优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 回答问题。
              1. What's your favourite food?
              2. What's your favourite fruit (水果)?
              3. What do you have for dinner?
            • 2. 根据提示回答问题。
              What can you do, Chen Jie? (洗衣服)
            • 3. 回答问题。
              1. Do they usually teach each other a sport?
              2. Did you want to learn play ping-pong?
              3. Where did you go this morning?
            • 4. 看图,回答问题。
              1.Are these carrots or onions?
              2. What's he doing?
              3. Is she washing her hands?
            • 5. 根据实际情况回答问题。
              1. Do you like grapes or bananas?
              2. Do you have any melon?
            • 6. 回答问题。
              1. Do you want to be strong?
              2. Do you always eat breakfast?
            • 7. 回答问题。
              1. Do you usually help your mother?
              2. Do you go to school by bike or by bus?
              3. Do the children watch TV on Saturday?
            • 8. 根据图片提示回答问题。

              1. How much for one marker?
              2. How much for one eraser? 
              3. How much for one pen? 
              4. How much for one notebook?
            • 9. 看图回答问题。1. What time is it?
              2. What time is it?
              3. What time is it? 
              4. What time is it?
              5. What time is it?
            • 10. Read and write. 根据对话内容,完成下列各题。
              Li Ming and Jenny are eating supper.     
              L: Would you like some porridge?     
              J: Yes, please. Oh, I like sugar on it. Do you like sugar?    
              L: No, I like salt on it.   
              J: Oh, I like salt on pizza, and I also put pepper on it.     
              L: Mmm..., I think it is delicious. Let me taste (品尝) it.
              1. They are eating                 .   
              2. What do they eat? 
              3. Does Jenny like salt on porridge?  
              4. Does Li Ming like pepper on the pizza? 
              5. What do you like on porridge? 
