优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              How can you get the most information from a book? Here are some   (1)  which can help you read effectively(有效的).

              ◆Read the whole thing

               When you’re learning something by reading, it’s more important to have a (n)   (2)   idea than to understand every detail(细节). In fact, no matter how   (3)    you read, you won’t remember or understand all of the details. So why not just remember and record the main points?

              ◆Decide how much time you will   (4)  

               If you know that you have only six hours for a book, it’ll be   (5)  of you to adjust (调整)yourself. The more clearly you know your limits (限制), the more effective your reading will be. So never start to read   (6)   planning when to stop.

               ◆Have a purpose

              Before you begin, find out   (7)  you are reading this book. If you don’t have reasons of your own, you    (8)  learn much. After you start to read, try to    (9)   four questions: Who is the writer? What are the book’s opinions? What are the reasons? What are the conclusions?

               ◆Read it three times

               You’ll get the most out of the book  (10)  you read it three times--- fast-reading for general ideas, reading for understanding, and then reading for note-taking and remembering.

              (1) A. results       B. suggestions       
              C. choices              D. reasons

              (2) A. general      B. proper              
              C. active                D. direct

              (3) A. lively        B. quickly            
              C. carefully           D. badly

              (4) A. lose           B. save                 
              C. spend                D. take

              (5) A. honest       B. lazy                 
              C. slow                 D. wise

              (6) A. after          B. around                           
              C. without             D. beside

              (7) A. why          B. what                
              C. when                D. how   

              (8) A. needn’t      B. can’t                
              C. mustn’t             D. shouldn’t

              (9) A. think of    B. talk about         
              C. help with           D. put out

              (10) A. so             B. but                  
              C. or                     D. if

            • 2.

              I hid the long black bag in the garage (车库) two days ago. Tonight, in the dark, I would finally take it away. If everything went OK, it would be done by morning. But I had to be sure no one, not even my wife, saw me.

              It was more difficult to get away from the party than I expected. I said that the children were tired and needed to get to bed. It was partly true. But the main reason for leaving was that I wanted to complete my plan.

              First I had to get the kids to sleep. That was never easy at any time and tonight it was even more difficult. The eldest one wanted to know why we left the party early. I told him 10:30 pm was not early. As usual, I read them a bed time story, but I had to stop myself reading too quickly or they would learn my secret.

              Silence finally came, and feeling like a thief (小偷) in the night, I went out of the house and into the garage. Taking one end, I pulled the bag out from its hiding place and took it into the garden. I was worried that my neighbours might see me and call the police.

              It was already eleven o’clock. By the light of the moon I started working, trying to make as little noise as possible. And that was not easy with a saw (锯子) and a hammer (锤子).

              After much hard work, I finally completed my work. I looked down at my watch. It was exactly 4:00 am. Then I went inside to have a shower and get a few hours of sleep. It wouldn’t be long now before the kids would rush into my room and wake me up to tell me about the new tree-house Father Christmas brought them this year.

              (1) Why did the man feel nervous?


              A. He left the party too late.                     
              B. He was afraid of the darkness.


              C. He didn’t know where the black bag was.      
              D. He worried that others would know his secret.
              (2) The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to_______.


              A. thieves              B. parents                    
              C. children                    D. neighbours
              (3) In what order did the man do the following?

              a. Read the kids a story.                     b. Had a shower.                 c. Worked in the moonlight.  

              d. Pulled the bag from the garage.      e. Went to a party.


              A. e-d-a-b-c                
              B. e-a-d-c-b                
              C. a-b-e-d-c                       
              D. a-e-d-c-b
              (4) How would the children feel when they saw the man’s work?


              A. Interested.         B. Excited.                   
              C. Tired.                      D. Angry.
            • 3.

              The water problem may be the most serious problem in the world. You may think it is strange because nearly 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Yes,it is true. But about 97% of it is salt water, and people can’t drink it. People can only drink and use the other 3% fresh water. The water only comes from rivers, lakes and underground water. And we cannot even use all of it, because icebergs (冰山) cover some of it. Even worse, people have polluted some of the fresh water.

              All living things need water to live. We drink water when we are thirsty. So do the other living things. If we pollute the rivers and the oceans, fish may get sick or even die. Some birds live off fish. If the birds eat the sick or dead fish,they may die off. So we really need to pay more attention to the water problem.

