rhyme:“Marry in blue,husband be true.”This____  (7)  ____that a bride who wears blue will have a faithful(忠诚的) husband.It could be____  (8)  ____on her jewelry or on her shoes.

                  These days,most brides do not____  (9)  ____that wearing these items will really bring them good luck.However,they wear them anyway in recognition(认可) that traditions are____  (10)  ____.

