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            • 1. Nicole Kelly a 23-year-old girl,was born without her left forearm,①____that didn't  stop her ②____ becoming Miss Iowa after a three-day competition in Davenport.
              Kellly will go to Atlantic City to compete for Miss America and she will give a talk about the importance of overcoming (克服)disabilities.
              "A year ago,I certainly didn't think I would have something to do with the beauty③/kwi:n/______,"Kelly wrote on her"Meet Miss Iowa"page."But now I know that being Miss Iowa is perfect and speaking out on the stage is very important for me.⑤I  feel so thankful for those who have encouraged me at every step of the way."
              "As I grew older,I learned to ④/ək'sept/______the strange eyes from others…with an outgoing character that would not give in,"she wrote."This meant that I would try everything!⑥从游泳到舞蹈,没有我不愿意尝试的事情.Now I stand on the stage and find it very suitable for me."
              Kelly said that being a star was a good way to show herself,and more importantly,it helped her walk out of the sadness of being disabled.

              70.What's  the topic of the talk Kelly will give?    
            • 2. The Mermaid Balloon
              "Mum!"little Desiree said,"It's my daddy's birthday.How will I send him a birthday card?"Her mother looked at her and sighed.She didn't know what to say.Desiree's father had died nine months earler.Desiree didn't understand.She was only four years old.
              "I have an idea,"her mother said."Let's write your daddy a letter.We can tie the letter to a balloon and send it up to heaven(天堂).What should we write?"
              Desiree told her mother to write,"Happy Birthday,Daddy.I love you and miss you.Please write me on my birthday in January."
              Desiree's mother wrote the message and their address on a small piece of paper.Then they went to a store to buy a balloon.Desiree looked quickly at the balloons and said,"That one!The one with the mermaid(美人鱼)!"
              They bought the mermaid balloon and tied the letter to it.Then Desiree let the balloon go.
              Desiree released the balloon in California.The wind caught the balloon and carried it east.Four days later,it came down 3,000 miles away,near a lake in eastern Canada.The name of the lake was Mermaid Lake.
              Wade MacKinnon,a Canadian man,was hunting ducks at Mermaid Lake when he found Desiree's balloon and letter.He took them home to his wife.She decided to send Desiree a birthday present.She also wrote her a letter.The letter said:
              Dear Desiree,
              Happy Birthday from your daddy.I guess you wonder who we are.Well,my husband,Wode,went duck hunting,and guess what he found?A mermaid balloon that you sent your daddy.There are no stores in heaven,so your daddy wanted someone to do his shopping for him.I think he picked us because we live in a town called Mermaid.I know your daddy loves you very much and will always watch over you.
              Lots of love,
              The MacKinnons
              Desiree's mother wrote the Mackinnons to thank them.During the next few weeks,she and the MacKinnons telephoned each other often.Then Desiree and her mother flew to Canada to meet the MacKinnons.The MacKinnons took them to Mermaid Lake and showed them where the balloon landed.
              Now,whenever Desiree wants to talk about her father,she calls the MacKinnons.After she talks to them,she feels better.
              People often say,"What a coincidence(巧合)-the mermaid balloon landed at Mermaid Lake!"Desiree's mother is not sure it was just a coincidence.She says,"I think that somehow my husband picked the MacKinnons.It was his way to send his love to Desiree.Desiree understands now that her father is with her always."

              26.Desiree wrote her father a letter.    
              27.Desiree chose a balloon at the store.    
              28.The balloon came down near a lake.    
              A.It was in eastern Canada,and its name was Mermaid Lake.
              B.It said,"Happy Birthday.I love you and miss you."
              C.It had a picture of a mermaid on it.
              29.Desiree released the balloon in California.Here"released"means"    ".
              A.opened her eyes and looked at the balloon
              B.opened her hand and let the balloon go
              C.mailed the balloon in California
              30.What was the coincidence(巧合)in the story?    
              A.Desiree and her father have the same birthday,January 12.
              B.The mermaid balloon came down at Mermaid Lake.
              C.The MacKinnons also have a four-year-old daughter.
            • 3. How do you feel about your Chinese?Is it good or bad?If you think you are good at Chinese,you can take part in the competition named the"Chinese Characters Dictation Competition (中国汉字听写大会)".The competition became popular among teenagers.Let's know something about it.
              More and more computers and smart phones are used by teenagers.They spend too much time on the Internet in playing or chatting.They are used to sending messages by computers and smart phones.As a result,some teenagers forget how to write the Chinese Characters by hand.The teachers and parents are very worried about it.What can they do?
              Not long ago,they found an interesting game called the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition.The program was similar to the American show"National Spelling Bee".In this program,middle school students competed among themselves and wrote down the Chinese Characters by dictation.Over two hundred competitors were from forty-six middle schools.The audiences(观众) loved this new kind of competition,too.They tried to write down the Chinese Characters while the competitors were writing them.But they found it was also difficult for them to write down all the Chinese Characters.
              Is it an interesting competition?Can you be the winner?