              Of course, the water is still enough for us if people try to recycle some of it.But today more and more water is needed by people. We must take steps to solve the problem. The first way is to try our best to protect the water from pollution.Another way is to find out ways of reusing water. The last way is to take the salt out of sea water, and this has begun in many countries. But it costs too much.Maybe at the end of the next century, there will be only drinking water.

              (1) _____ of the earth’s surface is covered with water.

              A. Nearly 70% B. About 97% C. About 3% D. Nearly 30%

              (2) People can only drink and use _____.

              A. sea water B. salt water
              C. polluted water D. fresh water

              (3) The water that we use comes from _____.

              A. the sea B. rivers and lakes
              C. underground water D. both B and C

              (4) How many ways are mentioned to solve the water problem in this passage?

              A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

            • 4.

              Do you want to eat plastic bags? It’s not a joke. EnviGreen, an Indian company, has created a bag with 12 natural ingredients(成分)including potatoes, corn, vegetable oil and bananas. It looks and feels just like plastic, but it does no harm to the environment. Both humans and animals can safely eat it. It takes about 1,000 years for common plastic bags to break down(分解). But an EnviGreen bag can naturally break down in less than 180 days. It also breaks down in less than a day in water.

              What are teenagers’ favorite clothes? A recent survey shows that 26 percent of kids want a pair of blue jeans. They say it’s classic and cool. However, when it comes to the favorite color, 29 percent of girls like pink and 56 percent of boys like black.

              Nowadays using emojis(表情符号) in personal emails and text messages is common. But is it OK to use them on some more serious occasions(场合), like in the workplace. A new study done in North America shows that over half of the managers won’t care if their workers use emojis at work.

              (1) Why is the bag created by the Indian company special?

              A. It’s harmful to the environment.

              B. It takes many years to break down.

              C. It can be eaten.

              D. It is made of metal.     

              (2) Which of the following about the bag created by the Indian company is TRUE?

              A. It includes 13 ingredients .
              B. It is friendly to the environment.

              C. Only animals can eat it.
              D. It can’t break down in water.

              (3) What is the percentage(百分比) of girls who like pink according to the survey?

              A. 26% B. 29% C. 56% D. 86%

              (4) More than 50% of the managers in North America think that ______ if their workers use

              emojis in the workplace.

              A. it is harmful B. it doesn’t matter

              C. it is impolite D. it is funny

            • 5.

              Cars make our lives more convenient. But they can also be a problem, especially fossil fuel(化石燃料).

              Cars make our lives more convenient. But they can also be a problem, especially fossil fuel cars, which are a major cause of air pollution.To improve the environment, many countries are developing electric vehicles(EVs, 电动车). Among them, China is taking a leading role and has created the world’s largest EV market, according to the Wall Street Journal. Last year, over 40 percent of the 753,000 EVs sold worldwide were sold in China, more than twice as many as the number sold in the United States, according to the International Energy Agency.Chinese drivers are already big fans of EVs. Chinese auto companies(汽车公司)including BYD and BAIC rankamong the top in the world in EV sales.

              “Charging(充电)an electric car is cheaper than filling up a fossil fuel car with gas,” said Wu Hao, who bought an electric car from BAIC this year. However, there are still some problems. It can be hard to find charging piles(充电桩)and the cars can’t go far before needing to be recharged. Some of these problems are being solved. In 2014, China had 31,000 charging piles, according to Xinhua News Agency. Now China has the world’s largest EV charging network, with more than 167,000 charging piles in total, according to the Economic Daily.

              Developing EVs is one of many efforts China has made to reduce pressure on its environment after the government promised to stop increases in carbon dioxide emissions (排放量)by 2030.

              “As China goes, so will the world’s auto industry,” the Wall Street Journal said.

              (1) Why did China make great efforts to develop EVs?

              A. To take a leading role in the world market.

              B. To reduce the air pollution.

              C. To be popular with Chinese drivers.

              D. To get the top in the world in EV sales.

              (2) How many charging piles did China have in 2014?

              A. 40                                
              B. 753,000                 
              C. 167,000                 
              D. 31,000

              (3) What does the underline word “rank” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?

              A. 控制                             B. 位列                     
              C. 监测                      D. 掌握

              (4) From the passage, we can know ____.

