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            • 1. 下面句中划线部分是错误的,请改正,并将正确答案写在右边相应的横线上.(不得改变原文意思)
              Yesterday, I read a interesting book.    (1)
              It was The True Story of Ah Q with Lu Xun (2)
              Lu Xun is my most favourite (3)
              He is one of the greater writers of (4)
              the twenty century in China (5)
              He is born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, in 1881 (6)
              But in the beginning, La Xun hoped to help the Chinese people
              become healthy and strong, so he worked hardly to be a doctor (7)
              Then, she began to write short stories (8)
              One of his most famous story (9)
              is The True Story of Ah Q. It makes people thinking about society (10)
              In the 1920s, people began to translate his works into English.
            • 2.
              Dear Tom,
              It's Sunday today.It's 8:00 in the evening here.I'm writing to tell you something(一些事) about my family.My father is watching CCTV news(新闻).That's his favorite show.My mother is listening to the musi
              C.She likes quiet music very much.My friend Dick is taking the hat to me.He wants me to put it on and go out for a walk with him.What a clever dog! My little sister is playing with toys and she is happy.I can hear  the noise of buses and cars from the window.There are many boys playing football.
              What are your family doing?I know that time there is early.What time is it in New York?Are you getting up?Please write to me soon.
              Best wishes.
              56.Who is Dick?
              57.What's John doing now?
              58.Is John's father listening to the music?
              59.Where is Tom living now?
              60.The underlined word "noise" means ______ .
            • 3.
              Today is Sunday. It is sunny and windy. Leo doesn't go to school. It's eight thirty in the morning. All Leo's families are busy except(除了) Leo. Leo's father is cleaning the garden. His mother is washing some clothes and his sister is doing her homework.Leo is sleeping in bed.
              "Get up,Leo," says his mother."Go to help your dad clean the garden."
              Leo doesn't want to get up. Just then he sees a math book in his schoolbag. He takes it out of the schoolbag and reads, "Three  times  five is fifteen.Three times six is eighteen."
              After twenty minutes, Leo is still in bed. Leo's morn comes to his room and hears him reading. She is angry(生气的).She asks,"What are you reading?"
              "I don't know."
              "Aren't you reading?"
              "Yes, I  am," answers Leo."But I'm not listening!"
              61.At eight thirty in the morning, Leo is ______ .
              A.sleeping in bed
              B.reading English
              C.doing his homework
              D.washing some clothes
              62.The underlined word "times" means " ______ " in Chinese.
              63.How is the weather today?
              64.What does Leo's mother ask him to do?
              65.Does Leo know what he is reading?
            • 4.
              Sophie Chen is a l4-year-old girl from Taiwan. when she was 6years old,
              she did something amazing.
              She finished a 2,100-kilometer bike journey from Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi, to
              Turpan, a city in Xinjiang, with her Parents. It took them two and a half months. Sophie
              became the youngest child in the world to have biked along the Silk Road. Chinese novel Journey to the West inspired her to do so.
              That is not all. Sophie wrote a book about the long journey with her father Jack Chen,
              a professional outdoor explorer. On April 26, the book's English version(版本) Biking the Silk Road: 6-year-old Sophie's Fantasy Tour came out in Beijing.
              Now Sophie studies at Ta Hwa High School. She sees the journey as a special experience in her life.  She became more hardworking and learned history and geography better because of it.
              On the way, she met many friendly local people and saw amazing things. She even
              picked grapes! "The grapes in Xinjiang were  big and sweet. I have never seen grapes like them in Taiwan," she said.
              Still, it was not easy. "The biggest challenge was the bad weather and road conditions."
              she said. She wrote in the book, "It was terribly hot in the Gobi Desert. I almost got sunstroke and could never have enough to drink."
              Sophie has biked in other countries, such as the United States and Turkey. This summer
              holiday, she plans to ride a bike from Greece to Portugal in Europe.

