优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              Are you looking forward to the weekend? You are not the only one who enjoys it. People in the UK a     (1)     get excited about the weekend, as it is a time to go out and get together with family and f      (2)    .

              Saturday morning is time for s       (3)    . For boys, football is the usual choice(选择), while girls often go to dance or fitness classes. On Saturday afternoon, the shopping malls become   b     (4)     Young people go out, looking at clothes, playing music or video games. Older people like to s      (5)    on Saturday,  too. They take a trip to the supermarket if they need s     (6)    for their house. It’s time for people to show off(炫耀) their new clothes on Saturday n      (7)    . They usually dress up and go out for fun. Some people go out for dinner, to all kinds of r      (8)     — Japanese, French or Chinese.

              Many shops, banks and companies c      (9)     on Sunday. Most people don’t work and they usually have a family day. They have a big l      (10)    .

              With roast beef, roast potatoes, gravy(肉汁) and vegetables. This often leads to a quiet night, since everyone is very full at noon.




            • 2.

               Mrs. White has a shop in the town. There are all kinds of fruit in her shop. She’s friendly to the customers and n_(1)fool(愚弄) anyone. So the customers like to buy fruit in her shop, and she g_(2) more and more money.

                 One day, the apples in her shop w_(3)all fresh and nice. She remembered her son Frank liked them best, so she brought some home for her son. After lunch, she went out and left the a(4) on the table. That afternoon Frank came back from school, he felt very hungry.  He looked for s(5)to eat and found some apples on the table. “Great! They are my favourite,” he screamed and ate a lot. Mrs. White got home after she c_(6)her fruit shop. When she saw Frank, she asked him, “Did you have the apples?” Her son answered, “Yes. And I a_(7) lots of them.” “Did you wash them?” “Oh, I forgot. I was too h_(8). What should I do?”

                 A few minutes later, Mrs. White found her son kept on d_(9)water.

                 “Are you thirsty? Why are you drinking so much water?” asked the mother.

                 “No, mom,” answered the boy, “I want to w(10) the apples in my stomach with the water.”

            • 3.

              Last summer was Ann’s trip to Russia. She was very excited. But when she  ______  (1)  ____(arrive) at the hotel, she found that her Russian money wasn’t in her handbag. She looked for it carefully in all her bags, but she  ______  (2)  ________ (not find) it. She  _____  (3)  ___(have) only a ten-pound note with her. She found a place _____  (4)  _____(change) her English money. On her way back to the hotel, Ann  ______  (5)  _____(buy) some cheese, some bread and some oranges. When she saw the manager, she said, “ I don’t  _____  (6)  ____(eat) Russian food except for (除了)breakfast”. Because she knew the price of the hotels include(包括)breakfast.

                Other tourists visited places of great interest in Russia, but Ann always _______  (7)  _____(say) she wasn’t well. In fact her holiday wasn’t bad, except that she was always hungry. After all(毕竟), a piece of fruit for lunch, and bread and cheese for supper aren’t enough, especially not for two weeks.

                On the last day of her holiday, Jane, one of the tourists  ______  (8)  ______(ask) Ann. “ The food ______  (9)  _______(be) delicious. Why do you never have lunch or dinner with us in the hotel restaurants?”

                Ann told her all about her money problem. Jane looked at her for a moment, and then said, “ I thought you enjoyed _____  (10)  _______(eat) outside. But didn’t you know the price of this hotel includes everything?” Ann couldn’t help laughing.

              (1) __________
              (2) __________
              (3) __________
              (4) __________

              (5) __________

              (6) __________
              (7) __________
              (8) __________
              (9) __________

              (10) __________

            • 4.

                 How did we help to save our earth this week? Let me tell you.

                 First, my family tried to save electricity. We never left the lights on when l  (1)   the rooms. We turned off the TV when nobody was watching it. Mum only used cold water in the washing machine.

                    Second, we started recycling this week. We tried to write on b  (2)   sides of our paper, not just on one side.  We also divided(划分) our rubbish into d  (3)   bags for bottles, paper and food.     Mum kept the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again a  (4)  rubbish bags.

                 Third, my family started to save water.  We stopped taking long baths and took short showers i  (5)   . We washed the toilet with u  (6)   water. Mum and dad used less water to do the washing. My sister and I didnˈt l  (7)   the water running when we brushed our teeth.

                   At last, mum and dad began to save gas.   Mum used to d  (8)  us to school, but now my sister and I started riding our bikes to school. Itˈs hard work but good e  (9)  !   This week dad and a few of the people in his company also started to go to work in one car and to s  (10)   the cost.

                 These are great ways to help save our environment.

              (1) __________

              (2) __________
              (3) __________
              (4) __________
              (5) __________
              (6) __________
              (7) __________
              (8) __________
              (9) __________

              (10) __________

            • 5.

              Do kids need QQ friends? Let’s listen to Joe and his mother.

              Joe: I need QQ friends. I’m   (1)  only boy at home. I have no sisters or brothers. My parents are busy. They   (2)  (usual) get home late.   (3)   I can t find anything to talk with them. They are too strict   (4)  me. At school. I have some friends, too. I don’t want   (5)  (tell) them too many things. I have two QQ friends. I talk with them after school or on weekends. I can tell them anything and they like to help me solve(解决)  (6)  (problem). They are really my good friends

              Joe’s mother: QQ friends? Our kids can talk with us,   (7)  (read) books and play with their friends. His father and I often take   (8)  (he) to the sports club on weekends. Joe loves   (9)  (exercise) there. We give him anything he needs.   (10)   does he need QQ friends?