              A. the cars can’t go far after being charged

              B. there are no more problems with Evs

              C. the Evs increases the carbon dioxide emissions

              D. the world’s auto industry will develop as China does

              (5) The passage is written mainly to ____.

              A. describe the problems of EVs

              B. explain the largest EV market

              C. introduce the development of EVs in China

              D. show the future of the world’s auto industry

            • 6.

              Today, we may see all kinds of high-technology products in our lives. Wearable technology is nothing new. Google Project Glass (谷歌眼镜) and smart watches are now as common as shoes and glasses. In the not too distant future, it’s likely that our clothes will be almost as smart as our phones. But what’s the advantage of Internet-connected clothing?

              Imagine when you put a jacket in the washing machine, a chip (芯片) in the jacket puts the machine on the right laundry setting, making life just that a little bit easier. The clothes have the ability to help us find out more information about the product, such as how it was designed, where it was made. And it isn’t just a dream. Internet-connected clothes are already being made but they need time to be popular.

               Two leading companies in clothing making hav created a jacket with two-bar-code(二维码). The code in the chip gives the user a number of special droits such as going to some clubs, special menus at certain restaurants and tickets to some fashion shows.

              But Internet-connected clothing isn’t the only way combining with technology. It will also change the way we buy clothes. Through smart computers in our homes, our shopping needs will be known in advance and taken care of. For example, before you realize you’ve run out of dresses, your favorite online sellers have already recordered some new ones for you based on your repurchasing (再次购买) patterns.

               With Internet-connected clothing, it may soon be taht when we buy clothes, we hardly have to think about anything at all.

              (1) Now Google Project Glass and smart watches are ______in our lives.

              A. as cheap as shoes and glasses
              B. new technology products

              C. common products
              D. only on sale online

              (2) From Paragraph 4 we can know that _____ in advance.

              A.      computers in our homes will know what we need

              B.       computers in our homes will buy clothes for us

              C.       we will let computers help us choose clothes

              D.      how we buy clothes won’t change much

              (3) What does the underlined word “droits” mean in this passage?

              A. 资金 B. 嗜好 C. 损伤 D. 权利

              (4) Which of the following is NOT true?

              A.      In the future, buying clothes will be much easier than it is now.

              B.       Internet-connected clothes are already popular in some countries.

              C.       Our favorite clothes online sellers will know what clothes we want in advance.

              D.      The chip on the clothes will give us much information about the clothes.

              (5) What does the passage mainly tell us?

              A. Buying clothes will be easier.

              B. Smart clothes are on the way.

              C. Clothes can wash themselves soon.

              D. How the chip on the clothes help us get more information.

            • 7.

              The school library provides all kinds of books for students to read during this winter vacation. The following are some of their favorites.

              (1) Tina is interested in European history in the19th century, she will borrow ________.
              A. “On Three Kingdoms”             
              B. “Harry Potter”
              C. “War and Peace”                           
              D. “The World of Basketball”
              (2) You can find interesting and educational articles by different writers in ________.
              A. “War and Peace”                     
              B. “Reader’s Digest”
              C. “Harry Potter”                        
              D. “On Three Kingdoms”
              (3) You may read news about famous players and great ball games in ________.
              A. “Reader’s Digest”                      
              B. “War and Peace”
              C. “Famous Detective Konan”           
              D. “The World of Basketball”
              (4) Yi Zhongtian talks about ________ in his book.
              A. the adventures in the magic world     
              B. the war betweenRussiaand France
              C. People in times of Three Kingdoms   
              D. the detective stories
              (5) Where does the writer of “Harry Potter”- J.K. Rowling come from?
              A. Russia         B. America        
              C. Britain         D. China
            • 8.

                The idea that red means stop and green means go has influenced our lives in more ways than just traffic signals(信号).We have been taught from a young age that the color red means danger and green means itˈs okay to move forward.But why were those colors chosen for traffic lights in the first place?For something we have to look at every day,why couldnˈt they have been prettier colors? 

              Well,itˈs import to know that before traffic lights for cars,there were traffic signals for trains.At first,railway companies used red to mean stop,white to mean go,and green to mean warn.As you could imagine,trains ran into a few problems with white meaning go.For example,one train mistook a bright star for a white light and something unexpected happened. Because of that,railway companies finally moved green meaning go and used yellow to mean warn.And itˈs been that way ever since. Red has always been a color that mean danger,long before cars were even around.This most likely started because itˈs the color with the longest wavelength(波长) so it can be seen somewhere farther than other colors. 

