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            • 1.
              When you sit down with your family to eat a meal,have you ever wondered when and where people used chopsticks for the first time?
              It's said that the first chopsticks were used in China 5,000 years ago.Since then,chopsticks have even widely used in many countries in Asia,such as China,Japan and Korea.Chopsticks are made of different kinds of materials.The materials like bamboo and wood are common because they are easy to get.People also use bones for chopsticks.Even many valuable materials like silver can be used to make chopsticks.There are also many table manners(礼仪) connected with chopsticks.For instance,never stick (插入) your chopsticks straight in your rice bowl.People believe this is impolite to the host.
              The Introduction of Chopsticks
              When the first chopsticks were used in China Fifty(76) ______ ago
              Where chopsticks have been widely used In many(77) ______ countries,such as China,Japan and Korea
              What materials chopsticks are made of (78) ______ ,wood,bone and silver
              Why bamboo and wood chopsticks are common Because the materials can be found(79) ______
              One of the table manners connected with chopsticks Never stick your chopsticks straight in your rice (80) ______
            • 2.
              You're going to a senior high school,aren't you?Maybe you are common student.You probably think you will never be a top student.But anyone can be a better student if he or she wants to.Here's some advice on how to be a good student.
              Manage your time carefully.It's good to keep a habit of planning your time every day.It's very useful to know what you will do.We plan your week,you should make a list of things that you have to do.Then you should make a schedule(行程安排) of your time for eating,sleeping,studying and even amusements.
              Make use of your time.Listen to everything the teacher say in class.Listening carefully in class means less work later.Don't forget to take notes.It will help you remember what the teacher says.Be sure to put your heart into the book,and you will get more from it.If you read absentmindedly(心不在焉),you get nothing from the book.
              Develop good attitudes.You should build up friendship.Try to make more friends.And you can meet new people find new friends and even talk to people you don't like.You never know what will happen in the future.Have a healthy eating habits.Try different kinds of food and get enough fruit and vegetables.If not,you won't get the nutrients(营养) you need to grow each day.
              Title:Advice about how to(68) ______
              Suggestion How to … Advantage
              Manage your time carefully Make a list and a schedule of your time. Keeping the habit of planning your time can help you know(69) ______
              Make good use of your time
              (1) Listen carefully and take notes in class.
              (2) Remember(70) ______ into the book,or you will get nothing. 1.Listen carefully in class means less work later.
              2.You will get more from the book. Develop good attitudes 1.Make more friends.
              2.Have a healthy eating habit. 1.You'll get more help in the future
              2.(71) ______ that you need to grow.
            • 3.
              Did you know that years have their own colors?Pantone Color Institute is an organization that gives companies advice about color.And every year,it picks one that represents trends (趋势)in international culture.
              This year,Pantone's color is a bright shade of green that it calls"greenery".Greenery makes people think of nature and growth.The color represents hope of changing one's life for the better or care for the environment.
              Red,orange and yellow are considered"warm"colors while blue,green and purple are"cool"But greenery has elements (元素)of both; it s green,but it also includes a lot of yellow.This makes it able to go well with many other colors.
              Pantone's researchers start choosing the color of the year about nine months before the year begins.They look for a color that is already being used more and more often.To decide the color of the year,they look beyond fashion and home decorating.They study art,movies and lots of other things.They pick one color they expect to stay popular and announce their choice in December for the following year.
              You're likely to see greenery a lot in 2017.When you do,let it encourage you to enjoy nature and start something new.
              Title:Greenery,the Color of the (54) ______
              Who picked the color? An organization(55) ______ Pantone Color Institute.
              What is the color like? It includes both green and yellow.so it (56) ______ many other colors.
              It represents hope of changing for a better life or care for the environment
              (57) ______ is the color chosen? Pantone's researchers start choosing it early each
              They look for a color that is already getting more and
              more popular.
              They do a lot of research in different areas before they
              make the(58) ______
            • 4.
