优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. A: Hi, my name is Connie.
              B: Hello, I" m Lisa. Nice to meet you. Are you a new student here?
              A: Yeah, um, (1)
              B: Sure. Don"t shout or run in the hallways.
              A: Aha, I don"t think I"ll do that. Can we eat food in the classroom?
              B: No, we can"t.
              A: OK, (2) What other things?
              B: (3) If you don"t, the teachers at the gate (大门) won"t let you in.
              A: I see. (4)
              B: If you forget to bring it with you in the library, the teacher won"t let you in and you can"t borrow any books.
              A: (5)
              B: Try to study hard at all your subjects. If you can"t pass them, the teachers may call your parents.
              A: Thanks, Lisa. I think if I study really hard, I will pass the tests.
              A. I"ll remember that.
              B. When do we have to use our student ID cards?
              C. What else?
              D. Could you tell me our school rules?
              E. Remember to wear your school uniform every day.
            • 2. Bob: Hey, Joe! (1)
              Joe: I"m OK, thanks. And you?
              Bob: I"m fine, too. (2)
              Joe: Sure. You can ask anything you like.
              Bob: (3)
              Joe: My favorite subject is math.
              Bob: (4)
              Joe: Because it"s very interesting.
              Bob: (5)
              Joe: My math teacher is Mr Martin.
              Bob: Wow! He is a very great teacher!
              A: Who is your math teacher?
              B: How are you?
              C: Why do you like it?
              D: Do you like your teacher?
              E: Can I ask you some questions?
              F: When is your birthday?
              G: What"s your favorite subject?
            • 3. A:Hi, Jack! Howwas yor holiday?
              B:Not very good.
              A: (1)
              B:I wanted to go to Kunming for my holiday, but my parents were very busy, so I had to stay at home.
              A: (2)
              B:I only did my homework everyday. It was so boring. (3)
              A:Oh, It"s great. I went to Harbin.
              B: (4)
              A:It was very cold and sometimes it snowed.
              B: (5)
              A:Yes. We were very happy.
              A. How about your holiday?
              B. Did you have a good time?
              C. What was the matter?
              D. Have a good time!
              AB. Then what did you do at home?
              AC. How far is it from here?
              AD. How was the weather there?
            • 4. A: Hi, Sally. Long time no see. What"s your new school like ?
              B: (1)
              A: When was it built?
              B: (2)
              A: Do you like your school?
              B: Yes, (3)
              A: Many rules? Like what?
              B: (4)
              A: I think students should be allowed to eat outside.
              B: (5)
              A: I must be crazy if I can"t use my smartphone!
              B: In fact. Most of our students agree with the rules.

              A: but we have many rules.
              B: I agree. And we can"t use smartphones in school.
              C: We all have to work hard in my school.
              D: It is a very old and strict school.
              E: We are supposed to arrive on time and eat at school.
              F: We are allowed to choose our own clothes.
              G: It is said that it was built one hundred years ago.
            • 5. A: Hello, Lucy! I haven"t seen you for a long time.
              B: Hello, Mike! (1)
              A: How long did you stay there?
              B: (2)
              A: How do you feel about staying in London?
              B: Everything was strange at first. (3)
              A: Oh, I think your English must have improved a lot.
              B: Of course. (4)
              A: Who did you live with there?
              B: (5)
              A: That"s great! Oh, my mom is calling me. I"d better go.
              B: See you later.
              A. Many customs are different from ours.
              B. I lived with an English family.
              C. But I don"t like living there.
              D. I stayed there for about half a year.
              E. I had a good time there.
              F. I couldn"t understand much at first.
              G. I"ve just come back from London
            • 6. 从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话(有两个多余选项),将序号写在题下方的横线上.
              a.But I prefer cartoons that can make people laugh.
              b.I like cartoon characters who are friendly and smart.
              c.How much are they?
              d.Sounds good.
              e.What characters do you like?
              f.These T-shirts are great!
              g.Are you kidding?
              A: We"ve been in this shop for three hours. I feel a little tired.
              B: Look, Tina. (1) . Look at this one.
              A: What a great T-shirt! I love Mickey Mouse. (2)
              B: Well, it is smart.
              A: (3)
              B: I like super heroes like Superman and Batman.
              A: I like them too. (4)
              B: Really? I got a really funny cartoon DVD yesterday. Why not come to my house to see it after shopping?
              A: (5)
            • 7. A. Here you are.
              B. Would you like some pizza?
              C. Thanks, but I don"t like it.
              D. Do you like them?
              AB. I"d like some Coke.
              A: Jay, what would you like to drink?
              B: (1) I like it best.
              A: I"ll have some orange juice. (2) Pizza here tastes wonderful.
              B: But I like cookies. There are many kinds of cookies at this restaurant. (3)
              A: Yes, they are delicious.
              B: I want to have salad, too. I like fruit salad. Please pass me a plate.
              A: (4)
              B: Thank you.
              A: I"d like some ice cream. Would you like some, too?
              B: (5)
              A: OK. Let"s have our dinner.
            • 8. A: Hi, Maria! You look great today. (1) a nice coat !
              B:Thank you. My father says that it"s a Chinese Tang costume. It (2) (feel) quite soft and smooth. I like it so much that my father bought it (3) me.
              A:Is it a cotton one ?
              B:No, it"s a silk one.
              A:My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new (4) .And you know we will have a class fashion show next Monday.
              B:Well, do you have time tomorrow ? Let"s go shopping together.
              A: Good idea. Shall we (5) (meet) at the school gate at 8:00a.m. ?
              B: All right. See you tomorrow.
            • 9. A.I like vegetables for dinner.
              B.No,I don"t.
              C.What do you have for lunch?
              D.I"m fine,thanks.
              E.Hamburgers are your favorite food,right?
              A:Hello,Jenny.How are you?
              B: (1) And you?
              A:I"m fine,too.Do you like chicken for breakfast?
              B: (2) I like eggs for breakfast.
              A:(3)( ______
              B:I have hamburgers for lunch.
              A: (3)
              B:Yes,they"re delicious (美味的).
              A:What do you like for dinner?
              B: (4) They"re healthy food.
              A:I also think so.(我也认为如此.)
            • 10. A.She lives in my hometown.
              B. What is it famous for ?
              C. I am going to see my grandma.
              D. It's in the south of Guangdong.
              E. That's great.
              F. What is the weather like in your hometown ?
              G. It's about 50thousand.
              A: Hi, Zhang Li. What are you going to do next week ?
              B: Hi, Liu Wei!(1)______
              A: Where does she live ?      B: (2)______
              A: Where is your hometown ?
              B: (3)______. It's famous for bananas.
              A: How large is the population of your hometown ?
              B: (4)______
              A: Is your hometown newer than before ?
              B: Yes, it is. And it's more beautiful.
              A:(5)______. Can you show me some photos of your hometown when you come back ?      B: No problem.