              But,believe it or not,yellow was once used to mean stop.Back in the 1900s,some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sign in a poorly lit area.Finally,highly reflective materials(高反射材料) were developed and red stop signs were born.Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day,school zones,some traffic signs,and school buses continue to be printed yellow. 

              So next time you are impatiently waiting at a traffic light,donˈt get so mad at them,theyˈve certainly come a long way.


              (1) What were traffic signals for before traffic lights for cars?
              A. Trains          B. Boats.            
              C. Planes     D. Bicycles
              (2) Which of the following colors meant go at first?
              A. Red.               B. Yellow.          
              C. White.      D. Green.
              (3) Why does red mean danger?
              A. Because itˈs the brightest color.     
              B. Because it can be seen far away.
              C. Because railway companies say so.  
              D. Because it has the shortest wavelength.
              (4) Why are school buses painted yellow?
              A. Because yellow can be seen well in daytime.
              B. Because yellow means itˈs OK to go forward.
              C. Because yellow is a prettier color.      
              D. Because yellow once meat danger. 
              (5) What does the text mainly tell us?
              A. What red,yellow and green can be used for.
              B. Why traffic lights are red,yellow and green.
              C. Which color has the longest wavelength.
              D. How important traffic lights are.
            • 9.

              February 14th is Read to Your Child Day .It’s a great chance for you to enjoy reading with your child . Here are some ideas .

               Share a childhood favorite .What was your favorite book as a child ? Share the book with your children and let them know you more . If you don’t have the book ,go to a local library or a bookstore to get one .

               Attend a reading activity .Your local library or bookstore may have some reading activities . If there isn’t any on that day ,you can hold your own .

               Get interactive (互动).Reading a book with your child can be an interactive activity. You can create voices for the characters and act out the story . As for young children ,you can find a book they know well.

               Write a story together .What about writing a story with your child ? it can be enjoyable and your child may never forget that day .

              (1) Read to Your Child Day is on ______
              A. February 14th B. March 14th
              C. May 14th D. July 14th
              (2) How many ideas are mentioned in the passage ?
              A. Four   B. Three   C. Two    D. One  
              (3) The writer thinks sharing your favorite book ____.
              A. isa waste of time     
              B. is very easy 
              C. can help your children know you better 
              D. can make your children love the book
              (4) According to the passage ,children may remember Read to Your Child Day well by _____.
              A. writing a story        
              B. reading in the library
              C. keeping a diary on the day  
              D. attending an activity
              (5) Who is this passage written for ?
              A. children   B. parents   C. teachers    D. book lovers
            • 10.

              You’ve got plenty of emails from your mom,and maybe even a few from dear old grandma. But have you ever received a message from a river?

              Now,Ireland’s River Lee is sending out much information,thanks to wireless(无线的) technology. In a program called the DEPLOY project,scientists have put some sensors(传感器) in rivers that can find pollution levels.

              Instead of asking scientists to collect water samples several times a day,the government can now examine pollution levels in the water,and find out if there is anything polluted entering the river. This makes it much easier for scientists to protect the environment,since problems can be discovered before a serious pollution accident really happens.

              People in the area can also receive free reports from the river,so that they can find out whether the water is safe for swimming or boating on a certain day. And people can also know if the water is clear enough for them to drink and use.

              The DEPLOY project has not only started in Ireland,also the same programs have started in thousands of places around the U.S. Now you live in a world in which you could receive information with your mobile phone about environment. The technology should help to make us know more about the pollution that surrounds us—which just might get us all a little more involved with trying to clean up our world.


              How do scientists find pollution levels in rivers?

              A. By putting sensors in rivers.
              B. By using mobile phones.
              C. By boating or swimming.
              D. By surfing the Internet.

              The underlined word “samples” in the passage means “_______” in Chinese.

              A. 样品 B. 有机物 C. 无机物 D. 示范

              The DEPLOY project is a project that cares for ________.

              A. weather B. environment C. industry D. study

              Which of the following is TRUE?

              A. The DEPLOY project has only started in the United States.
              B. The DEPLOY project tells us how to keep the air and water clean.
              C. The DEPLOY project helps us live in a world with clear air.
              D. You can receive information about environment with your phone.
