优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Mr Brown was going away for a week. Before he left,he said to his son,“If anyone asks for me,you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something,and will be back in a week,then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.”

              “OK,Dad,” said his son. But he was afraid his son couldnˈt remember this,he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket,took it out and looked at it every now and then.

              Four days passed,but no one came to see his father. The boy thought that there was no man to come and that the piece of paper was of no more use for him,so he burnt it that evening.

              The next afternoon,someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said,“Where is your father?” The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it,so he shouted,“No more.”

              The man was very surprised. He asked,“No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?”

              “Burnt yesterday evening.”

              (1) Mr Brown told his son that _____.
              A. he would be away from home for four days
              B. he would be back in seven days
              C. he would be back in a month
              D. he liked a cup of tea
              (2) Mr Brown wrote the words down on ________.
              A. the wall                                  
              B. the door
              C. a piece of paper                        
              D. his sonˈs pocket
              (3) A man came to visit the boyˈs father on ________.
              A. the second day                         
              B. the third day
              C. the fourth day                      
              D. the fifth day
              (4) The man was very surprised because _________.
              A. he thought the childˈs father was dead
              B. the child didnˈt ask him to sit down
              C. the child gave him a cup of tea
              D. he couldnˈt find that piece of paper
              (5) What was burnt? ___________.
              A. The piece of paper                     
              B. Mr Smith
              C. The visitor                            
              D. The boy
            • 2.

              Mr. Smith had two sons .One is seven years old, and the other is five. One morning during the holidays, when he was cleaning the car, his younger son came and asked him for some money for sweets.

                    “Sweets are bad for your teeth,” Mr. Smith said. “Take these two oranges instead(代替), and give one to your elder brother,” One of the oranges is quite a lot bigger than the other one , and as the small boy liked oranges very much, he kept that one for himself, and gave his brother the smaller one.

                    When the elder boy saw that his younger brother had a much larger orange than his own ,he said to him, “It’s selfish(自私的)to take the bigger one for yourself. If(如果) father had given me the oranges, I ’d have given you the bigger one.”

                    “I know you would,” answered his younger brother.” That’s why I took it.”


              Mr Smith gave his son some money for sweets.

              A. A  
              B. B

              The sweets are good for boys’ teeth.

              A. A  
              B. B


              The younger boy bought some sweets for himself.

              A. A  
              B. B


              The younger boy gave the bigger orange to his brother.

              A. A  
              B. B


              The elder boy is not selfish.

              A. A  
              B. B
            • 3.

               Do you feel tired and bored after a long term? Winter vacation is coming! Go on vacation! Go to   (1)   and interesting places!

                 I’m planning to   (2)   a vacation to Hainan Island(岛) first. I hear there are beautiful beaches there,   (3)   I’m taking walks or playing volleyball. Water there is great! I’m going   (4)   in the sea. Maybe I’m staying there for a week. In the daytime, I’m going sightseeing around the island. At night I’m renting some   (5)   and reading them in the hotel.

                 Then I decide to go to the countryside because it’s quiet and   (6)  . I can enjoy flowers and trees there. I can work with people there on the farm. They’re teaching me   (7)   to do farm work. And I’m going to the mountains if there is   (8)   time. I have to wear sports  (9)  to walk in the mountains. I think I will have a good time in the countryside. 

                 Are you thinking about your vacation? Come on, the beauty of nature is   (10)  for you. Go start!

              (1) A. same      B. different     
              C. traditional      D. large
              (2) A. discuss    B. play          C. take           D. travel
              (3) A. so        B. but           C. although       D. because
              (4) A. shopping   B. swimming    C. showering      D. washing
              (5) A. TVs       B. books        C. clothes          D. videos
              (6) A. ugly       B. awful       
              C. beautiful       D. useful     
              (7) A. when       B. how             
              C. why            D. where
              (8) A. much       B. few        
              C. little                D. many
              (9) A. hat         B. pants        C. shoes         D. jacket
              (10) A. asking      B. leaving      
              C. looking       D. waiting  
            • 4.

              A giant panda ran away from the zoo in London. He walked and walked and became  (1)  .  He walked into a restaurant, where he found a  (2)  at an empty table. The waiter took the panda’s order.

                  After he  (3)  his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air.  (4)  he turned around and walked toward the door.

                  Naturally, the waiter was horrified(恐惧的), but he tried hard to pull himself together and stopped him for a(n)  (5)  

                  The panda said to him, “What do I look like to  (6)  ?”

                  The waiter answered, “Well, a giant panda, of course.”

                  “That’s right,” said the panda. “Look it up.” And he walked out.

                  The waiter called the  (7)  . When they arrived, the waiter told them the whole story,   (8)  he panda’s words “looking it up”. So the police officer  (9)  a young man out to get an encyclopedia(百科全书).

                  The young man returned with the encyclopedia. The officer   (10)  “panda” and there was the answer, “Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots(竹笋)and leaves.”