              (1) ___________

              (2) ___________

              (3) ___________

              (4) ___________

              (5) ___________

              (6) ___________

              (7) ___________

              (8) ___________

              (9) ___________

              (10) ___________

            • 6.

               Today people can u  (1)   the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But when you use the phone, you don’t see the person you are t  (2)  with. That may c  (3)  in the near future.

               Today some people are using a kind of telephone c  (4)  ‘picture phone’ or ‘vision phone’. W  (5)   it, two people who are talking can see each other.

              Picture phones can be useful when you have s  (6)  to show to the person you are calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a l  (7)  and ask to see a book. T  (8)  you will be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may go shopping t  (9)   your picture phone. If you see something in that you think you want to buy, you will go to your phone and call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing you arei  (10)   in just over the phone. You can shop all over town and never even leave your room!

            • 7.

              Sometimes we have a fight with a friend . Many times , you find that even forgot what the __(1)__ was about . You just seemed to be angry , and then stop t__(2)_ to each other .Time____(3)___(流逝) and you r___(4)___that you had ____(5)_ the friendship, and wished you could ___(6)____ (与----交流) your friends again.Leave the ____(7)____( /ˈɑːgjʊm(ə)nt/ )alone,andavoid (避免) fighting . If you talk right after the fight , many things are said out of a____(8)__ .However , do not wait too ____(9)___. Too long time may make the relationship more d__(10)_ to make up. So after the fight calms down,   (1)    (2)  ___(确保)  you talk to the person be fore it’s too late. After you do that, sit down and say you are sorry if you are the one who c___(12)_ the fight. This method(方法)really ___(13)___(有作用) to your relationship with your friends.Maybe your friend could be at fault (过错)!If you are not sure ,review the events that _(14)__(导致) the fight. If your __(  (3)  __ is wrong , don’t apologize (道歉). You probably didn’t do anything wrong! So give your friend the cold shoulder . Wait until they say they are sorry! And if they don’t apologize , they ‘re not worth your time ! You can spend the time with your other friends.

              (1) _____________
              (2) _____________
              (3) _____________
              (4) _____________
              (5) _ _______ ____
              (6) _____________
              (7) _____________
              (8) _____________
              (9) _____________
              (10) _____________
              (11) _____________
              (12) _____________
              (13) _____________
              (14) _____________
              (15) _____________
            • 8.

                    Few years ago, a small town in Taiwan started to grow good rice. The  (1)  (health)rice was not grown by farmers, but students from an elementary school of only about   (2)  [‘fifti] people.

                    The idea of growing good rice came from the school teachers. While making plans, the teachers decided to   (3)  students how to grow rice on school land.In their opinions, students needed to get   (4)  [kləus] to the land. And doing farm work outside the classroom is a great way to spend their  (5)  time.

                    To their surprise, the rice they grew tasted   (6)  (good) than the normal rice on the market. Soon, their rice became really popular. The school made money   (7)  selling the rice and giving farming classes to the public. With the money, the school hoped to help students who wished to go to   (8)   [ˈfɔ:rən] counties someday.

                   Today the dream is coming true. The students are   (9)  (invite) to Japan to share their special farming experience, and enjoy   (10)  (they) there, of course!

                    “We all feel very proud that even students from a small town can be seen in theworld,”said one of the teachers.

            • 9.

              Karen was a social worker. Every day, on her way to work, she had to pass a place where many poor people lived. She had not paidmuch a  (1)  to it before. But this changed one day when she met a poor boy c  (2)   Ben. Ben knew she was the head of social service, and that she could h  (3)  . He reached out his hand and said, “Can you help me? I’m looking for my dad.” His hands were so c  (4)  . Karen asked, “What’s up?” “My mom is terribly sick. Her birthday is coming. I know my father’s coming back would be the best p  (5)  . My dad had left us before I was two years old,” said the boy.

              Karen was deeply moved and asked Ben to take her to his home. He led her to a small house. Karen saw a woman l  (6)  in bed. The woman knew she was dying. She said to Karen, “Please find a h  (7)   for my son.” Karen took her hand and nodded with tears (眼泪). She got an i  (8)  ! Her husband and she had no children, and looked forward to having o  (9)  . Later Karen brought Ben home. Ever since then, the new family have had h  (10)   and laughter.

              (1) __________
              (2) __________
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              (4) __________
              (5) __________
              (6) __________
              (7) __________
              (8) __________
              (9) __________
              (10) __________
            • 10.


              Li Ting, a 26-year-old girl from China,       (1)     (live) in the USA since she was 7. She always follows the rules and laws and never makes trouble. She enjoys       (2)    (work) at a technology company. But in September 2017, she began to worry      (3)    her future.

              It all started from a decision US President Donald Trump      (4)    on Sept 5th: ending a program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA,童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划). Nearly 800,000 young people in the US       (5)   (protect) by the program and Li Ting is one of them.

              Passed by former president Barack Obama in 2012, DACA allows immigrants(移民) who were brought to the US illegally(非法地) as children to stay in the country. Mainly from Mexico, Asia and Latin America, these immigrants, called “dreamers”, are now in their    (6) (twenty). Under the program, they can apply (申请) to live, study, and work legally in the US for two years. After that, they can apply for longer stay.

              But now, the dreamers only have about 6 to 24 months      (7)   they become illegal and are asked to leave the country. This has caused a great stir(轩然大波).

              Already considering      (8)   as Americans, the dreamers have played    (9)   important role in US society through their hard work. For example, about 10,000 students in the US will lose their teachers if the dreamers all leave, reported the New York Times.

              Many people in the country are against the move. The US government said it will wind down(逐步废除) DACA in the next six months and is finding     (10)  (solution) to replace it.