              61. How long is Sophie s bike journey? (no more than 3words)
              62.What was the biggest challenge on Sophie's journey? (no more than 8words)
              63.What does Sophie Chen think of the grapes in Xinjiang?(no more than 5words)
            • 5.
              Hi!My name's Rick.My best friends are Lenny,Katrine,Carla,and Doug.They all like music,and they are all talented.I often ask them,"Why don't you guys form(组成) a band?"
              Lenny can play the guitar and the piano.Katrine also plays the guitar,and she can sing,too.Lenny can't sing.Carla can play the violin-she's really good.Doug can play the drums and the trumpet.
              And me?Well,I can't play any musical instruments(乐器).I prefer sports.
              41.Who can play the guitar?
              42.Can Carla play the violin?
              43.Can Lenny sing?
              44.Who can play the drums?
              45.Can Rick play a musical instrument?
              ______ .
            • 6.

                In the USA, each year, students take part in a kind of competition called the Science Olympiad.

                  It has a lot of different events. Students go there to show how much they know about the science of music, biology, chemistry and others. My best event is forestry.

                  The big day had come at last! First, I went to watch the tower building competition. That’s when students build small towers and put heavy things on top of them. They hope they can hold them up. One of my schoolmates was putting things on her tower. She was nervous, and in the end it was too heavy for her tower to hold them—it broke! I felt bad for her.

                  After lunch, I helped some teammates with their events. One was geography, and the other was history. I don’t know much about those things, so I just watched my teammates do most of the work.

                  At last, it was time for my favorite event—forestry. The rules were easy. We had to look at more than 40 different kinds of leaves and find out which plants they were from. We also had to answer some questions about the uses of each leaf. I knew almost all of the leaves and could answer most of the questions. I had spent more than a month studying on the Internet to get ready. At the end, it was time for the awards, I was nervous, because the forestry awards were last. We won second place in the whole state! A nice man gave me a medal and smiled at me.


              (1) What is the Science Olympiad?


              (2) Is forestry the author’s favorite event?


              (3) Why did the author feel bad for the first event?


              (4) Where did the author prepare for his event?


              (5) Which prize did the author’s team win, the second or the last?


            • 7.

              Young children don’t have the skills or knowledge to stay safe in heavy traffic. The following tips(忠告)will be helpful for you to keep your children safe in heavy traffic.

              Children learn about road safety by watching others. As parents, make sure that you always set good examples. Your children will follow you and think it’s OK to do like you.

              Teach your children to pay attention to traffic lights when you cross the road together with them. This helps them understand when it’s safe to cross. Make sure that you walk between your children and traffic, and hold their hands all the time.

              When your children are a little older, you can start to tell them the importance of traffic knowledge. ①Let them start to understand the reasons why they need to be so careful. Talk with them about road signs and traffic rules.

              Ask your children to play in a safe place. Never let them ride bikes on the road ______ an adult present (在场) at rush hour.

              The most important thing you can do is to keep your children from getting hurt,so parents encourage them to follow traffic rules. After knowing about traffic rules, they’ll volunteer to obey them. In this way, they’ll be careful enough to keep themselves away from danger.


              Do young children know how to stay safe in heavy traffic?


              Who should set good examples to young children on the road?






              What is the passage mainly about?

            • 8.


              Many people run for exercise. But what will you do if you are not a "born" runner or jogger (慢跑者)? You may still want a kind of exercise that’s inexpensive and easy to do. Why not try walking?

              Walking requires no special equipment (装备). It is a kind of exercise that almost any normal, healthy person can do. Walking is good for your health like jogging or running; it will just take longer. Jogging and running make your heart work harder than walking. They also put more stress on your legs and feet than walking does.

              The problem with walking is that most people don’t take it seriously. But there’s a big difference between serious walking and the walking that most of us do. Walking, like jogging, should have a steady and continuous motion (稳健而持续的动作).

              If you want to get your exercise by walking, you need to have your own walking plan. After all, runners and joggers set goals for themselves. Walkers need goals, too. You also need to set a course to walk. Start by walking about 15~30 minutes a day. Increase your time and distance (距离) slowly. And try increasing your walking speed little by little.

              If you prefer to jog or run, follow the same advice. Start off slowly. Spend most of the first few days just walking. Then, start walking and running on the same day. Run or jog a short distance, then walk for a while, then, run, then walk. Follow that pattern for 15--30 minutes a day. Slowly make each run longer and each walk shorter. Later on, you can increase your distance, speed and exercise time.



              将划线短语 a "born" runner译为汉语。




              (1) make_______________________________________________________________





              What's the problem with walking?