              (1) A. tired B. angry C. crazy D. hungry

              (2) A. seat B. note C. waiter D. newspaper

              (3) A. ordered B. finished C. served D. cooked

              (4) A. So B. Once C. Then D. Also

              (5) A. talk B. excuse C. question D. explanation

              (6) A. us B. him C. you D. them

              (7) A. bosses B. police C. neighbors D. customer

              (8) A. about B. like C. without D. including

              (9) A. sent B. took C. drove D. invited

              (10) A. turned to B. asked for C. looked up D. called on

            • 5.

                Not only kids of Tiger Moms go to Harvard.

                 Dawn Loggins of Lawndale, N.C. is on her way to Harvard, one of the eight world-famous universities in the eastern US. Nobody encouraged her to study or paid for her special classes. This girl created her own future.

                 The teen was abandoned by her family last summer, when her parents and two sisters moved to Tennessee. She found herself homeless and had to spend the night on friendˈs sofas.

                 The school bus driver learned about Dawnˈs situation and invited Dawn to move in with her family. Soon, Dawn had a job at Burns High School. She worked from 6 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. before the first school bell rang. she swept floors and picked up trash again in the afternoons, before diving(跳水)into her studies in the evenings.

                 Dawnˈs hard work paid off. she finished school with a 3.9 GPA and scored 2,110 on the SAT.

                 "There were times when I felt like it would be easiest if I gave up," the 18-year-old said."But it was never in me to give up, because I realized that I was never going to be successful unless I got an education."

                 Even before Dawnˈs family left her, she led a difficult life. Her family was poor and cups of noodles were often the only food. Dawn "studied by candlelight" because her parents couldnˈt afford to pay the electricity bill(电费).

                 Dawn has now reconnected with her family. They are proud of her accomplishments(成就) and are attending her high school graduation.


              (1) Why didnˈt Dawn give up her studies?
              A. To reconnect with her family.          
              B. To thank those who had helped her.        
              C. To get an education to be successful.
              D. To realize her dream of going to Harvard.
              (2) Who helped Dawn when she found herself homeless?
              A. Her teachers.
              B. Her neighbors.
              C. A Tiger Mom.
              D. A school bus driver.
              (3) What does the underlined word " abandoned " mean in Chinese?
              A. 宠爱       B. 抛弃       C. 鼓励       D. 虐待
              (4) Which of the following words describes Dawn?
              A. Open-minded.       B. Good-natured.      
              C. Strong-willed.       D. Warm-hearted
              (5) What is the best title for the text?
              A. Another Harvard girl.
              B. A girl in candlelight.
              C. From homeless to Harvard.
              D. The role of Tiger Moms.
            • 6.

              Lockheed Martin, American space system company (空间系统公司) has found a really cool way to inspire the young minds of today to the research fields in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).

              It may look like a normal yellow bus, but all the magic happens once you get inside. Meet the“Mars (火星) Experience Bus,” part of Lockheed Martin’s new“Generation Beyond” national education program to get the kids joining in studying what goes on outside of our home planet. The bus offers a virtual reality (VR,虚拟现实) experience making the teenagers feel like they are driving on Mars.

              The VR experience was developed by taking advantage of software (软件) created for today’s best video games, so you can imagine the picture shown is top level. The kids do seem really excited to see the bus take a virtual trip on the red planet and search unknown places. It’s certainly a great way of leaning about the universe by virtual reality working on a common bus.

              The Lockheed Martin’s bus will start a tour in the United States to allow kids from different parts of the country to take a ride in it. The Generation Beyond project also includes an iPhone app for iOS providing real-time information about weather reports for Mars, and there’s also a free deep space course for middle school teachers and students.

              (1) “A really cool way” in the first paragraph refers to ________.
              A. A science subject B. Mars Experience Bus
              C. Video game software
              (2) “Generation Beyond” is a/an ________.
              A. school bus B. educational project C. vocation trip
              (3) The VR experience was developed from ________.
              A. video games B. space science C. diving systems
              (4) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?
              A. It just looks like a normal school bus after you get inside.
              B. Kids are sure to be more interested in all subject after the experience.
              C. You can get the real-time weather reports for Mars with the iPhone.
              (5) The best title of this passage may be ________.
              A. The common yellow bus B. The mysterious red planet
              C. The magic VR tour
            • 7.

              At my primary school, I was one of the smartest kids there. I never _(1) , but always got near perfect scores on all my tests. I was a child genius (天才), at least in my mind. I was also _(2) music and sports. I was pretty sure that once I got to seventh grade, everyone including my teachers would be _(3) by me.

              But actually, they weren’t.

              When I arrived at my new class, it seemed that there was always someone else who could do _(4) than I. My grades got worse and I needed to actually be studying for my tests. I believed I wasn’t smart. I believed I wasn’t talented. I believed I _(5) .

              Over the next two years, I had to work very hard for everything I did. Grades were still very low but gradually _(6) . I worked really hard but was still never the best at everything.

