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            • 1.
              Xinhua News:China will allow the Two-Child Policy(政策).A couple can have two children.Thus,birth health,childcare and other public service level will also be improved,but what the young think is quite different.
              WeChat between 2pupils:
              Er Niu:San Wa,I have heard your parents will bear a brother for you?
              San Wa:Yeah!OMG(Oh,my God!)!You know,I'm old enough,but they
              should bear a younger one!
              Er Niu:How did they tell you about this?
              San Wa:Well,Father said,"It's just like a game.Now that the larger number is worn out,a smaller one has to be applied(申请)."
              Nanchang,November 6th:My son heard we were considering to have a child,it was surprising to hear my 18-year-old son say,"You can't have unless you give the bigger half share of the house to me.""That leaves my wife and me in a state of surprise,"said Mr Lee,a public servant,on
              November 5th in Nanchang,Jiangxi.He has already had a house in the name of his son,if a younger son is born,it will lead to a fight about the house division in the future.
              Nanjing,November 11th:A few days ago,when the state issued a policy to allow two children,Sunyan and his wife at the dinner table were discussing whether they should have a second son at the age of 40.Their son listened impatiently,"You both are already so old,but still want to
              have a child.If it is born and greatly different from me,who would think it is my brother or sister?Perhaps they would say I am married and have it.I am afraid of being misunderstood."
              Information Card
              The policy China allows[81    
              The persons chatting with Wechat82    
              The age of Mr Lee's son83    
              The thing Mr Lee's son wants for his new brother84    
              The thing Sunyan's son is afraid of85    
            • 2. Women make up 50percent of world's population and yet they are not treated equally.They hold less than one-fifth of the all parliamentary (议会) seats around the world,occupy less than 19percent of board (董事会) seats in Fortune 500companies and earn 17percent less than men for similar skills and positions.As a group,they are passed over and looked down on.
              On March 8 every year,millions of women around the world celebrate International Women's Day.It is possible that you may not have heard about the International Women's Day in the United States.Yet Women's Day had its origin in the United States.
              Women's Day was first celebrated in February 1909in the US to mark the one-year anniversary of the New York Garment Worker's Strike of 1908.Women used the chance to fight against warring and fight for women's vote rights.
              Did you know that it was a Women's Day protest in St.Petersburg in 1917,which led to the revolution (革命) for bringing down the Russian empire?After the Russian revolution,Women's Day came to be celebrated as a communist (共产主义的) or socialist (社会主义的) holiday.As a result,the United States government didn't accept it as a holiday.
              Today Women's Day is celebrated in places such as China and Russia as a sort of state-approved Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.The tradition in these countries is to give flowers and gifts to the important women in one's life.
              In 1975,the United Nations officially announced March 8as International Women's Day.Since then,it has been a practice to suggest an annual theme for each year.The theme for 2016is"Pledge For Parity."It calls on women and men to challenge the present state and inspire positive change in their communities and workplaces.
              There is a lot that needs to be done.As a society,we need to offer women and girls chances to make their dreams come true,have equal chances for leadership,respect and value differences,and develop a better work environment.This day challenges and reminds that everyone can be a leader in their own small way and can take positive steps to bring about gender equality.
              Our world can truly be balanced when we use the potential that women have to offer.As we prepare children for the future,it is important that girls and women not be left behind.

