优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 英汉互译。(每小题1分,共10分)   
              1. 多大 __________                                   2. 约翰在哪里?__________    
              3. 坐下 ___________                                 4. 一杯牛奶___________    
              5. 在街上  __________                               6. in the evening _________    
              7. What do you want?__________               8. talk loudly ____________
              9. don't worry_____________                    10. feel scared ___________
            • 2.
              1. 天安门广场 _____________ 
              3. 二月四日 _____________   
              5. 交通灯 _____________     
              7. Excuse me  ____________  
              9. just right  ____________
              2. 多少钱 _____________       
              4. 你的地址 ____________     
              6. post office  ____________  
              8. the second day _____________
              10. What happened? ______________
            • 3. 英汉短语翻译。   
              1. 五点整               
              2. 三块手表               
              3. 四点十分          
              4. go there               
              5.watch TV               
              6. look at           
            • 4. 翻译句子。
              1. I like my green shoe.
              2. That's my favourite school work.
              3. We like to play games.
              4. I have a donut for dessert.
              5. What's the matter?
              6. I like a sandwich and milk, too.
            • 5. 翻译句子。
              1. How's the weather in December?
              2. What is the third day of the week?
              3. What is the fifth month?
            • 6. 翻译句子。
              1. What's your favourite colour?
              2. My favourite colour is green.
              3. We like the same colour.
              4. They like a different colour.
            • 7. 翻译句子。
              1. This isn't a bus.
              2. How do you go to school?
              3. Do you walk to school?
              4. I live far from school.
              5. My dad drives me.
              6. I ride my bicycle.
            • 8. 翻译句子。
              1. Danny is under the desk.
              2. The chair is below the paper.
              3. Jenny is beside Kim.
              4. Danny is in front of Steven.
            • 9. 翻译下列句子。
              1. Nice to see you again!
              2. Are you ready for English class?
              3. Can you say the months of the year?
              4. The boy in red shorts is the third.
              5. Sunday is the first day of the week.
              6. January first is New Year's Day.
              7. I have supper with my family.
            • 10. 读一读,译一译。
              1. How many birds are there?
              2. What color is this fish?
              3. I can sing an English song.
              4. Are these mushrooms?
              5. What's that?
