优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Once there was a terrible flood in the countryside. For a week it rained very heavily. The river rose and burst(冲垮) its banks. The whole countryside was flood. Most people escaped from the flood in boats. An old man, however, didnˈt want to go with them. He sat on the roof of his house and waited for the water to go down. He was very religious(信仰宗教的).〝I shall stay here,〞said he. 〝God will save me.〞The rain continued. The flood rose higher and higher. Soon the water reached the roof of the man’s house. Two men rowed a boat up to the man’s house, trying to save.〝Come with us,〞they said.‘The water is still rising. Youˈll drown(溺死).’The old man shook his hand.〝No,〞he said.〝God will save me.〞Sadly, the men rowed away. They thought the old man was crazy, but there was nothing they could do. Soon the water covered the roof of the old man’s house. A helicopter arrived and the pilot put down a rope.〝Climb up,〞he shouted to the old man.〝The water is still rising. Youˈll drown.〞But the old man still didnˈt want to leave his house.〝God will save me,〞he cried, and the helicopter flew away. The next day, the old man went to the heaven.

              (1)Why didn’t the old man want to leave his house?(不超过10个词)
              (2)How did the two men try to save the old man?(不超过10个词)
              (3)What did the two men think of the old?(不超过10个词)
              (4)What happened to the old man in the end?(不超过10个词)
