优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              A.Oh,it's a good way.
              B.It was really relaxing.
              C.When do you play games?
              D.How do you learn English?
              E.I think it is too difficult for me.
              F.I usually have some cakes and a glass of milk.
              G I practiced English and studied for the history test.

              W:How was your weekend?
              M:It wasn't very good.(66) ______
              W:Are you good at English?
              M:Yes,I am.I like English very much-
              W:( 67) ______
              M:I learn it by listening to English songs.
              W:(68) ______  What about history?
              M:1don't like history.(69) ______  Well,how was your weekend?
              W:(70) ______  I just stayed at home to watch TV and listen to music.
              M:Lucky you.
            • 2.
              always patient Good idea because of do well in

              A:which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school,Han Mei?
              B:Ms.Zhang and Mr.Li.
              A:I know that Ms.Zhang was (51) ______ enough to repeat grammar rules for you in English class.
              B:Yes,and Mr.Li helped me (52) ______ maths.He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldn't understand anything.Who will you miss?
              A:Ms.Zhang.She encouraged me in Chinese class.She (53) ______ told me,“You can do it!”I put in more effort and got high marks (54) ______ her.
              B:Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?
              A:(55) ______ .Let's go shopping tomorrow!