              任务一:Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
              任务三:Who can compete in"Chinese Characters Dictation Competition"?
              任务四:Please write down the main idea of this passage.
            • 4. Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable.If you go to a good shop,no assistant will come near to you and say."Can I help you?"You needn't buy anything you don't want.You may just try to find out where the book you want is and read it.But if you fail,the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away.①It seems that he is not interested in selling any books at all
              There is a story which tells us about a good shop.A medical student found a very useful book in the shop.②But it was too expensive for him to buy.He couldn't get it from the school library,either.So every afternoon,he went there to read a little at a time.One day,However,he couldn't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant singing to him.To his③    ,the assistant pointed to the book in the corner."I put it there so that it couldn't be sold out."said he assistant.Then he left and the student went on with his reading.

              84.Where was the book that the student was looking for?    
              85.What do you think of the assistant?    
            • 5. Everyone wants to become perfect.Unluckily,being perfect may not happen.Here's some useful advice about how to refuse perfection.
              ●NO more comparisons
                   Compared with others,you may feel that you are not perfect.The solution?End your comparison.NO comparing,no pain.
              ●Accept your mistakes
                   When perfection is your goal,mistakes mean failure.Your fear of criticism(批评)may keep you from①        risks or trying new things.Nobody is perfect.Take it easy.You needn't take others'words seriously.
              ●Ask for help
                   Part of beating perfection is accepting that mistakes are part of human beings.If you don't give up,you will be successful one day.You shouldn't prevent you from asking for help you need to really improve.
              ●Don't judge(评判)yourself
                  Find a trusted friend,family member or teacher who is not a perfectionist-someone who can take criticism and has learned from his or her mistakes.Share your goals and achievements with him or her,no matter how small they are
              ●Pay attention to your language
                  Cut out the words like never,always and should from your self-talk,Carry a notebook and take notes whenever you want to say these words.Realizing this means you'er well on your way to changing them.
                  The more confidence (自信) you develop,the②        you'll feel the need to be perfect.And when you give up perfection,happiness can begin right now.

              71.①      ②    
              72.(A)If you want to make your dream come true,you shouldn't    trying.
                 (B)A Chinese soldier called Shen Liangliang took part in the UN peace keeping operation(维和行动).    ,he lost his life.
              74.How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage?
              75.What is the main idea about the passage?
            • 6. This is a home of the future,a"smart home",where technology can do almost everything.Imagine we are in the year 2050,①the computer wakes Tom up in the morning as usual.In front of him is a to-do list of the important events for the day,and it is provided by the computer,too.According to Tom's request,the computer serves a list of possible dishes.All the dishes are nice.
              As Tom eats breakfast,the computer reminds him to reply to Lucy.Before Tom finishes his next bite,Lucy's computer receives the message.Then Tom goes to the supermarket.The stores systems checks his car when he drives to the pickup area and greets him by name."Good morning,Tom!Your order is in Case4.Thank you for shopping."When Tom removes his order from Case4,all trades are completed automatically(自动地)over the information superhighway.That is,the money is electronically paid into the bank.Soon after arriving at the office,Tom reads another message from Lucy,telling him that she will go to dinner with him.
              The smart home can also do many other things:
              Find things like keys and mobile phones.
              ②_____(打开或关闭)machines and lights with your voice.
              Clean your home from clothes to buildings automatically.
              Record everything and everyone entering and leaving the house.
              Take care of each member of the family,young or old.
              With the development of technology,the smart home will come true in the future.It is sure to play an important part in our life.