              A. Have a walking plan.

              B. Walk fast at the beginning.

              C. Start by walking an hour a day.

              D. Increase distance and speed little by little.






            • 9.

              If you’re away from home, feeling a bit blue or searching for some comfort, the Danes have a solution. It’s called “hygge”. Coming from Danish culture, but popular with the British in 2018, hygge is much more than just a word, it’s becoming a feeling around the world.

              The hygge means the sense of happiness you get when your family is gathered together at new year or Christmas. It is all about the pleasant feelings of home: the smell of your mother’s cooking, your partner’s arm around your shoulder and so on.

              Hygge is an antidote(良药) to stress. You know when you’ve got it, a gentle warmth starts spreading through your body. Another important part of hygge is that it has nothing to do with modern technology. It’s a period time to relax your tired mind and eyes. So, put down that smartphone and turn off the computer.

              You should also know that hygge is not about healthy eating or more exercise. In fact, it’s just the opposite. You’re supposed to be lost in what you like: enjoy sweet snacks and calorie-laden cakes freely. Let yourself think of what happened in the past, and remember the childhood songs of your distant youth with a smile. If it helps, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sleep with one of your favorite books (not a pill or e-reader).

              If Denmark seems too far, then think of old Beijing with its hutong and courtyard houses. Picture yourself sit around a traditional stove with your loved ones, eating dumplings and chatting about the old days. Let yourself drift back in time to a period where everything is relaxing, and there is no need to reply to any e-mails or text messages. They did not exist(存在) back then.

              Now you’ve really understood hygge without going to Copenhagen.

                An Antidote to  (1)  -Hygge


               Origin (起源)

              ♦Hygge came from Danish culture.

              ♦It was  (2)  with the British in 2016.

              What hygge is

              ♦You will feel pleased  (3)  your family members around.

              ♦You needn’t use modern  (4)  like a smartphone or computer.

              ♦You can eat whatever you like without  (5)  about daily exercise.

              What people can do  (6)  

              feeling stressed

              ♦You can remind  (7)  of the sweet memories of childhood and relax

               yourself by reading books that you like  (8)  

              ♦If Denmark seems too far, let yourself think of old things and chat about the old

               days when  (9)  or text messages didn’t exist.

              It’s not  (10)  for you to go to Copenhagen as you have known hygge well.


            • 10.

              What do we really mean by being open? Being open is a kind of invitation to others to come in, to speak and to share. It is important for others to get to know how we think and feel. In this way, we will be understood and accepted by others. If we aren’t open with others, we won’t fully believe in ourselves or others.

                Here are a few ways for you to be more open. First, make your outside behavior the same as your inside feelings and thoughts. Second, share how you really feel about something instead of just opinions. Third, try to change your questions into statements (陈述句) and talk in the first person so that people will understand you more easily. For example, you might say, “I feel happy that you’re here.” instead of “Are you glad that you’re here?” Finally, try not to say, “I don’t know.” This usually means I don’t want to think about it any more.

                Remember also that it is not suitable to be open with everyone in every situation. You may want to be more open with close friends, but not with people you don’t know well, because you are not sure how someone else will use what they know about you. Besides, some people may not be used to too much openness. If we say everything we feel or think to them, they will feel very uncomfortable at times.

                In all, being open is a good way for us to get on well with other people, but we’d better keep the balance (平衡) between being open and not being too open.

              Title: Being   (1)   

              Meanings of being open

                (2)   others to come in, to speak and to share.

              Show others how we think and feel.

              Let others understand and   (3)  .

                (4)   in ourselves and others by being open.

                (5)   to be more open

              Make   (6)   your outside behavior is the same with your inside feelings and thoughts.

              Try to share your   (7)   feelings.

              Make statements instead of   (8)   and use the first person.

              Try not to say, “I don’t know.”

              Reasons for not being too open

              Someone may   (9)   your information to hurt you.

              You will make them feel very uncomfortable sometimes.

              Conclusion: It will   (10)   us get on well with others if we keep the balance between being open and not being too open.

              (1) __________

              (2) __________

              (3) __________

              (4) __________

              (5) __________

              (6) __________

              (7) __________

              (8) __________

              (9) __________

              (10) __________