              People in the Netherlands(荷兰) are quite (51)e ______ this month.That's because they welcomed the first pair of Chinese pandas on April 13th.The two pandas,named Xing Ya and Wu Wen,are both more than 3years old and will stay in the country for scientific (52)r ______ for 15years,according to Xinhua.
              The pandas will live at a zoo with (53)n ______ 500,000visitors each year.It has built the most beautiful panda house in history for the pandas,reported China Daily.
              At a cost of nearly 7million euros(51million yuan),the panda house covers 9,000square meters and (54)l ______ like an ancient Chinese palace.It has areas for the pandas to sleep and play,as well as rooms for their (55)f ______ babies to live in.
            • 5.
              final; be tired out; take the lead; not decide; take up;
              twelve; by oneself; cross a road; lose one's way; calm down
              (1) -You seem to have made great progress in English.Who helped you with it?
              -Nobody,I learn it ______ .
              (2) We are often told ______ in face of danger.
              (3) -Jim,playing computer games ______ too much of your time.
              -Sorry,Sir.I will spend more time on my study from now on.
              (4) Take a GPS with you when you go traveling,or you ______ in a strange place.
              (5) To celebrate my ______ birthday,my parents will take me to go camping in the nearby forest park.
              (6) -I called you last night,but there was no answer.
              -Oh,I am sorry.I ______ after play in basketball for hours and went to bed early.
              (7) After years of searching,the police ______ found the lost boy and sent him back to his family.
              (8) -What's your plan after graduating from college?
              -I ______ yet.Maybe I will go abroad for further study.
              (9) -Look!Nora ______ in the running competition!
              -Yes,she is good at running.
              (10) -Frank,you worried.Anything wrong?
              -My mum fell over and was badly hurt while she ______ on a rainy day.
            • 6.
              A Carpenter's StoryAn elderly carpenter was ready to retire(退休).He told his boss of his plans to leave the house-building business to live a more leisure life with his wife and family.
              The boss was sorry to see his skillful worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor.The carpenter said yes,but over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work.He used shoddy workmanship (粗糙的手艺) and low-quality materials.It was an unfortunate way to end a perfect career.
              When the carpenter finished his work,his boss came to inspect the house.Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said,"This is your house…my gift to you."
              The carpenter was shocked!
              "What a shame!If I had only known he was building my own house,I would have done it all so differently…"The carpenter said to himself.
              So it is with us.We build our lives,a day at a time,often putting less than our best into the building.Then,with a shock;we realize we have to live in the house we have built.If we could do it over,we would do it much differently.
              But,you cannot go back.Someone once said,"Life is a do-it-yourself project."Your attitude and the choices you made today,help build the"house"you will live in tomorrow.Therefore,build wisely!
              Title:A Carpenter's Story
              Passage outline Supporting details
              Introduction An elderly carpenter was asked to build an extra house as a personal favor to his boss (71) ______ he retired.
              Process of building the extra house ●He agreed to build he house,but he didn't do it whole-heatedly.
              ●He was quite (72) ______ ,but he didn't try his best.
              ●He had many good materials,but he used low-quality ones.
              (73) ______ of getting the house as a present ●He was surprised to get the house as a gift to him.
              ●He was (74) ______ for putting less than his best to build it.
              ●He would do it much differently if he could do it again.
              Conclusion Life is a do-it-yourself project,and no one can go back.So no matter (75) ______ you have chosen to do,try your best to do it well.
            • 7.
              Do you like winter?It's the coldest season of a year.Here are some things everyone should know about winter.
              (51) ______ Winter is the season when the temperture drops,snows covers the ground.When the temperture is below zero,water freeses and ice forms.
              (52) ______ After a heavy snowfall,children play in the snow.They build snow houses,make snowmen and have snowball fights.People also enjoy skiing,skating,and sledding in the winter.