              61.Does Tom need to take money with him while shopping?Why?    
              64.Tom knows somebody visited his home because the smart home can    
            • 7. (2015•营口)Spring Festival arrived on Feb.19th this year.It’s Year of  the Sheep.What stories do you know about the animal?(73)One of China’s biggest cities,Guangzhou,is called the“City of Goats(山羊)”.It is said that thousands of years ago,five fairies(仙女) came down from heaven on goats.They left good grain seeds(谷物的种子)for people.They hoped people there had enough food.The fairies flew away.And the goats became stone sculptures(石雕).They still stand in the city center today.
              (74)In western cultures,the sheep is not only patient but also helpful.The sign of Aries(白羊座)is also the first sign of the Zodiac(十二星座).In China,those who were born in the Year of the Sheep are said to have good qualities(品质).They are sensitive(敏感的),creative and smart.And they are not afraid of difficulties.Chinese legend says that people born in the Year of the Sheep have a difficult life.Is that really true?(75)But today many men who were born in the Year of the Sheep lead a very good life.For example,US Microsoft founder Bill Gates,world-famous actress Zhang Ziyi and singer Gem Tang from Hong Kong.

            • 8. Kate‘s father took her to the hospital to see her one-day-old baby brother They drove there straight from schoo1.Kate had never been inside a hospita1 before.64.This was a new experience for her?
              At the gate there was a large sign listing all the departments of lhe hospital,with arrows (箭头) showing how to find them.When Kate saw the A&E department(急救室),she asked,“What do those letters stand for?”“Accident and emergency,”replied her father,
              65.“Last spring,I took our sister there because she fell off her bike,”

            • 9. There once was a woman.She had a faithful(忠实的)dog.The dog was so faithful that she could leave her baby with the dog when she went out.(A)And after she returned,she would always find her baby safe
              One day,the woman left the baby with the dog and went shopping.When she returned,she found something had taken place in the house.There were bloodstains(血迹)all over the bedroom.The woman then thought of her baby.She cried and started looking for him.Then she saw the faithful dog.It was licking(舔)its mouth.It seemed that it had just finished a delicious meal.The woman was angry and thought that the dog had killed her baby.Without thinking too much,(B)    
              But as she continued looking for her child,she saw something else.Close to the bed,there was her baby and he was sleeping.And under the bed,there was a dead jackal(豺狼).The woman now understood what had happened.The dog tired to protect her baby from the jackal,but just now she killed the dog.How regretful she was!

              The dog seemed to have just finished a good meal.
              ①The woman found the bloodstains all over the room.
              ②The woman found her baby sleeping.
              ③The woman killed the dog.
              ④The woman started looking for her baby.
              92.What is the best title for the passage?
            • 10. 阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务.(共8分)
              Where is the true home of hamburger?
              The kind of beef we see in hamburgers,minced(切碎)beef,was possibly invented by Mongolians over 800years ago.But who first put the beef between pieces of bread and called it a hamburger?Three different cities in the United States all say that they were the first to invent America’s favorite food.
              Some people say that Fletcher Davis,from Athens,invented hamburgers.“Old Dave,”as people called him,was selling minced beef sandwiches in his lunch bar as early as the 1880s.Some years later,they say that a group of Germans called①his sandwich a“hamburger”because people from the German city of Hamburger ate this kind of beef.
              Other people believe that the hamburger came from a different American city.②coincidentally,its name was also Hamburg.The Menches brothers were selling pork sandwiches at a fair in 1885,but when there was no more pork,they used minced beef and gave it a new name,the“hamburger”.
              The third possible inventor of the hamburger was Charlie Nagreen,also known as“Hamburger Charlie,”from Seymour.He said that in 1885he invented the world’s first hamburgers.Seymour now celebrates the invention of the hamburger every year.In 1989,it was the home of the world’s largest ever burger-over 2,500kg!
              任务一 请根据短文内容,完成句子.每空一词.
              1.There are three American cities in this passage.They are Athens,    And    
              2.When there was no more    at the1885fair,the Menches brothers used minced beef    
              任务二 请根据短文内容,用英语表达 ①处划线单词his 所指代的内容.    
              任务三 请根据短文内容,猜测②处划线单词coincidentally 的中文意思. 将其字母代号填写在答题卡上.        
              A 幸运地   B 碰巧地   C 相反地
              任务四 请根据短文内容,回答问题.
              How often is the invention the hamburger celebrated in Seymour?    
              任务五 请从文中找出与Mongolians possibly invented minced beef a long time ago.意思相近的句子.    
              任务六 请用英语简要概括出本文的主旨大意,不超过10个词.
              It‘s mainly about    
