优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Jason has a new friend. His name is Daniel. Daniel is as   (1)   as Jason. He is friendly and clever and he always has new ideas. But there is one   (2)  . Daniel only has one   (3)  . He lost the other one in a car accident. Jason really enjoys being with Daniel. They sometimes go to the   (4)   to see movies together. They spend much time   (5)   with each other. Jason likes listening to his new friend.

              Then   (6)   Jason invited(邀请) Daniel to have lunch with some other friends. Jason was sure the other boys would like Daniel, too. “Meet us at the restaurant,” said Jason.

              Daniel walked into the restaurant. All the other boys   (7)   him. Daniel got very nervous(紧张的). “I hope they won’t laugh at my arm,” he   (8)  . He really wanted to   (9)   with Jason’s friends. “Wow,” said one of the boys. “Your T-shirt looks so nice!” Daniel was   (10)  . After that, Jason’s friends invite him out every weekend. 

            • 2.

                Most people have ambitions(雄心). An ambition is something we wantto do, want to be or want to have. A student’s ambition, for example, might be to pass his or her exams and then get a good job. A player’s ambition could be to win an important competition. A businessman’s ambition is usually to make a lot of money.

                  Not all ambition are about success at work, however. Some people just want to be good people, have a family or help others.

                  Ben’s ambition is to be a sports writer. He writes sports for his class newspaper. He likes most sports, and swimming and football are his favorites. Trudy’s ambition is to be a concert pianist. She is very serious about it and practices every day with her best friend Lily. It is very important to her.

                  Harry’s ambition changes every day! One day he wants to be an astronaut. The next day he wants to be a pop singer. The next day hen wants to drive a racing car(赛车). His mother would be happy if his ambition was to get up in time for school every day!

                  What ‘s your ambition?


            • 3.

              A traffic accident

              Here is a piece of news report from a traffic accident.

              At 4:40 p.m. on April 3rd, some students were riding bikes fast. They were playing while they were riding. They took up (占据) most of the road. When they got to the gate of Fu Hong Supermarket, a motorcycle came so fast that all the students were frightened. But the motorcycle didn’t slow down when it came near them. The student on the left was hit by the motorcycle. His right leg was badly hurt and his bike was broken. The man on the motorcycle called the 122 hotline at once and took the student to the hospital.

              Time: 71.                                                  Date:72.                                             , 2016
               Place: the gate of73.                                                    
               Accident: A motorcycle came so74.                                              and hit a student cyclist. The student’s75.                                    was badly hurt and his bike was76.                                             

            • 4.

              (1) _________ is Sharon' s brother.
              A. Albert      B. Joyce      C. P hilip      D. Vicky
              (2) Philip's uncle is ________.
              A. Paul      B. Bruce      C. Joyce      D. Albert
              (3) Jerry and Sharon are ________.
              A. parents         B. sisters      
              C. cousins     D. brothers
              (4) Judy and Albert have_________children(孩子).
              A. two          B. three          C. four          D. five
            • 5.

              Michael Jackson’s full name is Michael Joseph Jackson. He is one of pop music’s biggest stars. He was   (1)  on August 29th, 1958 in Indiana, the USA. He is   (2)   for the King of Pop.

               Michael Jackson has a 50-year-long life. And he has been a singer for more than 40 years. He started to perform on the stage   (3)   he was very young. Michael Jackson   (4)   his brother’s pop group in 1964 and he quickly became famous. Jackson made his first national TV appearance at the   (5)   of 11. Later on, his classical disco Off The Wall   (6)   10 million copies. He gave some concerts   (7)   the tickets a lways sold out.

              But there’s something unhappy happening to him. He once said, “There is a lot of    (8)  3 in my past life.” Despite his private life, people around the world still enjoy his music.  (8)   his songs are played, people will think of his dynamic(有力量的) performances. Though Jackson died in June, 2009, his  (9)   all over the world said that he would be great forever.

            • 6.

              here are four inventions.

              1  when it raina, do your shoes get wet ? Of course, they do! But you can buy these clever Umbrellas For Shoes. They keep the rain off your feet.

              2  Do you have to clean the floor at home? Perhaps your cat can do a better job than you. Buy these Cleaner Cat Brushes. Then you can sit back and relax!

              3   Do you talk too long on the phone? Most people do ! Save time---buy the Exercise Telephone! It weighs five kilograms. Then your calls will be less than five minutes long.

              4   Do your friends sometimes come up behind you and make you jump? Do cars come around the corner when you try to cross the road ? Well, it won’t be a problem if you have Two-Way Glasses. You can look at things behind and in front of you at the same time.

            • 7.

              Most students are  (1)  in fashion. They know about fashion  (2)  TV, magazines or other persons.   (3)  do they think of fashion? We did a  (4)   last week. We  (5)  thirty students six things  (6)  asked them some questions.   (7)   student answered .Do you want  (8)   how they like?

              Paul and Barry like the belt. Mary and Linda   (9)   mind the key ring. Ten of   (10)   like the glasses. They think they look   (11)   with glasses. Most girls like the scarf. But many boys can’t   (12)   it. “It’s for girls!” They   (13)   . Fifteen students love the   (14)   because it can tell them the time. Everyone likes the mobile phone(手机)。 They think it can really help them   (15)   in life.

            • 8.

                Now the society (社会) is developing very fast. And our life is becoming better and better. With the development, it is true that times are changing for the old people. But not all the changes are bad ones. Modern medicine, for example, has made old people healthier than ever before. Another advantage is that there are much more old people than there used to be. This means that old people often have a good social life with their own clubs and activities. Old people, too, have more money than their own parents and grandparents had.

                The biggest disadvantage of modern life is loneliness. The young leave home when they grow up and many old people live alone. Fewer old people have brothers and sisters. An old personˈs one or two children may have moved to another part of the country. Even when they live near, the young people have their own work to do and their own children to look after. They have not much time for the old. Problems of loneliness often start when people stop work. When people retire, they find it difficult to start a new life without their jobs. Maybe they would like to enjoy talking with others in their free time.

                The world has changed so fast that it is difficult for old people to understand the problems of the young. And the world is changing even faster these days than fifty years ago. What will it be like when today’s young people are old?

            • 9.

              Dear Emma,


              Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo! These are my grandparents. The man is my father. His name is Jack Green. He is 40. The woman is my mother. Her name is Lucy Green. She is 38. This boy is my brother. His name is Tony. He is 9. My uncle and aunt aren’t in the photo. They are in Beijing now. Do you know this girl? Yes, it’s me!



            • 10.

              We are learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe he can not speak English.

              If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a piano player, you must play the piano. So, you see, you can learn English only by using it. You listen to your teacher in class . You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your classmates and teacher and also you must write in English. Then one day, you may find your English very good.