              (53) ______
              The cold weather can also be dangerous; people slip on the ice and cars slide down hills knocking into each other.Some people also catch a cold when they stay out in the cold.
              (54) ______
              Because winter is so cold,people have to find ways to keep warm.People wear heavy coats,scarfs for their necks,gloves for their hands,and boots on their feet.
              Children drink hot chocolate when they come in from the cold.And families sit around the firework at night and talk about what they did during the day.
              (55) ______ What does the passage mainly tell us?
              A.Many people like winter best.
              B.Winter has a lot of festivels.
              C.The sports people shoud do in winter.
              D.Things we should know about winter.
              A.Winter Dangers:
              B.Winter Weather:
              C.Keep Warm:
              D.Winter Fun:
              (1) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (2) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (3) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (4) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
              (5) A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
            • 8.
              smile,be happiness,give up,and,look for,change,can,finally,your
              Life doesn't always give us the joys we want.We don't always get our hopes and dreams(56) ______ we don't always get our own way.
              But don't(57) ______ hope.You can make a difference,one situation and one person at a time.
              Look for love around you.You'll find love in a(58) ______ ,a kind word or a helping hand.Believe in the love of friends,family,and humankind.Love(59) ______ all around,if you just(60) ______ it.Show(61) ______ love.You will find the power in life along with the joy,(62) ______ ,patience,and understanding.
              Love(63) ______ bring you hope and beat everything
              Even when you feel that there isn't a lot you can do(64) ______ unhappiness or problems,you can
              always do a little.A little at a time(65) ______ makes a big difference.
            • 9.
              The Silk Road went from China to Eastern Europe.It went along the north of China,India,and Persia and ended up in Eastern Europe near today's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.
              It was called the Silk Road because one of the major products traded was silk cloth from China.Chinese silk was soft and of high quality.So people throughout Asia and Europe loved it very much.(22) ______ .Even the Romans called China the"land of silk".
              Besides silk,the Chinese also sold teas,salt,sugar,porcelain(陶瓷),and spices.Most of the goods was expensive.This was because it was a long trip and traders didn't have a lot of room for goods.They bought goods like cotton,ivory,wool,gold,and silver.
              Traders traveled in large caravans.They would have many guards with them.(23) ______ Most of the road was through dry land.So camels were popular animals for transport.
              Although there was some trade between China and the rest of the world for some time,the silk trade developed quickly during the Han Dynasty which ruled from 206 BC to 220 AD.(24) ______ During this time the Mongols controlled most of the trade road,and Chinese traders travel safely.Also,traders had a higher social position during the Mongol rule.(25) ______ It not only helped to develop trade between different countries,but also helped for ideas,culture and inventions to spread across the world.
              A.The Silk Road was important.
              B.The Chinese sold silk for thousands of years.
              C.The Silk Road was full of wealth as well as danger.
              D.Traveling in a big group like a caravan helped in protecting themselves.
              E.Later,under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty,trade China along the Silk Road was fully developed.
            • 10.
              What earliest ride magazines in boring who popular had reasons ever training
              Did you know that the first bicycle were for sport and pleasure?Some of the(31) ______ bikes were toys for the rich.Today,people ride for many different(32) ______ .Children ride bikes for fun.Your mum or dad may(33) ______ to work or to the store.Some people,such as bicycle postmen,even use bikes to do their job.
              The professional cyclists(自行车运动员) made the sport of cycling(34) ______ .These players spend their time(35) ______ and competing in national and international cycling events.They appear on television.They are front-page news in newspaper.Some have become the new athletes of the year in sports(36) ______ .
              But there is one professional cyclists(37) ______ changed cycling history.He is Lance Armstrong.He won the Tour de France six times.The Tour de France is the greatest race in cycling.No one has(38) ______ won this race so many times.But there's more.In his cycling career(事业),Lance(39) ______ to overcome cancer(癌症).As a cancer survivor(幸存者),Mr.Armstrong made the greatest comeback(40) ______ cycling history.
