优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              People can save water by _________ ( use ) it.

            • 2.


              (1)Mr Green enjoys_______________ (work) in China.

              (2)The _______________ (perform) is from Australia. He is also popular in China.

              (3)There are a lot of_______________ (visit) in Lijiang.

              (4)Chinese is_______________ (little) difficult than English.

              (5)Please tell him _______________(wash) his hands before meals.


              (1)Last Sunday we didn’t go out_______________(因为)the rain.

              (2)Did you write a(n) _______________(日记) yesterday?

              (3)It’s_______________(必要的)for us to exercise every day to keep healthy.

              (4)—Which_______________ (节目) do you like best?

                —Avenue of Stars.

              (5)You can ask the teacher for more_______________(信息). 

            • 3.

              He is busy _________ for his final exam (preparation)

            • 4.

              Nobody spent more time than Audrey Hepburn did ________(work) closely with the UNICEF.

            • 5.

              ( 1)_______________(就我所知),China is the largest Asian country.

              ( 2)The story__________(出版) as a book twenty years ago.

              ( 3)_________(随便) to talk to anyone you like at the party.

              ( 4)When the baby saw his mother, he ran quicky and_________(绊倒).

              ( 5) Would you mind________(接我) when my classes are over?

            • 6. You should knock on the door before ____________(进入)the teacher's office.
            • 7.

              Complete the sentences with proper forms of the words given.


              There must be someone at the door.I hear a bell _______(ring).


              They want to write _______(story)or books for people to read.


              Why are you so happy today?Because I _______(win)the badminton match.


              “Do be a _______(help)person!”my father always says to me.


              Tom thinks Chinese is _______(difficult )of all.


              His parents have two children,but they want a _______(three)one.


              Can you see the girl_______(dance)over there?


              Put your _______(foot)together and jump up and down.


              I think the English song is well worth_______(listen)to again.


              The plane _______(take )off when they arrived at the airport.

            • 8.

              most     far       talk       treat        you

              (1) If there is no       discussion, perhaps we can pass on.  (2) Do you have any trouble _________ to people with intellectual disabilities ?   (3) Children! Help __________ to these delicious dishes.             (4) The doctor says lifestyle changes should be part of the __________.  (5) We are___________ out on Sundays.
            • 9. 词汇运用(每空一词)

              (1)Both of my uncles’____________ (妻子) are teachers.

              (2)Which animal do you know has two ___________ (胃)?

              (3)I don’t think he will mind ___________ (打印) it for you .

              (4)Mr. Liu has a lot of ____________ (经历) while travelling abroad.

              (5)There were bottles of beer and wine on the table ____________ the wall. (紧靠)

              (6)It’s my _________ (please) to work with such a famous writer.

              (7)Some students laugh at the girl because of her __________ .(ugly)

              (8)We made some mistakes when ____________(translate) the novel.

              (9)It’s____________ for you to go abroad if you have no passport.(possible)

              (10)Yann Martel, a ____________ (Canada) writer,wrote the famous story《Life of Pi》.

            • 10.


              My daughter likes_____ _____ with me.