              Women's present situationWomen make up (56)     of the world's population.
              Women get(57)     chances and less money while working.
               (58)     of Women's DayIt was first celebrated in the US in 1909.
              The Women's Day protest in 1917(59)     the revolution in Russia.
              It was not(60)     as a holiday in the United States.
              The United Nations (61)    March 8th as International Women's Day in 1975.
              Ways of celebrating Women's DayBeing(62)     as a sort of state-approved Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.
              Flowers and gifts are(63)     to the important women in one's life.
              (64)    of Women's DayTo help(65)    women and girls'dreams.
              To help women get chances for leadership equally.
              To develop a better work environment for women.
            • 3. In New York City public school,176 different languages are spoken (86)a ______ more than one million students.For 160000 children,English is not their first language.New York’s Department of Education makes learning (87)b ______ for these students by providing dual-language (双语)programs.Students are taught in two languages,English and (88)a ______ one,such as French,German or Japanese,Math,social studies,science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages.And they learn about the (89) ______ /'kʌltʃə(r)/of the other country.
              Milady Baez,a headmaster,says these dual-language programs will help children succeed in the future.”The jobs of the future (90) ______ /n'kwatɔ(r)/that our students know more than one language.They’re going to travel (91) ______ (在国外)and communicate with people from all over the world.This will open doors for them.”
              Shuya Zhang (92) ______ (教)a dual-language class.She says,”America started economic relationships with China.Lots of factories were (93)b ______ .companies moved to China.They need people with both language skills.”
              Anna,a Russian girl came to America (94) ______ she was two years old.She says the Russian.English program keeps her connected to her heritage and her parents happy.
              Nowadays,more and more (95) ______ (外国人)come to China.Perhaps in the future your school will also provide them with the dual=language program.
            • 4.

              A traffic accident

              Here is a piece of news report from a traffic accident.

              At 4:40 p.m. on April 3rd, some students were riding bikes fast. They were playing while they were riding. They took up (占据) most of the road. When they got to the gate of Fu Hong Supermarket, a motorcycle came so fast that all the students were frightened. But the motorcycle didn’t slow down when it came near them. The student on the left was hit by the motorcycle. His right leg was badly hurt and his bike was broken. The man on the motorcycle called the 122 hotline at once and took the student to the hospital.

              Time: 71.                                                  Date:72.                                             , 2016
               Place: the gate of73.                                                    
               Accident: A motorcycle came so74.                                              and hit a student cyclist. The student’s75.                                    was badly hurt and his bike was76.                                             

            • 5.

              I have always loved cars. After graduating from college, I got one, which I regarded as(把……当作)my favorite friend.I called it Victor. For the next three years, everything I did was connected with(与……有关)Victor. I lived a happy life. But because of money problems, I had to sell Victor. Then my life broke down. Without Victor, I was like a fish out of water. Three months later, with the encouragement of my friends, I decided to start a new life. I tried and made it. Everything went well again. Losing my car made me grow up. I have learned that life won’t always go our way, but we can chose to be positive(积极的)and make the best of it.

              (66)_______       of the car


              Time of getting the car

              (67)_______       graduating from college

              Reason for  (68)_______      the car to someone

              Because of money problems

              Feelings of losing the car

              Like a fish out of (69)_______       

              Improvement from the experience

              (70)_______      won’t always go our way We can be positive.

            • 6.

               James Cameron’s "Titanic" has come back, in 3D this time. It was first shown in 1997. It won 11 Oscars(奥斯卡), including best picture and best director(导演) for Cameron. Fifteen years later, Kate Winslet, the leading lady, who played Rose in the movie is happy to be back for the movie . She said, "It’s been a really big part of my life. It’s kind of never gone away. People keep saying to me, "How does it feel to be talking about it after 15 years?" Well, I’ve always been talking about "Titanic", it didn’t go anywhere. So, it’s great that it’s coming out again, in 3D, and it’s wonderful too, it’s still the same wonderful film."
                 The stars in the movie Titanic got together again. However, the film’s leading man Leonardo DiCaprio, who’s busy with other work didn’t show up. He played Jack in the movie.
              According to the passage, answer the following questions:

