优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. 仿照例子写句子。
              例: I am in the gym. (he, library)
                   He is in the library.
              1. The man behind me is laughing. (woman, beside Li Ming, read)
              2. I would like a cup of tea. (he, glass, milk)
              3. They are crying loudly. (they, walk, quickly)
              4. We are men. (they, child)
              5. What are you doing? I am drawing. (is, she, sing)
            • 2. 用所给单词或短语造句。
              1. thin __________________________________
              2. look at __________________________________
              3. like __________________________________
              4. swimming __________________________________
              5. have dinner __________________________________
            • 3. 模仿例句看图写话。
              例: — Where are you going this afternoon?
                   — I'm going to the bookstore.
                   — What are you going to buy?
                   — I am going to buy a dictionary.
              1.  (this morning; shoe store; a pair of slippers)
              2.  (this evening; fruit stand; some apple)
            • 4. 看图片,根据例子写句子。
              例: What are you going to do?
                   We are going to have a picnic.
              1. _________________________________________________
              2. _________________________________________________
              3. _________________________________________________