              But do I really have to be the best at everything? All the pressure I was feeling, all that _(7) when I did wrong, that was me! I was being too hard on myself. In fact, when I did badly on a test, my classmates would never _(8) me.

              No one is perfect. There will probably always be someone better than me at something. I will never be the number one at everything, and it’s really Okay.

              (1) A. forgot B. studied C. regretted
              (2) A. busy with B. tired of C. good at
              (3) A. amazed B. scared C. fooled
              (4) A. better B. easier C. slower
              (5) A. passed B. failed C. relaxed
              (6) A. improving B. fighting C. reporting
              (7) A. development B. excitement C. embarrassment
              (8) A. help with B. laugh at C. learn from
            • 8.

              The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (谷雨), as the last term in spring, starts on April 19 and ends on May 4.

              Grain Rain comes from the old saying,“Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains”, which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops. Here’s something that you may not know about the Grain Rain.

              (1). ________

              Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the temperature rises much higher than it does in March. With dry soil and heavy winds, sandstorms may happen more often. (2). ________

              There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.

              (3). ________

              People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes“toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk (嫩如丝)”. The vegetable is good for the stomach and skin.(4). ________

              The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fishing villages in northern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermen’s first voyage (航行) of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2000 years ago.

              (1) When Grain Rain ends, ________ starts.
              A. spring B. summer C. autumn
              (2) The underlined word“crops” refers to ________.
              A. plants in the field B. trees in the forest
              C. fishes in the sea
              (3) The people in southern China ________ on the day of Grain Rain.
              A. drink tea B. eat toona sinensis
              C. start the first voyage
              (4) We can infer that“toona sinensis” must be a kind of vegetable which ________.
              A. can bring good luck B. is delicious and healthy
              C. grows at the seaside
              (5) The right order of the titles from(1) to(4) should be ________.

                a. Eating toona sinensis

                b. Sandstorms happen

                c. Grain Rain Festival

                d. Drinking tea

              A. b-a-d-c B. b-c-a-d C. b-d-a-c
            • 9.

              An old gentleman whose eyesight(视力) was falling came to stay in a hotel room with a bottle of wine(酒) in each hand. On the wall there was a fly which he took for a nail(钉子). So as soon as he hung them on, the bottles fell broken and the wine split all over the floor.

              When a waitress discovered what had happened, she felt really sorry for him and wanted to give him a hand.

              So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the garden, she put a nail on the wall exactly where the fly had stayed.

              Now the old man entered his room. The smell of the split wine reminded him of the accident. When he looked up at the wall, he found the fly was there again! He walked to it carefully and hit it with all his strength.

              On hearing a loud cry, the waitress rushed in. To her great surprise, the poor old man was there sitting on the floor, his face was pale and a lot of blood was running on his right hand.

              (1) We know from this passage that ______.
              A. the old man had poor eyesight
              B. the old man’s hands weren’t so strong
              C. the bottles of wine were too heavy
              D. the old man had good eyesight
              (2) Picture ______ was the thing the old man saw on the wall for the first time.
              A.  B.  C.  D. 
              (3) The nail was put on the wall by ______.
              A. the old man B. a gardener C. the waitress D. a police
              (4) The waitress must be a ______ girl.
              A. careless                                       
              B. kind-hearted                
              C. dangerous  
              D. careful
              (5) The old man’s hand was badly hurt because ______.
              A. the hotel’s service was terrible
              B. he drank too much wine
              C. he mistook the nail for a fly
              D. he drank too little wine
            • 10.
              Some people succeed,while others may not.This is because some people own certain qualities,which others don't have.If you want to be successful,you should have the following qualities at least.
              The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed,you must be optimistic(乐观的).If you do not expect to win,you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win.You also need to have a clear purpose and a reason for doing something.If you do not have a purpose,you will not do your best to work hard and make sure that every detail you have done is right.
              Reading is another thing to success,as it will help you learn about how other people have achieved success.If you want to learn how to set up a successful business,you should read books about like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang,who have achieved amazing success in their areas of business.
              Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity-thinking about things differently and wondering how others will do the same thing.Think about some successful people you know.They might be successful with a little creativity,but the most successful people are the most creative ones.
              Practicing is equally important if you want to succeed because practice make perfect.Practice every day at any career you are in,and by doing so,you will see yourself,your business and your self-confidence begin to grow.If you feed confident about what you do,this confidence will make other people believe in you more as well.Your workmates will be happy to work with you,and your boss will give you more important things to do.Finally if you succeed,you can look people in the eye and smile confidently.
              Success is yours for the taking!Cheers!

              (1) Some people who succeed own ______ ,which others ______ .
              (2) To ______ is the first thing you must remember in order to succeed.People who expect to win will try ______ than those who don't.
              (3) ______ is another thing to success.You should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang to learn how to set up ______ .
              (4) Creativity means people should think about things in a ______ way and wonder how the same thing ______ by others.
              (5) A man who succeeds should have at least ______ qualities and if you are a ______ person at last,you can look people in the eye and smile confidently.
