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            • 1. but at science she go relaxing think call like fater
              I have three friends. They"re Jennifer,Alicia and Scott.Jennifer (1) math. She says it"s difficult (2) interesting. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Miller (3) school,she goes swimming.Alicia likes history best (4) school. She thinks history is very (5) . She is in the school history club. Miss Brown is (6) history teacher. She also likes singing. Soon (7) to school at 7:30. He likes to have (8) because science teacher Mr White is his favorite. He (9) Mr white"s class is very interesting. He likes (10) his friend Mike when he is free.
            • 2.
              big, each, keep, million, hear, place, make, wide, tell, much, see, long
              China is a country with 5,000years of history.It has a (1) longer history than the US.China has the (2) population in the worl
              D.There are many interesting places which attract (3) of tourists from the world every year.
              Have you (4) of the Great Wall? It has a history of over 2,000years.It is about 6,300meters (5) .The Great Wall is (6) of stones and bricks(砖).
              There are huge stones on (7) side and on the highest part.There are tall watch-towers along the Great Wall.Once upon a time,the soldiers (8) watching the enemies(敌人)in the watch-towers day and night.They made fire on the tower to (9) each other when the enemies came.
              The Great Wall is one of the most popular (10) in China,and it is the best place that I have ever visite
            • 3. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词.有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次).
              win be like sing do
              John is a middle shool student. He (1) singing best. When he (2) in the primary school, he joined a singing competition. He practiced again and again because he really wanted (3)
              When the big day came, John was so nervous that he had problems breathing. While he (4) , everyone sat and listened carefully. Finally, John won the first place. He hopes that he (5) better in the future.
            • 4. 根据短文内容,用所给单词的适当形式填空.
              practice, difficult, correct, write, learn, think, easy
              I fell in love with English at a very young age, because I (1) it was a wonderful language. Full of strong wishes of (2) English, I began to learn it. But soon I found it (3) than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to memorize (记忆). And even if you know how (4) them, you can"t use them (5) . And I did rather badly in my first English test. While I was in trouble, my English teacher gave me much help. I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day!
            • 5. Try to Be Active Every Day
              Kids exercise all the time without even thinking of it. Just being active, like when you run around outside or play football at school, is a kind of exercise. (1)______. Such as playing sports, dancing, and even reaching down to touch your toes.
              When you exercise, you help build a strong body that will be able to move around and do all the stuff you need it to do. Try to be active every day and your body will thank you later!
              You may know that your heart is a muscle. (2)______. It can get your heart strong. Aerobic means "with air", so aerobic exercise is a kind of activity that requires oxygen(氧气). When you breathe, you take in oxygen, and if you're doing aerobic exercise, you may notice you're breathing faster than normal. (3)______.
              When you give your heart this kind of workout on a regular basis, your heart will get even better at its main job - delivering oxygen to all parts of your body.
              Do you want to do some exercise right now? (4)______.
              (5)______. Did you ever do a push-up or swing across the monkey bars at the playground? Those are exercises that can build strength. By using your muscles to do powerful things, you can make them stronger. For older teens and adults, this kind of workout can make muscles bigger, too.
              A. It works hard, pumping(输送)blood every day of your life.
              B. Another kind of exercise can help make your muscles stronger
              C. You can help this important muscle get stronger by doing aerobic exercise
              D. Try swimming, basketball, walking quickly, soccer, or biking
              E. There is other exercise.
            • 6. busy, he, catch , with, in, take , have, farmer, be , tomato
              I got up very early this morning. My parents (1) Lily and me to a small village. We went there in a big bus (2) a lot of people. We visited a (3) house there.
              Everybody called the farmer Uncle Lee and (4) wife Aunty Lee. They were very happy to see us. They (5) a big house, with a sitting room and a kitchen in it. They (6) all clean and tidy. We sat (7) the sitting room for a short time.
              Uncle Lee"s house was not far from a lake. In the lake they could (8) fish. We saw his ducks swimming in the lake.
              There were a few fruit trees behind his house and there was a vegetable garden. Uncle Lee grew (9) , cabbages and peas. Near the garden there was a small house. It was full of farm animals. Uncle Lee told us he often went to town to sell his chickens, ducks, fish and vegetables.
              There were six people in Uncle Lee"s family. They were always very (10) but they felt very happy.
            • 7. think,with,became,interested,hometown,who,rich,for,honest,exciting,few,reading

              One day,T took a bus a town of London.It was my (1) ,a city filled with friendly people.I sat opposite to a young man.His clothes were very old,and this made me (2) of my poor childhood.
              After (3) a book for a while,I thought it was a shame not to have a talk (4) him.So we began our talk with the name of the book I was reading.He seemed to be (5) in reading and have a lot of knowledge about literature.Soon it was his stop and then he stood up to leave,but he said,"Thank you very much (6) not regarding me as a homeless man.Nowadays (7) people like to speak to me.To be (8) ,you are the first person (9) took time with me on a bus ride."
              The bus ride (10) one of the sweetest memories in my life.
            • 8.
              clean help work finish park notice school great bike everywhere
              A Clean Park
              Tyler rode his bike to the park. It was just down the street. When he got to the (1) , he saw a lot of children holding garbage(垃圾) bags. They were picking up garbage.
              One of the children was Lauren, a girl from his (2) . She waved at Tyler.
              "We"re (3) up the park today," she said. "Do you want to (4) us?"
              "Not really." Tyler said. It was Saturday, a day to have a rest. He came to the park to have fun, not to (5) !
              Tyler rode his bike around the park. As he rode, he (6) something terrible. There was garbage (7) . There were soda bottles, food wrappers(包装纸) and newspapers. It looked so bad!
              Tyler rode back to Lauren. He got off his (8)
              "I"ll help," he said. Lauren smiled.
              "Here," she said. She gave him a bag. Tyler and the kids cleaned for about an hour. When they (9) , he rode around the park again. The park looked (10) ! Tyler smiled.
            • 9. Packing For a Picnic
              It's a sunny Saturday.  (48)______ What should we pack(打包)?
              First, let's pack the food.(49)______. They are easy to hold. You can put them in little bags. Fruit is nice too. Apples, oranges, and bananas are all easy to eat. (50)______. Oh, don't forget to bring drinks along.
              (51)______. A blanket to sit on would be good. Napkins (餐巾纸) will keep our clothes and hands clean. It would be smart to bring a sweater or jacket along because there may be cool wind.

              A ball to play catch with might be a good idea, too. If it is breezy, we can fly a kite. Let's take a music player.  (52)______.
              With tasty food and fun things to do, we are sure to have fun!
              A. We'll need some other things
              B. Let's have a picnic in the park
              C. Sandwiches are good for picnics
              D. We can dance to our favorite music
              E. Let's take some chips and cookies, too
            • 10.
              A. equal B. used C. getting worse D. improving E. on average
              For the good of our children, given them better food! The number of children who are obese or overweight is on the rise and the problem is clearly (1) . These children have many sick days from school, and might get bullied(受辱) because of their weight. So (2) their health will help solve these problems.
              From my point of view, the main cause of these health problems is the poor quality of the school lunches the children get. A typical student will have, (3) , a burger, fires, a chocolate bar and sofa for lunch every day. That is (4) to 75% of the recommended calorie intake(推荐的卡路里摄入量)and 90% of the recommended fat intake. Giving students chicken, pasta, an apple and son=me milk will decrease the calories by 78% and fat by 80%.
