优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. Saturday is the  _____day of the week.  
              [     ]

              A. sixth    
              B. seventh    
              C. eighth
            • 2. Please come to my ____________ birthday party.

              [     ]

              A. twelve
              B. twenty
              C. twelfth
            • 3. 用所给词的适式填空。
              1. September is the _____________ (nine) month of a year.
              2. We celebrate Children's Day on June _____________ (one).
              3. There are twelve _____________ (month) in a year.
              4. December is the _____________ (twelve) month of the year.
              5. February is the _____________ (two) month of the year.
              6. The flag of the U. S. has _____________ (star) and _____________ (stripe).
            • 4. Please come to my              birthday party at 6 p. m. on Saturday.
              [     ]

              A. twelve   
              B. twelfth   
              C. twelveth   
              D. twenty
            • 5. 单选。
              The teacher's office is on the             floor. 
              [     ]

              A. two    
              B. one    
              C. second