            • 7.
              A.Compare the CDs in the list.You can look at the prices or other customers'opinions.This can help you decide which one you want to buy.
              B.Go to www.eBay.comand create an eBay account.You need to fill in an online form with your information.To pay for your order,you also need to get one on PayPat.
              C.After you have an account,you can look for the CD you want.Type the name of the CD in the search box.You will see a list of CDs.
              D.When you decide which one to buy,you can click"Buy It Now"and then finish your order with the correct address(better both in English and Chinese),your telephone number and suitable ways of post.Finally.pay for it and you will receive it in about 20 to 30 days.
              E.However,if you are not satisfied with it,it is possible to return the CD in 5 working days.I hope this step is never needed.
              F.Once you receive the CD,check it carefully.If you are satisfied with it,you can go back to eBay website and give your opinions on it.
            • 8.
              Chinese President Xi Jinping urged development of the country's forestry(林业)while attending a voluntary tree planting in Beijing.Xi,also general secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC) Central Committee,visited an afforestation(植树)site in Beijing's Daxing District and planted six saplings(树苗)of different varieties at the site on April 5th,2016.
              Other top leaders,(A)_______Premier Li Keqiang as well as Zhang Dejiang,Yu Zhengsheng,Liu Yunshan,Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli,also attended the event.
              President Xi(B)______on officials at all levels to take the lead in voluntary tree planting campaigns(活动)to promote(促进)new development of planted trees①and,more,to,living,greener,make,environment,beautiful,people's.
              The president called for an altruistic(无私的)and down-to-earth spirit for much activities,citing(引用)the Chinese proverb② "people plant trees so their offspring(后代)can enjoy the shade."
              Xi told officials,volunteers and school children present the Mao Zedong issued(发布)the call of"greening the country"60 years ago,and the National People's Congress(代表大会)began the tree planting campaing 35 years ago at the behest(请求)of Deng Xiaoping.
              Over the years,China's forests have continues to grow at the fastest pace in the world this century,Xi noted.The president also stressed the environmental protection drive.

              (1) A ______ ;B ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              任务四:请回答问题:What did Mao Zedong issue 60 years ago?
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
            • 9. A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggling (搏斗) with a large box.
              It was half in and half out of her car.He was a helpful and kind man,so he went up to the woman and said,“Let me give you a hand with that box.It looks very heavy.”
              “That’s very kind of you,”the woman said.“I’m having a lot of trouble with it.I think it’s stuck.”“Together we’ll soon move it,”the man said.He stepped into the back seat of the car and took hold of the other end of the box.He said,“I am ready”.And he began to push hard.
              For several minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box.Soon they were red on the face.“Let’s rest for a minute,”the man said.“I am sorry,but it seems stuck.”A few minutes later,the man said,“Let’s try again.Are you ready?”Both of them took hold of the box again.“One,two,three!”the man said,and again they went on with their struggle.
              At last,when they were very tired,the man said,“You are right.It’s stuck really.I don’t think we have any ways we can get it out of the car.”“Get out of the car?”the woman cried.“I’m trying to get it in!”

              Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Only one word for each blank.
              A woman was (71)    trouble.Her heavy box was stuck in her car.A warm-hearted man saw her and wanted to (72)    her.So they began to push the box (73)    together.Several minutes later,they were very tired and they (74)    still move the box.It was stuck.At last,they know they push the box in (75)    directions.
            • 10. A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany.In his dream he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground.He ran off as fast as he could,but they followed him.He reached a place where he saw two roads in front of him,one to the right and the other to the left.Which road should he take?He heard the two men behind him getting nearer,and at the same time he heard a voice in his ear.It told him to choose the right way,and he did so.He ran on and soon came to a small hotel.He was received there kindly and given a room,and he was saved from the two men.That was the dream.
              Twenty years later he was really in the Black Forest and,as happened in the dream long ago,two men ran out and tried to throw him down.He ran off and came to a place with two roads,like in the dream.He remembered the dream and took the road to the right.He soon reached a small hotel and he was taken in and then he was safe.His dream of twenty years before saved his life.

              76.The Black Forest is a place    
              77.When he was walking in the forest,     ran after him.
              78.Finally he came to    
              79.It was     that saved the man’s life.
              80.The story tells us that a dream may     some years later.
